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Test Info:
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /trusted-types/eval-csp-tt-default-policy-mutate.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
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trustedTypes.createPolicy("default", {createScript: s => s.replace("1", "4")});
test(t => {
assert_throws_js(EvalError, _ => eval('1+1'));
}, "eval of string where default policy mutates value throws.");
test(t => {
assert_throws_js(EvalError, _ => eval?.('1+1'));
}, "indirect eval of string where default policy mutates value throws.");
test(t => {
assert_throws_js(EvalError, _ => new Function('return 1+1'));
}, "Function constructor with string where default policy mutates value throws.");
const AsyncFunction = async function() {}.constructor;
const GeneratorFunction = function*() {}.constructor;
const AsyncGeneratorFunction = async function*() {}.constructor;
test(t => {
assert_throws_js(EvalError, _ => new AsyncFunction('return 1+1'));
}, "AsyncFunction constructor with string where default policy mutates value throws.");
test(t => {
assert_throws_js(EvalError, _ => new GeneratorFunction('return 1+1'));
}, "GeneratorFunction constructor with string where default policy mutates value throws.");
test(t => {
assert_throws_js(EvalError, _ => new AsyncGeneratorFunction('return 1+1'));
}, "AsyncGeneratorFunction constructor with string where default policy mutates value throws.");