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<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<meta name="assert" content="U+000A LINE FEED is only appended for document.writeln() and only after the arguments are concatenated and sanitized.">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="require-trusted-types-for 'script';">
trustedTypes.createPolicy('default', { createHTML: x => `[${x}]` });
const customPolicy =
trustedTypes.createPolicy('custom', { createHTML: x => `(${x})` });
const cleanupPolicy =
trustedTypes.createPolicy('cleanup', { createHTML: x => x });
const doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(`<body></body>`, "text/html");
function cleanup() { doc.body.innerHTML = cleanupPolicy.createHTML(""); }
test(t => {
let a = customPolicy.createHTML("1");
let b = customPolicy.createHTML("2");
let c = customPolicy.createHTML("3");
let d = customPolicy.createHTML("4");
doc.write(a, b, c, d);
assert_equals(doc.body.innerHTML, "(1)(2)(3)(4)");
}, "document.write() with TrustedHTML arguments only.");
test(t => {
let a = "1"
let b = "2"
let c = "3";
let d = "4"
doc.write(a, b, c, d);
assert_equals(doc.body.innerHTML, "[1234]");
}, "document.write() with String arguments only.");
test(t => {
let a = customPolicy.createHTML("1");
let b = customPolicy.createHTML("2");
let c = "3";
let d = customPolicy.createHTML("4");
doc.write(a, b, c, d);
assert_equals(doc.body.innerHTML, "[(1)(2)3(4)]");
}, "document.write() with TrustedHTML for all but one argument.");
test(t => {
let a = customPolicy.createHTML("1");
let b = customPolicy.createHTML("2");
let c = customPolicy.createHTML("3");
let d = customPolicy.createHTML("4");
doc.writeln(a, b, c, d);
assert_equals(doc.body.innerHTML, "(1)(2)(3)(4)\n");
}, "document.writeln() with TrustedHTML arguments only.");
test(t => {
let a = "1"
let b = "2"
let c = "3";
let d = "4"
doc.writeln(a, b, c, d);
assert_equals(doc.body.innerHTML, "[1234]\n");
}, "document.writeln() with String arguments only.");
test(t => {
let a = customPolicy.createHTML("1");
let b = customPolicy.createHTML("2");
let c = "3";
let d = customPolicy.createHTML("4");
doc.writeln(a, b, c, d);
assert_equals(doc.body.innerHTML, "[(1)(2)3(4)]\n");
}, "document.writeln() with TrustedHTML for all but one argument.");