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import json
import logging
import pickle
from logging import handlers
from shutil import which
import pytest
config = pytest.importorskip("wptserve.config")
logger = logging.getLogger()
def test_renamed_are_renamed():
assert len(set(config._renamed_props.keys()) & set(config.ConfigBuilder._default.keys())) == 0
def test_renamed_exist():
assert set(config._renamed_props.values()).issubset(set(config.ConfigBuilder._default.keys()))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("base, override, expected", [
({"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, {"a": 2}),
({"a": 1}, {"b": 2}, {"a": 1}),
({"a": {"b": 1}}, {"a": {}}, {"a": {"b": 1}}),
({"a": {"b": 1}}, {"a": {"b": 2}}, {"a": {"b": 2}}),
({"a": {"b": 1}}, {"a": {"b": 2, "c": 3}}, {"a": {"b": 2}}),
pytest.param({"a": {"b": 1}}, {"a": 2}, {"a": 1}, marks=pytest.mark.xfail),
pytest.param({"a": 1}, {"a": {"b": 2}}, {"a": 1}, marks=pytest.mark.xfail),
def test_merge_dict(base, override, expected):
assert expected == config._merge_dict(base, override)
def test_as_dict():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger) as c:
assert c.as_dict() is not None
def test_as_dict_is_json():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger) as c:
assert json.dumps(c.as_dict()) is not None
def test_init_basic_prop():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger, browser_host="") as c:
assert c.browser_host == ""
def test_init_prefixed_prop():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger, doc_root="/") as c:
assert c.doc_root == "/"
def test_init_renamed_host():
logger = logging.getLogger("test_init_renamed_host")
handler = handlers.BufferingHandler(100)
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger, host="") as c:
assert len(handler.buffer) == 1
assert "browser_host" in handler.buffer[0].getMessage() # check we give the new name in the message
assert not hasattr(c, "host")
assert c.browser_host == ""
def test_init_bogus():
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
config.ConfigBuilder(logger, foo=1, bar=2)
message = e.value.args[0]
assert "foo" in message
assert "bar" in message
def test_getitem():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger, browser_host="") as c:
assert c["browser_host"] == ""
def test_no_setitem():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger) as c:
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
c["browser_host"] = ""
def test_iter():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger) as c:
s = set(iter(c))
assert "browser_host" in s
assert "host" not in s
assert "__getitem__" not in s
assert "_browser_host" not in s
def test_assignment():
cb = config.ConfigBuilder(logger)
cb.browser_host = ""
with cb as c:
assert c.browser_host == ""
def test_update_basic():
cb = config.ConfigBuilder(logger)
cb.update({"browser_host": ""})
with cb as c:
assert c.browser_host == ""
def test_update_prefixed():
cb = config.ConfigBuilder(logger)
cb.update({"doc_root": "/"})
with cb as c:
assert c.doc_root == "/"
def test_update_renamed_host():
logger = logging.getLogger("test_update_renamed_host")
handler = handlers.BufferingHandler(100)
cb = config.ConfigBuilder(logger)
assert len(handler.buffer) == 0
cb.update({"host": ""})
with cb as c:
assert len(handler.buffer) == 1
assert "browser_host" in handler.buffer[0].getMessage() # check we give the new name in the message
assert not hasattr(c, "host")
assert c.browser_host == ""
def test_update_bogus():
cb = config.ConfigBuilder(logger)
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
cb.update({"foobar": 1})
def test_ports_auto():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger,
ports={"http": ["auto"]},
ssl={"type": "none"}) as c:
ports = c.ports
assert set(ports.keys()) == {"http"}
assert len(ports["http"]) == 1
assert isinstance(ports["http"][0], int)
def test_ports_auto_mutate():
cb = config.ConfigBuilder(logger,
ports={"http": [1001]},
ssl={"type": "none"})
cb.ports = {"http": ["auto"]}
with cb as c:
new_ports = c.ports
assert set(new_ports.keys()) == {"http"}
assert len(new_ports["http"]) == 1
assert isinstance(new_ports["http"][0], int)
def test_ports_explicit():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger,
ports={"http": [1001]},
ssl={"type": "none"}) as c:
ports = c.ports
assert set(ports.keys()) == {"http"}
assert ports["http"] == [1001]
def test_ports_no_ssl():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger,
ports={"http": [1001], "https": [1002], "ws": [1003], "wss": [1004]},
ssl={"type": "none"}) as c:
ports = c.ports
assert set(ports.keys()) == {"http", "ws"}
assert ports["http"] == [1001]
assert ports["ws"] == [1003]
@pytest.mark.skipif(which("openssl") is None,
reason="requires OpenSSL")
def test_ports_openssl():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger,
ports={"http": [1001], "https": [1002], "ws": [1003], "wss": [1004]},
ssl={"type": "openssl"}) as c:
ports = c.ports
assert set(ports.keys()) == {"http", "https", "ws", "wss"}
assert ports["http"] == [1001]
assert ports["https"] == [1002]
assert ports["ws"] == [1003]
assert ports["wss"] == [1004]
def test_init_doc_root():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger, doc_root="/") as c:
assert c.doc_root == "/"
def test_set_doc_root():
cb = config.ConfigBuilder(logger)
cb.doc_root = "/"
with cb as c:
assert c.doc_root == "/"
def test_server_host_from_browser_host():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger, browser_host="") as c:
assert c.server_host == ""
def test_init_server_host():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger, server_host="") as c:
assert c.browser_host == "localhost" # check this hasn't changed
assert c.server_host == ""
def test_set_server_host():
cb = config.ConfigBuilder(logger)
cb.server_host = "/"
with cb as c:
assert c.browser_host == "localhost" # check this hasn't changed
assert c.server_host == "/"
def test_domains():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger,
alternate_hosts={"alt": ""},
subdomains={"a", "b"},
not_subdomains={"x", "y"}) as c:
assert == {
"": {
"": "",
"a": "",
"b": "",
"alt": {
"": "",
"a": "",
"b": "",
def test_not_domains():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger,
alternate_hosts={"alt": ""},
subdomains={"a", "b"},
not_subdomains={"x", "y"}) as c:
not_domains = c.not_domains
assert not_domains == {
"": {
"x": "",
"y": "",
"alt": {
"x": "",
"y": "",
def test_domains_not_domains_intersection():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger,
alternate_hosts={"alt": ""},
subdomains={"a", "b"},
not_subdomains={"x", "y"}) as c:
domains =
not_domains = c.not_domains
assert len(set(domains.keys()) ^ set(not_domains.keys())) == 0
for host in domains.keys():
host_domains = domains[host]
host_not_domains = not_domains[host]
assert len(set(host_domains.keys()) & set(host_not_domains.keys())) == 0
assert len(set(host_domains.values()) & set(host_not_domains.values())) == 0
def test_all_domains():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger,
alternate_hosts={"alt": ""},
subdomains={"a", "b"},
not_subdomains={"x", "y"}) as c:
all_domains = c.all_domains
assert all_domains == {
"": {
"": "",
"a": "",
"b": "",
"x": "",
"y": "",
"alt": {
"": "",
"a": "",
"b": "",
"x": "",
"y": "",
def test_domains_set():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger,
alternate_hosts={"alt": ""},
subdomains={"a", "b"},
not_subdomains={"x", "y"}) as c:
domains_set = c.domains_set
assert domains_set == {
def test_not_domains_set():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger,
alternate_hosts={"alt": ""},
subdomains={"a", "b"},
not_subdomains={"x", "y"}) as c:
not_domains_set = c.not_domains_set
assert not_domains_set == {
def test_all_domains_set():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger,
alternate_hosts={"alt": ""},
subdomains={"a", "b"},
not_subdomains={"x", "y"}) as c:
all_domains_set = c.all_domains_set
assert all_domains_set == {
def test_ssl_env_none():
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger, ssl={"type": "none"}) as c:
assert c.ssl_config is None
def test_ssl_env_openssl():
# TODO: this currently actually tries to start OpenSSL, which isn't ideal
# with config.ConfigBuilder(ssl={"type": "openssl", "openssl": {"openssl_binary": "foobar"}}) as c:
# assert c.ssl_env is not None
# assert c.ssl_env.ssl_enabled is True
# assert c.ssl_env.binary == "foobar"
def test_ssl_env_bogus():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger, ssl={"type": "foobar"}):
def test_pickle():
# Ensure that the config object can be pickled
with config.ConfigBuilder(logger) as c: