Name Description Size 48 A WebDriver BiDi session. This is the main representation of a BiDi session and provides the interface for running commands in the session, and for attaching event handlers to the session. For example: async def on_log(method, data): print(data) session = BidiSession("ws://localhost:4445", capabilities) remove_listener = session.add_event_listener("log.entryAdded", on_log) await session.start() await session.subscribe("log.entryAdded") # Do some stuff with the session remove_listener() session.end() If the session id is provided it's assumed that the underlying WebDriver session was already created, and the WebSocket URL was taken from the new session response. If no session id is provided, it's assumed that a BiDi-only session should be created when start() is called. It can also be used as a context manager, with the WebSocket transport implictly being created when the context is entered, and closed when the context is exited. :param websocket_url: WebSockets URL on which to connect to the session. This excludes any path component. :param session_id: String id of existing HTTP session :param capabilities: Capabilities response of existing session :param requested_capabilities: Dictionary representing the capabilities request. 9415 Return the object representation in string format. 3626
modules Low level message handler for the WebSockets connection 2717 148