__init__.py |
Generic mechanism for marking and selecting python functions. |
8739 |
expression.py |
Evaluate match expressions, as used by `-k` and `-m`.
The grammar is:
expression: expr? EOF
expr: and_expr ('or' and_expr)*
and_expr: not_expr ('and' not_expr)*
not_expr: 'not' not_expr | '(' expr ')' | ident
ident: (\w|:|\+|-|\.|\[|\]|\\|/)+
The semantics are:
- Empty expression evaluates to False.
- ident evaluates to True of False according to a provided matcher function.
- or/and/not evaluate according to the usual boolean semantics.
6382 |
structures.py |
Extract from an object or objects.
:param parameterset:
A legacy style parameterset that may or may not be a tuple,
and may or may not be wrapped into a mess of mark objects.
:param force_tuple:
Enforce tuple wrapping so single argument tuple values
don't get decomposed and break tests.
21434 |