Name Description Size pylib: rapid testing and development utils this module uses for lazy-loading sub modules and classes. The initpkg-dictionary below specifies name->value mappings where value can be another namespace dictionary or an import path. (c) Holger Krekel and others, 2004-2014 6022
__init__.pyi 341 55 minimal backport of py3k print statement. 4021
_code create errno-specific classes for IO or os calls. 2917
_process makes top-level python modules available as an attribute, importing them on first access. 668
_vendored_packages module for generating and serializing xml and html structures by using simple python objects. (c) holger krekel, holger at merlinux eu. 2009 8364
error.pyi 3409
iniconfig.pyi 1205
io.pyi 5277
path.pyi 7168
py.typed 0 222
xml.pyi 787