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- This test has a WPT meta file that expects 3 subtest issues.
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /svg/styling/presentation-attributes-special-cases.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>SVG presentation attributes - special cases</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="presentation-attributes.js"></script>
<svg id="svg"></svg>
// 1. Test the special cases where presentation attributes are only allowed on
// a specific set of elements.
if (propertiesAreSupported(["cx", "cy"])) {
for (let e of ["circle", "ellipse"]) {
test(function() {
for (let p of ["cx", "cy"]) {
assertPresentationAttributeIsSupported(e, p, "1", p);
}, `cx and cy presentation attributes supported on ${e} element`);
if (propertiesAreSupported(["x", "y", "width", "height"])) {
for (let e of ["foreignObject", "image", "rect", "svg", "symbol", "use"]) {
test(function() {
for (let p of ["x", "y", "width", "height"]) {
assertPresentationAttributeIsSupported(e, p, "1", p);
}, `x, y, width, and height presentation attributes supported on ${e} element`);
if (CSS.supports("r", "initial")) {
test(function() {
assertPresentationAttributeIsSupported("circle", "r", "1", "r");
}, `r presentation attribute supported on circle element`);
if (propertiesAreSupported(["rx", "ry"])) {
for (let e of ["ellipse", "rect"]) {
test(function() {
for (let p of ["rx", "ry"]) {
assertPresentationAttributeIsSupported(e, p, "1", p);
}, `rx and ry presentation attributes supported on ${e} element`);
if (CSS.supports("d", "initial")) {
test(function() {
assertPresentationAttributeIsSupported("path", "d", "M0,0 L1,1", "d");
}, `d presentation attribute supported on path element`);
// 2. Test that for those presentation attributes only allowed on a specific
// set of elements, that they are not supported on some other SVG element.
// (We use 'g' as that element for testing.)
if (propertiesAreSupported(["cx", "cy"])) {
test(function() {
for (let p of ["cx", "cy"]) {
assertPresentationAttributeIsNotSupported("g", p, "1", p);
}, `cx and cy presentation attributes not supported on other elements`);
if (propertiesAreSupported(["x", "y", "width", "height"])) {
test(function() {
for (let p of ["x", "y", "width", "height"]) {
assertPresentationAttributeIsNotSupported("g", p, "1", p);
}, `x, y, width, and height presentation attributes not supported on other elements`);
if (CSS.supports("r", "initial")) {
test(function() {
assertPresentationAttributeIsNotSupported("g", "r", "1", "r");
}, `r presentation attribute not supported on other elements`);
if (propertiesAreSupported(["rx", "ry"])) {
test(function() {
for (let p of ["rx", "ry"]) {
assertPresentationAttributeIsNotSupported("g", p, "1", p);
}, `rx and ry presentation attributes not supported on other elements`);
if (CSS.supports("d", "initial")) {
test(function() {
assertPresentationAttributeIsNotSupported("g", "d", "M0,0 L1,1", "d");
}, `d presentation attribute not supported on other elements`);
// 3. Test that the fill presentation attribute is not supported on any
// animation elements.
if (CSS.supports("fill", "initial")) {
for (let e of ["animate", "animateMotion", "animateTransform", "discard", "set"]) {
test(function() {
assertPresentationAttributeIsNotSupported(e, "fill", "blue", "fill");
}, `fill presentation attribute not supported on ${e}`);
if (CSS.supports("transform", "initial")) {
// 4. Test support for the presentation attributes of the transform property,
// which have a different spelling depending on which element they're on.
test(function() {
assertPresentationAttributeIsSupported("g", "transform", "scale(2)", "transform");
}, `transform presentation attribute supported on g`);
test(function() {
assertPresentationAttributeIsSupported("pattern", "patternTransform", "scale(2)", "transform");
}, `patternTransform presentation attribute supported on pattern`);
for (let e of ["linearGradient", "radialGradient"]) {
test(function() {
assertPresentationAttributeIsSupported(e, "gradientTransform", "scale(2)", "transform");
}, `gradientTransform presentation attribute supported on ${e}`);
// 5. Test that the wrong spellings of the presentation attributes of the
// transform property are not supported.
test(function() {
for (let e of ["pattern", "linearGradient", "radialGradient"]) {
assertPresentationAttributeIsNotSupported(e, "transform", "scale(2)", "transform");
}, `transform presentation attribute not supported on pattern or gradient elements`);
test(function() {
for (let e of ["g", "linearGradient", "radialGradient"]) {
assertPresentationAttributeIsNotSupported(e, "patternTransform", "scale(2)", "transform");
}, `patternTransform presentation attribute not supported on g or gradient elements`);
test(function() {
for (let e of ["g", "pattern"]) {
assertPresentationAttributeIsNotSupported(e, "gradientTransform", "scale(2)", "transform");
}, `gradientTransform presentation attribute not supported on g or pattern elements`);