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`Unencoded-Digest` helper, generating responses that:
* Include or exclude an `Unencoded-Digest` header depending on the request's
`digest` parameter.
* Include or exclude `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` depending on the
request's `cors` parameter.
* Sets a `Content-Type` header from the request's `type` parameter.
* Echos the `body` parameter into the response body.
def main(request, response):
digest = request.GET.first(b'digest', b'')
if digest:
response.headers.set(b'unencoded-digest', digest)
cors = request.GET.first(b'cors', '')
if cors:
response.headers.set(b'access-control-allow-origin', b'*')
request.GET.first(b'type', b'text/plain'))
response.status_code = 200
response.content = request.GET.first(b'body', '')