about-blank-iframes.html |
Test about:blank iframes prerendering state |
922 |
accept-client-hint-cache.https.html |
Test Prerender pages maintain their own Client Hint Caches |
1378 |
activation-start.html |
PerformanceNavigationTiming's activationStart in prerendered page |
2365 |
blob_object_url.html |
Same-origin prerendering page can create a url for the given
objects |
1186 |
cache-storage.https.html |
Same-origin prerendering can access cache storage |
1252 |
cancel-prerendering-after-clear-site-data-cache.https.html |
clear-site-data-cache cancels prerenders |
1914 |
clients-matchall.https.html |
Service Worker: Clients.matchAll with a prerender page |
1899 |
cookies.https.html |
Same-origin prerendering can access cookies |
1260 |
credentialed-prerender-not-opt-in.html |
same-site cross-origin prerendering not opt in |
1191 |
credentialed-prerender-opt-in.html |
same-site cross-origin prerendering opt in |
1036 |
cross-origin-iframe.html |
Load a cross-origin document in a prerendered iframe |
2012 |
cross-origin-isolated.https.html |
Allow crossOriginIsolated in prerendered page |
1029 |
csp-script-src-elem-inline-speculation-rules.html |
1132 |
csp-script-src-inline-speculation-rules.html |
1122 |
csp-script-src-self.html |
1092 |
csp-script-src-strict-dynamic.html |
1108 |
csp-script-src-unsafe-inline.html |
1100 |
fetch-blob.html |
Same-origin prerendering can access blobs |
1359 |
fetch-intercepted-by-service-worker.https.html |
Service worker intercepts a fetch request coming from a prerendered page |
1475 |
iframe-added-post-activation.html |
iframe added after activation |
1046 |
indexeddb.html |
Same-origin prerendering can access Indexed Database |
1473 |
local-storage.html |
Same-origin prerendering can access localStorage |
1785 |
main-frame-navigation.https.html |
Test about: main frame navigation in a prerendered page |
1316 |
media-autoplay.html |
Same-origin prerendering can trigger autoplay |
1497 |
navigation-api-location-replace.html |
2996 |
navigation-api-multiple-entries.html |
2647 |
navigation-api.html |
3033 |
navigation-intercepted-by-service-worker.https.html |
Service worker intercepts a navigation and starts prerendering |
1361 |
navigator-plugins.html |
Same-origin prerendering can access navigator.plugins |
1564 |
no-vary-search-hint.https.html |
3660 |
no-vary-search.https.html |
3818 |
prefetch.https.html |
819 |
prerender-while-prerender.html |
1763 |
referrer-policy-from-rules.html |
Prerender with the referrer policy specified in speculation rules |
1794 |
referrer-policy-mismatch.html |
Referrer policy mismatches must be allowed between prerendering and activation |
3996 |
referrer-policy-no-referrer.html |
Test noreferrer |
729 |
referrer-policy-origin.html |
Test origin referrer |
922 |
referrer-policy-strict-origin.html |
Test strict-origin referrer |
810 |
referrer.html |
Test default referrer |
670 |
register-service-worker.https.html |
Registration of a new service worker in a prerendered page |
1981 |
remove-script-element.html |
785 |
resources |
response-code-non-successful.html |
Check that non-successful responses result in discarding the prerender |
1193 |
response-code-successful.html |
Check that successful responses result in activating the prerender |
1147 |
restriction-audio-setSinkId-with-invalid-sinkId.https.tentative.html |
Access to the setSinkId of the Audio API with an invalid value is deferred
2019 |
restriction-audio-setSinkId.https.tentative.html |
Access to the setSinkId of the Audio API is deferred |
1964 |
restriction-background-fetch.https.html |
Access to the Background Fetch API is deferred |
2667 |
restriction-background-sync.tentative.https.html |
Access to the Background Sync API is deferred |
2670 |
restriction-battery-status.https.html |
Access to the Battery Status API is deferred |
1727 |
restriction-bluetooth.tentative.https.html |
Access to the Bluetooth API is deferred |
1849 |
restriction-broadcast-channel.html |
BroadcastChannel#postMessage is deferred |
1705 |
restriction-dedicated-worker.https.html |
Access to the Dedicated Worker API is deferred |
1652 |
restriction-encrypted-media-unsupported-config.https.html |
Access to the Encrypted Media API is deferred with unsupported config
1787 |
restriction-encrypted-media.https.html |
Access to the Encrypted Media API is deferred |
1696 |
restriction-focus.html |
Prerendering documents are not focused |
1372 |
restriction-idle-detection.https.html |
Prerendering cannot invoke the Idle Detection API |
1155 |
restriction-local-file-system-access.https.html |
Same-origin prerendering cannot access local file system |
1030 |
restriction-media-auto-play-attribute.html |
Access to the Autoplay of the Media is deferred |
2369 |
restriction-media-camera.https.html |
Access to the Camera of the user media device is deferred |
1933 |
restriction-media-capabilities-decoding-info.https.html |
MediaCapabilities decodingInfo API is not deferred |
1870 |
restriction-media-capabilities-encoding-info.https.html |
MediaCapabilities encodingInfo API is not deferred |
1870 |
restriction-media-device-info.https.html |
Access to the Media Device Info is deferred |
1801 |
restriction-media-microphone.https.html |
Access to the Microphone of the user media device is deferred |
1942 |
restriction-media-play.html |
Access to the Play of the Media is deferred |
2347 |
restriction-message-boxes.html |
1625 |
restriction-midi-sysex.https.html |
Access to the Midi API with sysex=true is deferred |
2091 |
restriction-midi.https.html |
Access to the Midi API with sysex=false is deferred |
2094 |
restriction-notification.https.html |
Access to the Notification API before and after prerender activation |
3036 |
restriction-presentation-request.https.html |
Same-origin prerendering cannot start presentation |
965 |
restriction-prompt-by-before-unload.html |
Prerendering cannot invoke the prompt generated by the
beforeunload event |
1187 |
restriction-push.https.html |
Access to the Push API is deferred |
2543 |
restriction-request-picture-in-picture.html |
Prerendering cannot invoke
HTMLVideoElement.requestPictureInPicture |
1202 |
restriction-screen-capture.https.html |
Prerendering cannot invoke the Screen Capture API |
1340 |
restriction-screen-orientation-lock.https.html |
Access to the Screen Orientation Lock API is deferred |
1655 |
restriction-sensor-accelerometer.https.html |
Access to the Accelerometer API is deferred |
2219 |
restriction-sensor-ambient-light-sensor.https.html |
Access to the Ambient Light Sensor API is deferred |
2260 |
restriction-sensor-gyroscope.https.html |
Access to the Gyroscope API is deferred |
2191 |
restriction-sensor-magnetometer.https.html |
Access to the Magnetometer API is deferred |
2212 |
restriction-service-worker-postmessage.https.html |
postMessage() between service worker and prerendered page |
2196 |
restriction-service-worker-unregister.https.html |
ServiceWorkerRegistration.unregister in a prerendered page |
2056 |
restriction-service-worker-update.https.html |
ServiceWorkerRegistration.update in a prerendered page |
2028 |
restriction-speech-synthesis.html |
Access to the speech synthesis is deferred |
2127 |
restriction-storage-persist.https.html |
Access to storage.persist() is deferred |
1632 |
restriction-wake-lock.https.html |
Access to the Wake Lock API is deferred |
2273 |
restriction-web-hid.https.html |
Access to the Web HID API is deferred |
1584 |
restriction-web-locks.https.html |
Access to the Web Locks API is deferred |
1824 |
restriction-web-nfc.https.html |
Access to the Web NFC API is deferred |
1757 |
restriction-web-serial.tentative.https.html |
Access to the Web Serial API is deferred |
1818 |
restriction-web-share.https.html |
Prerendering cannot invoke the Web Share API |
1134 |
restriction-web-usb.https.html |
Access to the Web USB API is deferred |
1584 |
restriction-web-xr-immersive-vr-session.https.html |
Access to the WebXR immersive-vr session API is deferred |
1867 |
restriction-web-xr-inline-session.https.html |
Access to the WebXR inline session API is deferred |
1830 |
restriction-window-move.html |
1695 |
restriction-window-open.html |
1365 |
restriction-window-resize.html |
1710 |
restrictions.html |
Same-origin prerendering cannot access some APIs |
1297 |
sandbox-iframe.html |
Load a prerendered iframe with sandbox attributes |
1828 |
script-supports-speculationrules.html |
HTMLScriptElement.supports speculationrules |
874 |
send-beacon.html |
Same-origin prerendering: sendBeacon |
2149 |
service-workers.https.html |
Service Workers APIs with prerendering |
4555 |
session-history-activation.https.html |
Test history.length |
834 |
session-history-location.https.html |
Test history.length |
1108 |
session-history-navigation.https.html |
Test history.length |
834 |
session-history-pushstate.https.html |
Test history.length |
903 |
session-history-subframe-navigation.https.html |
Test history.length during a subframe navigation |
717 |
session-history-subframe-reload.https.html |
Test history.length and reloading a subframe |
691 |
session-storage.tentative.html |
Same-origin prerendering can access sessionStorage |
955 |
state-and-event.html |
1950 |
visibility-state.html |
visibilityState must be updated after prerendering |
1069 |
windowclient-navigate-to-cross-origin-url-on-iframe.https.html |
WindowClient.navigate() to cross-origin url in a prerendered iframe |
2895 |
windowclient-navigate-to-same-origin-url-on-iframe.https.html |
WindowClient.navigate() to same-origin url in a prerendered iframe |
2068 |
windowclient-navigate.https.html |
WindowClient.navigate() for prerendered main page |
2479 |
workers-in-cross-origin-iframe.html |
Construction of Web Workers in cross-origin iframe is deferred |
1850 |
workers.html |
Construction of Web Workers is deferred |
4839 |