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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<script src="/common/subset-tests-by-key.js"></script>
<script src="/common/utils.js"></script>
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<script src="resources/utils.sub.js"></script>
<meta name="variant" content="?include=BaseCase">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=FollowRedirect">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=RelativeUrlForSpeculationRulesSet">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=RelativeUrlForCandidate">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=UseNonUTF8EncodingForSpeculationRulesSet">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=FailCORS">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=FailToParseSpeculationRulesHeader">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=InnerListInSpeculationRulesHeader">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=EmptyRuleSet">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=FailToParseRuleSet">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=InvalidUrlForSpeculationRulesSet">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=StatusCode199">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=StatusCode404">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=InvalidMimeType">
<meta name="variant" content="?include=CSPExemption">
setup(() => assertSpeculationRulesIsSupported());
async function runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, options) {
options = {
// Whether a prefetch is expected to succeed.
shouldPrefetch: true,
// Status code to be returned in the response.
status: 200,
// Whether a redirect must be followed to reach the rule set.
redirect: false,
// Whether to use relative URLs for the candidates in the rule set.
useRelativeUrlForCandidate: false,
// Whether to use relative URL for the rule set in SpeculationRules header.
useRelativeUrlForSpeculationRulesSet: false,
// Whether to use UTF-8 encoding for the rule set.
useUtf8EncodingForSpeculationRulesSet: true,
// Whether to force the response to cause a CORS failure.
failCors: false,
// Whether to use a valid SpeculationRules header format.
useValidSpeculationRulesHeaderValue: true,
// Whether to use an inner list of URLS in SpeculationRules header.
useInnerListInSpeculationRulesHeaderValue: false,
// Whether to return an empty response.
useEmptySpeculationRulesSet: false,
// Wheter to return a rule set with valid JSON format
useValidJsonForSpeculationRulesSet: true,
// Wheter to use a valid URL for the rule set in SpeculationRules header.
useValidUrlForSpeculationRulesSet: true,
// Wheter to use the valid "application/speculationrules-json" MIME type for the rule set.
useValidMimeTypeForSpeculationRulesSet: true,
// Whether to use a strict CSP for the main page.
strictCSP: false,
let page = 2;
let uuid = token();
let executor_url = new URL(`executor.sub.html`, SR_PREFETCH_UTILS_URL).toString();
if (options.useRelativeUrlForCandidate) {
executor_url = `executor.sub.html`;
let speculation_rule_set_url = `${executor_url}&uuid=${uuid}&page=${page}&status=${options.status}&valid_mime=${options.useValidMimeTypeForSpeculationRulesSet}&valid_json=${options.useValidJsonForSpeculationRulesSet}&empty_json=${options.useEmptySpeculationRulesSet}&fail_cors=${options.failCors}&valid_encoding=${options.useUtf8EncodingForSpeculationRulesSet}&redirect=${options.redirect}`;
if (!options.useRelativeUrlForSpeculationRulesSet) {
let base_url = new URL(SR_PREFETCH_UTILS_URL);
base_url.hostname = PREFETCH_PROXY_BYPASS_HOST;
speculation_rule_set_url = new URL(speculation_rule_set_url, base_url).toString();
if (!options.useValidUrlForSpeculationRulesSet) {
speculation_rule_set_url = "http://:80/";
let speculation_rules_header = `header(Speculation-Rules,"${speculation_rule_set_url}")`;
if (!options.useValidSpeculationRulesHeaderValue) {
speculation_rules_header = `header(Speculation-Rules, x y z)`;
else if (options.useInnerListInSpeculationRulesHeaderValue) {
speculation_rules_header = `header(Speculation-Rules, \\("${speculation_rule_set_url}" ""\\))`;
if (options.strictCSP) {
speculation_rules_header = speculation_rules_header + `|header(Content-Security-Policy, script-src 'strict-dynamic' 'nonce-abc' 'unsafe-eval')`;
let agent = await spawnWindow(t, {pipe: speculation_rules_header}, uuid);
await new Promise(resolve => t.step_timeout(resolve, 2000));
// Passing non-ascii character 'รท' as part of the next URL to check if we always decode the speculation rules set using utf-8 or not. This character is encoded differently in utf-8 and windows-1250
let nextUrl = agent.getExecutorURL({ page, str: decodeURIComponent('%C3%B7')});
await agent.navigate(nextUrl);
await new Promise(resolve => t.step_timeout(resolve, 2000));
let test_case_desc = JSON.stringify(options);
if (options.shouldPrefetch)
assert_prefetched(await agent.getRequestHeaders(), `Prefetch should work for request ${test_case_desc}.`);
assert_not_prefetched(await agent.getRequestHeaders(), `Prefetch should not work for request ${test_case_desc}.`);
subsetTestByKey('BaseCase', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {});
}, "Base case.");
subsetTestByKey('FollowRedirect', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {redirect: true});
}, "It should follow redirects and fetch the speculation rules set.");
subsetTestByKey('RelativeUrlForSpeculationRulesSet', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {useRelativeUrlForSpeculationRulesSet: true});
}, "It should fetch a speculation rules set using its relative URL.");
subsetTestByKey('RelativeUrlForCandidate', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {useRelativeUrlForCandidate: true, shouldPrefetch: false});
}, "It should resolve the relative candidate URLs in the speculation rules set based on the speculation rules set's URL");
subsetTestByKey('UseNonUTF8EncodingForSpeculationRulesSet', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {useUtf8EncodingForSpeculationRulesSet: false, shouldPrefetch: false});
}, "The speculation rules set should always be encoded using UTF-8.");
subsetTestByKey('FailCORS', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {failCors: true, shouldPrefetch: false});
}, "It should reject the speculation rules set if CORS fails.");
subsetTestByKey('FailToParseSpeculationRulesHeader', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {useValidSpeculationRulesHeaderValue: false, shouldPrefetch: false});
}, "It should reject the speculation rules set if it fails to parse the SpeculationRules header.");
subsetTestByKey('InnerListInSpeculationRulesHeader', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {useInnerListInSpeculationRulesHeaderValue: true, shouldPrefetch: false});
}, "It should reject the speculation rules passed as inner list in the SpeculationRules header.");
subsetTestByKey('EmptyRuleSet', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {useEmptySpeculationRulesSet: true, shouldPrefetch: false});
}, "It should reject an empty speculation rules set.");
subsetTestByKey('FailToParseRuleSet', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {useValidJsonForSpeculationRulesSet: false, shouldPrefetch: false});
}, "It should reject the speculation rules set if it cannot parse it.");
subsetTestByKey('InvalidUrlForSpeculationRulesSet', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {useValidUrlForSpeculationRulesSet: false, shouldPrefetch: false});
}, "It should reject the speculation rules set with invalid URL.");
subsetTestByKey('StatusCode199', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {status: 199, shouldPrefetch: false});
}, "It should reject the speculation rules set with unsuccessful status code.");
subsetTestByKey('StatusCode404', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {status: 404, shouldPrefetch: false});
}, "It should reject the speculation rules set with unsuccessful status code.");
subsetTestByKey('InvalidMimeType', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {useValidMimeTypeForSpeculationRulesSet: false, shouldPrefetch: false});
}, "It should reject the speculation rules set with invalid MIME type.");
subsetTestByKey('CSPExemption', promise_test, async t => {
return runSpeculationRulesFetchTest(t, {shouldPrefetch: true, strictCSP: true});
}, "It should accept the speculation rules when the main page has strict CSP.");