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<!doctype html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/utils.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="/shared-storage-selecturl-limit/resources/utils.js"></script>
<script src="/shared-storage/resources/util.js"></script>
<script src="/fenced-frame/resources/utils.js"></script>
'use strict';
// Note that we have set the site page bit limit to 6 and the overall page
// bit limit to 12.
promise_test(async () => {
const queryKey = "query";
const mockResultKey = "mockresult";
const urlCountKey = "urlcount";
const moduleNameKey = "module";
const operationNameKey = "operation";
const expectSavedKey = "expectsaved";
const expectSuccessKey = "expectsuccess";
let url0 = new URL(crossOrigin +
"/shared-storage/" +
// Initiate a query to be saved.
url0.searchParams.append(queryKey, "query0");
url0.searchParams.append(mockResultKey, "2");
url0.searchParams.append(moduleNameKey, "simple-module");
url0.searchParams.append(operationNameKey, "test-slow-url-selection-operation");
url0.searchParams.append(urlCountKey, "4");
url0.searchParams.append(expectSavedKey, "false");
url0.searchParams.append(expectSuccessKey, "true");
const promise0 = attachIFrameWithEventListenerForSelectURLStatus(url0);
// Initiate a second query to be saved without waiting for the first.
let url1 = url0;
url1.searchParams.append(queryKey, "query1");
url1.searchParams.append(mockResultKey, "1");
const promise1 = attachIFrameWithEventListenerForSelectURLStatus(url1);
// Reuse the first query while the initial two queries are still resolving.
let url2 = url0;
url2.searchParams.append(expectSavedKey, "true");
const promise2 = attachIFrameWithEventListenerForSelectURLStatus(url2);
// Reuse the second query.
let url3 = url1;
url3.searchParams.append(expectSavedKey, "true");
const promise3 = attachIFrameWithEventListenerForSelectURLStatus(url3);
// Wait for all the promises to resolve.
await Promise.all([promise0, promise1, promise2, promise3]);
}, 'for selectURL(), multiple saved queries can be handled simultaneously.');