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Test Info: Warnings
- This test has a WPT meta file that expects 1 subtest issues.
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /shared-storage-selecturl-limit/select-url-saved-query.tentative.https.sub.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!doctype html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/utils.js"></script>
<script src="/shared-storage-selecturl-limit/resources/utils.js"></script>
<script src="/shared-storage/resources/util.js"></script>
<script src="/fenced-frame/resources/utils.js"></script>
'use strict';
promise_test(async () => {
const ancestorKey = token();
// Note that we have set the site page bit limit to 3 and the overall page
// bit limit to 6. A single saved query with 8 URLs (i.e. log2(8) = 3 bits)
// will be permitted by the site's page budget, plus re-uses of the saved
// query.
const numUrls = 8;
const urls = generateUrls(numUrls, "/shared-storage/resources/frame",
await sharedStorage.worklet.addModule(
function processSavedQuery(optionalData = {}) {
return sharedStorage.selectURL(
"test-url-selection-operation", urls,
{data: optionalData, keepAlive: true, resolveToConfig: true,
savedQuery: "query"});
let config0 = await processSavedQuery({'mockResult': 1});
assert_true(config0 instanceof FencedFrameConfig);
attachFencedFrame(config0, 'opaque-ads');
const result0 = await nextValueFromServer(ancestorKey);
assert_equals(result0, "frame1_loaded",
`when budget should remain;`);
// The per-site per-pageload bit limit for `selectURL()` has been
// reached, but a saved query should not trigger a page-budget charge.
// Moreover, index 1 should be retrieved even though we omit providing
// `data: {'mockResult': 1}` here.
let config1 = await processSavedQuery();;
assert_true(config1 instanceof FencedFrameConfig);
attachFencedFrame(config1, 'opaque-ads');
const result1 = await nextValueFromServer(ancestorKey);
assert_equals(result1, "frame1_loaded", 'when budget should not be charged;');
// The per-site per-pageload bit limit for `selectURL()` has been
// reached. The next call should return the default URL.
let config2 = await sharedStorage.selectURL(
"test-url-selection-operation", urls,
{data: {'mockResult': 1}, resolveToConfig: true});
assert_true(config2 instanceof FencedFrameConfig);
attachFencedFrame(config2, 'opaque-ads');
const result2 = await nextValueFromServer(ancestorKey);
assert_equals(result2, "frame0_loaded", 'when budget should be exhausted;');
}, 'selectURL() saved query does not deduct budget on re-use');