about-blank-replacement.https.html |
Service Worker: about:blank replacement handling |
8068 |
activate-event-after-install-state-change.https.html |
Service Worker: registration events |
1121 |
activation-after-registration.https.html |
Service Worker: Activation occurs after registration |
917 |
activation.https.html |
service worker: activation |
6131 |
active.https.html |
ServiceWorker: navigator.serviceWorker.active |
1962 |
claim-affect-other-registration.https.html |
Service Worker: claim() should affect other registration |
5524 |
claim-fetch.https.html |
2898 |
claim-not-using-registration.https.html |
Service Worker: claim client not using registration |
5252 |
claim-shared-worker-fetch.https.html |
2714 |
claim-using-registration.https.html |
Service Worker: claim client using registration |
3983 |
claim-with-redirect.https.html |
Service Worker: Claim() when update happens after redirect |
2344 |
claim-worker-fetch.https.html |
3273 |
client-id.https.html |
Service Worker: Client.id |
2162 |
client-navigate.https.html |
Service Worker: WindowClient.navigate |
4267 |
client-url-of-blob-url-worker.https.html |
Service Worker: client.url of a worker created from a blob URL |
1204 |
clients-get-client-types.https.html |
Service Worker: Clients.get with window and worker clients |
4430 |
clients-get-cross-origin.https.html |
Service Worker: Clients.get across origins |
2996 |
clients-get-resultingClientId.https.html |
Test clients.get(resultingClientId) |
6999 |
clients-get.https.html |
Service Worker: Clients.get |
5468 |
clients-matchall-blob-url-worker.https.html |
Service Worker: Clients.matchAll with a blob URL worker client |
2782 |
clients-matchall-client-types.https.html |
Service Worker: Clients.matchAll with various clientTypes |
3552 |
clients-matchall-exact-controller.https.html |
Service Worker: Clients.matchAll with exact controller |
2245 |
clients-matchall-frozen.https.html |
Service Worker: Clients.matchAll |
2552 |
clients-matchall-include-uncontrolled.https.html |
Service Worker: Clients.matchAll with includeUncontrolled |
5121 |
clients-matchall-on-evaluation.https.html |
Service Worker: Clients.matchAll on script evaluation |
918 |
clients-matchall-order.https.html |
Service Worker: Clients.matchAll ordering |
12103 |
clients-matchall.https.html |
Service Worker: Clients.matchAll |
1770 |
controlled-dedicatedworker-postMessage.https.html |
1591 |
controlled-iframe-postMessage.https.html |
2585 |
controller-on-disconnect.https.html |
Service Worker: Controller on load |
1297 |
controller-on-load.https.html |
Service Worker: Controller on load |
1616 |
controller-on-reload.https.html |
Service Worker: Controller on reload |
2086 |
controller-with-no-fetch-event-handler.https.html |
Service Worker: controller without a fetch event handler |
1826 |
credentials.https.html |
Credentials for service worker scripts |
3993 |
data-iframe.html |
Service Workers in data iframes |
809 |
data-transfer-files.https.html |
Post a file in a navigation controlled by a service worker |
1583 |
dedicated-worker-service-worker-interception.https.html |
DedicatedWorker: ServiceWorker interception |
1714 |
detached-context.https.html |
Service WorkerRegistration from a removed iframe |
4895 |
embed-and-object-are-not-intercepted.https.html |
embed and object are not intercepted |
3713 |
extendable-event-async-waituntil.https.html |
5602 |
extendable-event-waituntil.https.html |
ExtendableEvent: waitUntil |
4778 |
fetch-audio-tainting.https.html |
1724 |
fetch-canvas-tainting-double-write.https.html |
canvas tainting when written twice |
2577 |
fetch-canvas-tainting-image-cache.https.html |
Service Worker: canvas tainting of the fetched image using cached responses |
573 |
fetch-canvas-tainting-image.https.html |
Service Worker: canvas tainting of the fetched image |
551 |
fetch-canvas-tainting-video-cache.https.html |
Service Worker: canvas tainting of the fetched video using cache responses |
606 |
fetch-canvas-tainting-video-with-range-request.https.html |
Canvas tainting due to video whose responses are fetched via a service worker including range requests |
5286 |
fetch-canvas-tainting-video.https.html |
Service Worker: canvas tainting of the fetched video |
585 |
fetch-cors-exposed-header-names.https.html |
Service Worker: CORS-exposed header names should be transferred correctly |
1314 |
fetch-cors-xhr.https.html |
Service Worker: CORS XHR of fetch() |
1738 |
fetch-csp.https.html |
Service Worker: CSP control of fetch() |
5748 |
fetch-error.https.html |
1072 |
fetch-event-add-async.https.html |
Service Worker: Fetch event added asynchronously doesn't throw |
357 |
fetch-event-after-navigation-within-page.https.html |
ServiceWorker: navigator.serviceWorker.waiting |
2504 |
fetch-event-async-respond-with.https.html |
respondWith cannot be called asynchronously |
2510 |
fetch-event-handled.https.html |
Service Worker: FetchEvent.handled |
3183 |
fetch-event-is-history-backward-navigation-manual.https.html |
372 |
fetch-event-is-history-forward-navigation-manual.https.html |
401 |
fetch-event-is-reload-iframe-navigation-manual.https.html |
1098 |
fetch-event-is-reload-navigation-manual.https.html |
305 |
fetch-event-network-error.https.html |
Service Worker: Fetch event network error |
1330 |
fetch-event-redirect.https.html |
Service Worker: Fetch Event Redirect Handling |
34608 |
fetch-event-referrer-policy.https.html |
14387 |
fetch-event-respond-with-argument.https.html |
Service Worker: FetchEvent.respondWith() argument type test. |
1404 |
fetch-event-respond-with-body-loaded-in-chunk.https.html |
respondWith with a response whose body is being loaded from the network by chunks |
1064 |
fetch-event-respond-with-custom-response.https.html |
respondWith with a new Response |
2957 |
fetch-event-respond-with-partial-stream.https.html |
respondWith streams data to an intercepted fetch() |
2362 |
fetch-event-respond-with-readable-stream-chunk.https.html |
respondWith with a response built from a ReadableStream |
995 |
fetch-event-respond-with-readable-stream.https.html |
respondWith with a response built from a ReadableStream |
3369 |
fetch-event-respond-with-response-body-with-invalid-chunk.https.html |
respondWith with response body having invalid chunks |
1837 |
fetch-event-respond-with-stops-propagation.https.html |
1346 |
fetch-event-throws-after-respond-with.https.html |
1392 |
fetch-event-within-sw-manual.https.html |
3876 |
fetch-event-within-sw.https.html |
1990 |
fetch-event.https.h2.html |
4467 |
fetch-event.https.html |
41615 |
fetch-frame-resource.https.html |
Service Worker: Fetch for the frame loading. |
8200 |
fetch-header-visibility.https.html |
Service Worker: Visibility of headers during fetch. |
1723 |
fetch-mixed-content-to-inscope.https.html |
Service Worker: Mixed content of fetch() |
785 |
fetch-mixed-content-to-outscope.https.html |
Service Worker: Mixed content of fetch() |
786 |
fetch-request-css-base-url.https.html |
Service Worker: CSS's base URL must be the response URL |
3205 |
fetch-request-css-cross-origin.https.html |
Service Worker: Cross-origin CSS files fetched via SW. |
2914 |
fetch-request-css-images.https.html |
Service Worker: FetchEvent for css image |
7706 |
fetch-request-fallback.https.html |
Service Worker: the fallback behavior of FetchEvent |
10101 |
fetch-request-no-freshness-headers.https.html |
Service Worker: the headers of FetchEvent shouldn't contain freshness headers |
2146 |
fetch-request-redirect.https.html |
Service Worker: FetchEvent for resources |
16941 |
fetch-request-resources.https.html |
Service Worker: FetchEvent for resources |
14682 |
fetch-request-xhr-sync-error.https.window.js |
1023 |
fetch-request-xhr-sync-on-worker.https.html |
Service Worker: Synchronous XHR on Worker is intercepted |
1636 |
fetch-request-xhr-sync.https.html |
Service Worker: Synchronous XHR is intercepted |
1743 |
fetch-request-xhr.https.html |
Service Worker: the body of FetchEvent using XMLHttpRequest |
2477 |
fetch-response-taint.https.html |
Service Worker: Tainting of responses fetched via SW. |
8920 |
fetch-response-xhr.https.html |
Service Worker: the response of FetchEvent using XMLHttpRequest |
1770 |
fetch-waits-for-activate.https.html |
Service Worker: Fetch Event Waits for Activate Event |
4692 |
fetch-with-body.https.html |
1209 |
getregistration.https.html |
3905 |
getregistrations.https.html |
Service Worker: getRegistrations() |
5783 |
global-serviceworker.https.any.js |
2545 |
historical.https.any.js |
152 |
http-to-https-redirect-and-register.https.html |
register on a secure page after redirect from an non-secure url |
1766 |
immutable-prototype-serviceworker.https.html |
833 |
import-scripts-cross-origin.https.html |
Tests for importScripts: cross-origin |
719 |
import-scripts-data-url.https.html |
Tests for importScripts: data: URL |
692 |
import-scripts-mime-types.https.html |
Tests for importScripts: MIME types |
929 |
import-scripts-redirect.https.html |
Tests for importScripts: redirect |
2087 |
import-scripts-resource-map.https.html |
Tests for importScripts: script resource map |
1430 |
import-scripts-updated-flag.https.html |
Tests for importScripts: import scripts updated flag |
2863 |
indexeddb.https.html |
Service Worker: Indexed DB |
2459 |
install-event-type.https.html |
1042 |
installing.https.html |
ServiceWorker: navigator.serviceWorker.installing |
1949 |
interface-requirements-sw.https.html |
Service Worker Global Scope Interfaces |
601 |
invalid-blobtype.https.html |
Service Worker: respondWith with header value containing a null byte |
1517 |
invalid-header.https.html |
Service Worker: respondWith with header value containing a null byte |
1512 |
iso-latin1-header.https.html |
Service Worker: respondWith with header value containing an ISO Latin 1 (ISO-8859-1 Character Set) string |
1550 |
local-url-inherit-controller.https.html |
Service Worker: local URL windows and workers inherit controller |
3993 |
mime-sniffing.https.html |
Service Worker: MIME sniffing |
1082 |
multi-globals |
multipart-image.https.html |
Tests for cross-origin multipart image returned by service worker |
2617 |
multiple-register.https.html |
4311 |
multiple-update.https.html |
Service Worker: Trigger multiple updates |
4527 |
navigate-window.https.html |
Service Worker: Navigate a Window |
5705 |
navigation-headers.https.html |
Service Worker: Navigation Post Request Origin Header |
43014 |
navigation-preload |
navigation-redirect-body.https.html |
Service Worker: Navigation redirection must clear body |
1953 |
navigation-redirect-resolution.https.html |
Service Worker: Navigation Redirect Resolution |
2382 |
navigation-redirect-to-http.https.html |
Service Worker: Service Worker can receive HTTP opaqueredirect response. |
894 |
navigation-redirect.https.html |
Service Worker: Navigation redirection |
26442 |
navigation-sets-cookie.https.html |
Service Worker: Navigation setting cookies |
6351 |
navigation-timing-extended.https.html |
2114 |
navigation-timing-sizes.https.html |
Service Worker Navigation Timing |
5294 |
navigation-timing.https.html |
2894 |
nested-blob-url-workers.https.html |
Service Worker: nested blob URL worker clients |
1608 |
next-hop-protocol.https.html |
Service Worker: Verify nextHopProtocol is set correctly |
2109 |
no-dynamic-import-in-module.any.js |
243 |
no-dynamic-import.any.js |
80 |
onactivate-script-error.https.html |
2286 |
oninstall-script-error.https.html |
2493 |
opaque-response-preloaded.https.html |
Opaque responses should not be reused for XHRs |
2007 |
opaque-script.https.html |
Cache Storage: verify scripts loaded from cache_storage are marked opaque |
2988 |
partitioned-claim.tentative.https.html |
Service Worker: Partitioned Service Workers |
2811 |
partitioned-cookies.tentative.https.html |
Service Worker: Partitioned Cookies |
3798 |
partitioned-getRegistrations.tentative.https.html |
Service Worker: Partitioned Service Workers |
3881 |
partitioned-matchAll.tentative.https.html |
Service Worker: Partitioned Service Workers |
2444 |
partitioned.tentative.https.html |
Service Worker: Partitioned Service Workers |
9330 |
performance-timeline.https.html |
1863 |
postmessage-blob-url.https.html |
Service Worker: postMessage Blob URL |
1169 |
postMessage-client-worker.js |
716 |
postmessage-from-waiting-serviceworker.https.html |
Service Worker: postMessage from waiting serviceworker |
1843 |
postmessage-msgport-to-client.https.html |
Service Worker: postMessage via MessagePort to Client |
1702 |
postmessage-to-client-message-queue.https.html |
Service Worker: postMessage to Client (message queue) |
9118 |
postmessage-to-client.https.html |
Service Worker: postMessage to Client |
1962 |
postmessage.https.html |
Service Worker: postMessage |
7973 |
ready.https.window.js |
8159 |
redirected-response.https.html |
Service Worker: Redirected response |
21231 |
referer.https.html |
Service Worker: check referer of fetch() |
1444 |
referrer-policy-header.https.html |
Service Worker: check referer of fetch() with Referrer Policy |
2960 |
referrer-toplevel-script-fetch.https.html |
Service Worker: check referrer of top-level script fetch |
2692 |
register-closed-window.https.html |
Service Worker: Register() on Closed Window |
1187 |
register-default-scope.https.html |
register() and scope |
2661 |
register-same-scope-different-script-url.https.html |
10172 |
register-wait-forever-in-install-worker.https.html |
Service Worker: Register wait-forever-in-install-worker |
2311 |
registration-basic.https.html |
Service Worker: Registration (basic) |
1506 |
registration-end-to-end.https.html |
Service Worker: registration end-to-end |
3347 |
registration-events.https.html |
Service Worker: registration events |
1516 |
registration-iframe.https.html |
Service Worker: Registration for iframe |
4096 |
registration-mime-types.https.html |
Service Worker: Registration (MIME types) |
459 |
registration-schedule-job.https.html |
Service Worker: Schedule Job algorithm |
3737 |
registration-scope-module-static-import.https.html |
Service Worker: Static imports from module top-level scripts shouldn't be affected by the service worker script path restriction |
1658 |
registration-scope.https.html |
Service Worker: Registration (scope) |
407 |
registration-script-module.https.html |
Service Worker: Registration (module script) |
486 |
registration-script-url.https.html |
Service Worker: Registration (scriptURL) |
421 |
registration-script.https.html |
Service Worker: Registration (script) |
431 |
registration-security-error.https.html |
Service Worker: Registration (SecurityError) |
433 |
registration-service-worker-attributes.https.html |
3217 |
registration-updateviacache.https.html |
Service Worker: Registration-updateViaCache |
8105 |
rejections.https.html |
Service Worker: Rejection Types |
656 |
request-end-to-end.https.html |
Service Worker: FetchEvent.request passed to onfetch |
1939 |
resource-timing-bodySize.https.html |
2508 |
resource-timing-cross-origin.https.html |
This test validates Resource Timing for cross origin content fetched by Service Worker from an originally same-origin URL. |
2453 |
resource-timing-fetch-variants.https.html |
Test various interactions between fetch, service-workers and resource timing |
4422 |
resource-timing.sub.https.html |
5431 |
resources |
respond-with-body-accessed-response.https.html |
Service Worker responds with .body accessed response. |
1770 |
same-site-cookies.https.html |
Service Worker: Same-site cookie behavior |
19390 |
sandboxed-iframe-fetch-event.https.html |
ServiceWorker FetchEvent for sandboxed iframe. |
19015 |
sandboxed-iframe-navigator-serviceworker.https.html |
Accessing navigator.serviceWorker in sandboxed iframe. |
4621 |
secure-context.https.html |
Ensure service worker is bypassed in insecure contexts |
2672 |
Service-Worker-Allowed-header.https.html |
Service Worker: Service-Worker-Allowed header |
3216 |
service-worker-csp-connect.https.html |
Service Worker: CSP connect directive for ServiceWorker script |
428 |
service-worker-csp-default.https.html |
Service Worker: CSP default directive for ServiceWorker script |
428 |
service-worker-csp-script.https.html |
Service Worker: CSP script directive for ServiceWorker script |
425 |
service-worker-header.https.html |
Service Worker: Service-Worker header |
924 |
serviceworker-message-event-historical.https.html |
Service Worker: ServiceWorkerMessageEvent |
1774 |
ServiceWorkerGlobalScope |
serviceworkerobject-scripturl.https.html |
ServiceWorker object: scriptURL property |
934 |
shadowrealm-promise-rejection.https.html |
696 |
skip-waiting-installed.https.html |
Service Worker: Skip waiting installed worker |
2718 |
skip-waiting-using-registration.https.html |
Service Worker: Skip waiting using registration |
2647 |
skip-waiting-without-client.https.html |
Service Worker: Skip waiting without client |
375 |
skip-waiting-without-using-registration.https.html |
Service Worker: Skip waiting without using registration |
1685 |
skip-waiting.https.html |
Service Worker: Skip waiting |
2351 |
srcdoc-iframe.https.html |
Service Worker: srcdoc frame handling |
2191 |
state.https.html |
2731 |
static-router-fetch-event.https.html |
Static Router: routers are evaluated with the fetch-event source.
1494 |
static-router-invalid-rules.https.html |
Static Router: registration of invalid rules should raise.
2546 |
static-router-main-resource.https.html |
Static Router: simply skip fetch handler for main resource if pattern matches
4415 |
static-router-multiple-router-registrations.https.html |
Static Router: routers are registered multiple times.
2338 |
static-router-mutiple-conditions.https.html |
Static Router: routers are evaluated with the request method condition.
3620 |
static-router-no-fetch-handler.https.html |
Static Router: routers are evaluated when there is no fetch handler.
2286 |
static-router-race-network-and-fetch-handler.https.html |
Static Router: routers are evaluated with the request desitnation condition.
4636 |
static-router-request-destination.https.html |
Static Router: routers are evaluated with the request desitnation condition.
2568 |
static-router-request-method.https.html |
Static Router: routers are evaluated with the request method condition.
2790 |
static-router-subresource.https.html |
Static Router: simply skip fetch handler if pattern matches |
10020 |
svg-target-reftest.https.html |
Service worker interception does not break SVG fragment targets |
1171 |
synced-state.https.html |
ServiceWorker: worker objects have synced state |
3765 |
tentative |
uncontrolled-page.https.html |
Service Worker: Registration |
1290 |
unregister-controller.https.html |
3733 |
unregister-immediately-before-installed.https.html |
Use Clear-Site-Data to immediately unregister service workers |
2244 |
unregister-immediately-during-extendable-events.https.html |
Use Clear-Site-Data to immediately unregister service workers |
1941 |
unregister-immediately.https.html |
Use Clear-Site-Data to immediately unregister service workers |
5156 |
unregister-then-register-new-script.https.html |
4610 |
unregister-then-register.https.html |
4296 |
unregister.https.html |
1372 |
update-after-navigation-fetch-event.https.html |
Service Worker: Update should be triggered after a navigation |
2701 |
update-after-navigation-redirect.https.html |
Service Worker: Update should be triggered after redirects during navigation |
2444 |
update-after-oneday.https.html |
Service Worker: Functional events should trigger update if last update time is over 24 hours |
2148 |
update-bytecheck-cors-import.https.html |
3727 |
update-bytecheck.https.html |
3583 |
update-import-scripts.https.html |
Tests for importScripts: import scripts ignored error |
5694 |
update-missing-import-scripts.https.html |
Service Worker: update with missing importScripts |
1144 |
update-module-request-mode.https.html |
Test that mode is set to same-origin for a main module |
1596 |
update-no-cache-request-headers.https.html |
Test that cache is being bypassed/validated in no-cache mode on update |
1832 |
update-not-allowed.https.html |
5643 |
update-on-navigation.https.html |
Update on navigation |
827 |
update-recovery.https.html |
Service Worker: recovery by navigation update |
2505 |
update-registration-with-type.https.html |
Service Worker: Update the registration with a different script type. |
8450 |
update-result.https.html |
Service Worker: update() should resolve a ServiceWorkerRegistration |
849 |
update.https.html |
Service Worker: Registration update() |
6801 |
waiting.https.html |
ServiceWorker: navigator.serviceWorker.waiting |
1854 |
141 |
websocket-in-service-worker.https.html |
Service Worker: WebSockets can be created in a Service Worker |
1038 |
websocket.https.html |
Service Worker: WebSocket handshake channel is not intercepted |
1728 |
webvtt-cross-origin.https.html |
cross-origin webvtt returned by service worker is detected |
7155 |
windowclient-navigate.https.html |
Service Worker: WindowClient.navigate() tests |
5470 |
worker-client-id.https.html |
Service Worker: Workers should have their own unique client Id |
2057 |
worker-in-sandboxed-iframe-by-csp-fetch-event.https.html |
ServiceWorker FetchEvent issued from workers in an iframe sandboxed via CSP HTTP response header. |
4746 |
worker-interception-redirect.https.html |
Service Worker: controlling Worker/SharedWorker |
9343 |
worker-interception.https.html |
Service Worker: intercepting Worker script loads |
9784 |
xhr-content-length.https.window.js |
2360 |
xhr-response-url.https.html |
Service Worker: XHR responseURL uses the response url |
3948 |
xsl-base-url.https.html |
Service Worker: XSL's base URL must be the response URL |
1193 |