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// Like assert_array_equals, but disregard element order.
function assert_array_same(actual, expected) {
assert_array_equals(actual.sort(), expected.sort());
// Element names:
const elems_valid = [
"p", "template", "span", "custom-elements", "potato",
// Arguments will be stringified, so anything that stringifies to a valid
// name is also valid.
const elems_invalid = [
"", {name: ""},
// Attribute names:
const attrs_valid = [
"href", "span",
const attrs_invalid = [
const all_elems = elems_valid.concat(elems_invalid);
const all_attrs = attrs_valid.concat(attrs_invalid);
for (const item of ["elements", "removeElements", "replaceWithChildrenElements"]) {
test(t => {
const sanitizer = new Sanitizer({[item]: all_elems});
assert_array_same(sanitizer.get()[item].map(x =>, => "" + x));
}, `Element names in config item: ${item}`);
for (const item of ["attributes", "removeAttributes"]) {
test(t => {
const sanitizer = new Sanitizer({[item]: all_attrs});
assert_array_same(sanitizer.get()[item].map(x =>, => "" + x));
}, `Attribute names in config item: ${item}`);
// Quick sanity tests for namespaced elements.
// Each test case is a duo or triplet:
// - a Sanitizer config string for an element.
// - an HTML probe string.
// - the expected result. (If different from the probe.)
const SVG_NS = "";
const MATHML_NS = "";
[ "p", "<p>Hello</p>" ],
[ "svg", "<svg>Hello</svg>", "" ],
[ { name: "svg", namespace: SVG_NS }, "<svg>Hello</svg>" ],
[ "math", "<math>Hello</math>", "" ],
[ { name: "math", namespace: SVG_NS }, "<math>Hello</math>", "" ],
[ { name: "math", namespace: MATHML_NS }, "<math>Hello</math>" ],
].forEach(([elem, probe, expected], index) => {
test(t => {
const div = document.createElement("div");
div.setHTML(probe, {sanitizer: {elements: [elem]}});
assert_equals(div.innerHTML, expected ?? probe);
}, `Namespaced elements #${index}: elements: [${JSON.stringify(elem)}]`);
// Same for attributes:
const XLINK_NS = "";
[ { name: "style"}, "<p style=\"bla\"></p>" ],
[ { name: "href"}, "<p href=\"bla\"></p>" ],
// In HTML content, the HTML parser parses "xlink:href" as an attribute
// named "xlink:href" in the null namespace.
[ { name: "xlink:href"}, "<p xlink:href=\"bla\"></p>" ],
[ { name: "href", namespace: XLINK_NS}, "<p xlink:href=\"bla\"></p>", "<p></p>" ],
[ { name: "href", namespace: XLINK_NS}, "<p href='bla'></p>", "<p></p>" ],
[ { name: "href"}, "<p xlink:href='bla'></p>", "<p></p>" ],
// For "foreign elements" like <svg>, the HTML parser parses "xlink:href" as
// an attribtue named "href" in the XLink namespace.
[ { name: "xlink:href"}, "<svg xlink:href=\"bla\"></svg>", "<svg></svg>" ],
[ { name: "href", namespace: XLINK_NS}, "<svg xlink:href=\"bla\"></svg>" ],
[ { name: "href", namespace: XLINK_NS}, "<svg href='bla'></svg>", "<svg></svg>" ],
[ { name: "href"}, "<svg xlink:href='bla'></svg>", "<svg></svg>" ],
].forEach(([attr, probe, expected], index) => {
test(t => {
const options = {attributes: [attr],
elements: ["p", {name: "svg", namespace: SVG_NS}]};
const template = document.createElement("template");
template.setHTML(probe, {sanitizer: options});
assert_equals(template.content.firstElementChild.outerHTML, expected ?? probe);
}, `Namespaced attributes #${index}: attributes: [${JSON.stringify(attr)}]`);
// Test for namespaced attribute inside namespace element
test(t => {
const probe = `<svg><a xlink:href="bla"></a></svg>`;
const options = {
elements: [
{name: "svg", namespace: SVG_NS},
{name: "a", namespace: SVG_NS, attributes: [
{ name: "href", namespace: XLINK_NS }
const template = document.createElement("template");
template.setHTML(probe, {sanitizer: options});
assert_equals(template.innerHTML, probe);
}, "Namespaced attribute xlink:href inside SVG tree");
// Names are case-senstive. Most element and attribute names are
// lower-cased, but "foreign content" like SVG and MathML have some
// mixed-cased names. Check this is supported.
[ "feBlend", "<feBlend></feBlend>" ],
[ "feColorMatrix", "<feColorMatrix></feColorMatrix>" ],
[ "textPath", "<textPath></textPath>" ],
].forEach(([elem, probe], index) => {
const sanitize = (elem, probe) => {
const options = {elements: [
{ name: "svg", namespace: SVG_NS },
{ name: elem, namespace: SVG_NS }
const template = document.createElement("template");
template.setHTML(`<svg>${probe}</svg>`, {sanitizer: options});
return template.content.firstElementChild.innerHTML;
test(t => {
assert_equals(sanitize(elem, probe), probe);
}, `Mixed-case element names #${index}: "svg:${elem}"`);