Name Description Size
cancel-watch-availability.html Tests cancelWatchAvailability() 2190
disable-remote-playback-cancel-watch-availability-throws.html Test that calling cancelWatchAvailability() when disableRemotePlayback attribute is set throws InvalidStateError 1164
disable-remote-playback-prompt-throws.html Test that calling prompt() when disableRemotePlayback attribute is set throws an exception 658
disable-remote-playback-watch-availability-throws.html Test that calling watchAvailability() when disableRemotePlayback attribute is set throws an exception 731
event-handlers-manual.html Test that all event handlers are called when a remote playback device is connected 2059
idlharness.window.js 682
META.yml 102
prepare-device.js 319
prompt-and-cancel-selection-manual.html Test that the Promise returned by prompt() is rejected when user cancels device selection 1133
prompt-and-select-device-manual.html Test that the Promise returned by prompt() is resolved when user selects a device 1305
prompt-and-watch-availability-no-device-manual.html Test that watchAvailability() runs the callback with false when there is no device for the user to select 1679
prompt-and-watch-availability-with-device-manual.html Test that watchAvailability() runs the callback with true when user selects a device 1785
prompt-in-detached-iframe.html 552 # Remote Playback API specification Tests 757
remote-video-control-pausing-manual.html Test that pause() on the local video is reflected on the remote device 2274
remote-video-control-seek-manual.html Test that seek() on the local video is reflected on the remote device 2461
remote-video-playback-manual.html Test if video is playing on remote device 1699
state-attribute-changes-when-selecting-device-manual.html Test that the remote playback state changes when selecting a device 1638
styles.css 27
watch-availability-callback-parameter.html Test that the callback is called with boolean parameter when calling watchAvailability() 900
watch-availability-initial-callback.html Test that the callback is called after the Promise returned by watchAvailability() resolves 810
watch-availability-promise-return-callback-id.html Test that the Promise returned by watchAvailability() resolves with a numeric callback id 760