Name Description Size
META.yml 85
no-report-on-failed-cors-preflight.https.html Test that NEL reports are not sent if the CORS preflight fails 814
no-report-on-subdomain-404.https.html Test that include_subdomains policies do NOT report HTTP errors 1029
no-report-on-subdomain-success.https.html Test that include_subdomains policies do NOT report successful requests 1024
no-report-on-unexpired-cached-response.https.html Test that NEL reports are not sent for cached responses that don't hit the network 1113 # Network Error Logging 3368
reports-are-not-observable.https.html Test that NEL reports are not observable from JavaScript 1028
sends-report-on-404.https.html Test that NEL reports are sent for HTTP errors 1334
sends-report-on-cache-validation.https.html Test that NEL reports are sent for cache validation requests 1398
sends-report-on-redirect.https.html Test that NEL reports are sent for redirects 1701
sends-report-on-subdomain-dns-failure.https.html Test that include_subdomains policies report DNS failures for subdomains 1576
sends-report-on-success-with-subdomain-policy.https.html Test that NEL reports are sent for successful requests 1321
sends-report-on-success.https.html Test that NEL reports are sent for successful requests 1056