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Test Info: Warnings
- This test has a WPT meta file that expects 1 subtest issues.
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /navigation-api/navigation-methods/traverseTo-detach-between-navigate-and-navigatesuccess.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!doctype html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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<iframe id="i" src="/common/blank.html"></iframe>
async_test(t => {
window.onload = t.step_func(() => {
const iWindow = i.contentWindow;
const iDOMException = iWindow.DOMException;
const iNavigationHistoryEntry = iWindow.NavigationHistoryEntry;
i.contentWindow.navigation.navigate("#1").finished.then(t.step_func(() => {
assert_equals(i.contentWindow.navigation.entries().length, 2);
let key = i.contentWindow.navigation.entries()[0].key;
let onnavigateerror_called = false;
let result;
i.contentWindow.navigation.onnavigate = t.step_func(e => {
// 1. The intercept handler runs.
// 2. "t.step_timeout(handlerRunResolve, 0)" executes handlerRunResolve in a macro task.
// 3. In the next microtask, the iframe is removed.
// 4. "t.step_timeout(resolve, 5)" executes and the intercept handler promise resolves.
let handlerRunResolve;
new Promise(r => handlerRunResolve = r).then(() => i.remove());
e.intercept({ handler() {
t.step_timeout(handlerRunResolve, 0);
return new Promise(resolve => t.step_timeout(resolve, 5));
i.contentWindow.navigation.onnavigatesuccess = t.unreached_func("navigatesuccess must not fire");
i.contentWindow.navigation.onnavigateerror = t.step_func(e => {
onnavigateerror_called = true;
assert_equals(e.filename, location.href);
assert_greater_than(e.lineno, 0);
assert_greater_than(e.colno, 0);
assertCommittedFulfillsFinishedRejectsExactly(t, result, iWindow.navigation.currentEntry, e.error, iWindow, iDOMException, iNavigationHistoryEntry).then(
() => t.done(),
t.step_func(err => { throw err; })
result = i.contentWindow.navigation.traverseTo(key);
}, "Detach a window between when a traverseTo() fires navigate and navigatesuccess");