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<title>MediaStreamTrack GetSettings</title>
<p class="instructions">When prompted, accept to share your video stream.</p>
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'use strict'
async function createTrackAndGetSettings(t, kind) {
const constraints = {};
constraints[kind] = true;
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
assert_equals(stream.getTracks().length, 1);
t.add_cleanup(() => stream.getTracks()[0].stop());
return stream.getTracks()[0].getSettings();
promise_test(async t => {
await setMediaPermission("granted", ["camera"]);
const mediaStream1 = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: true,
audio: false,
t.add_cleanup(() => mediaStream1.getVideoTracks()[0].stop());
const settings1 = mediaStream1.getVideoTracks()[0].getSettings();
const mediaStream2 = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: {
deviceId: {exact: settings1.deviceId},
audio: false
t.add_cleanup(() => mediaStream2.getVideoTracks()[0].stop());
const settings2 = mediaStream2.getVideoTracks()[0].getSettings();
assert_equals(settings1.deviceId, settings2.deviceId);
}, 'A device can be opened twice and have the same device ID');
promise_test(async t => {
const mediaStream1 = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: true,
audio: false,
t.add_cleanup(() => mediaStream1.getVideoTracks()[0].stop());
const settings1 = mediaStream1.getVideoTracks()[0].getSettings();
const mediaStream2 = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: {
deviceId: {exact: settings1.deviceId},
width: {
ideal: settings1.width / 2,
audio: false
t.add_cleanup(() => mediaStream2.getVideoTracks()[0].stop());
const settings2 = mediaStream2.getVideoTracks()[0].getSettings();
assert_equals(settings1.deviceId, settings2.deviceId);
assert_between_inclusive(settings2.width, settings1.width / 2, settings1.width);
}, 'A device can be opened twice with different resolutions requested');
promise_test(async t => {
// getUserMedia needs to be called before deviceIds and groupIds are exposed
const afterGum = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: true, audio: true
const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
const inputDevices = devices.filter(({kind}) => kind != "audiooutput");
assert_greater_than(inputDevices.length, 1, "have at least 2 test devices");
// first check the default tracks from the already called getUserMedia()
for (const track of afterGum.getTracks()) {
const settings = track.getSettings();
const device = inputDevices.find(({deviceId}) => deviceId == settings.deviceId);
assert_not_equals(device, undefined, `track was from an enumerated device`);
assert_equals(`${track.kind}input`, device.kind, `default track is the right kind.`);
assert_equals(typeof settings.deviceId, "string", "default deviceId is a string");
assert_greater_than(settings.deviceId.length, 0, "default deviceId is not empty");
assert_equals(settings.deviceId, device.deviceId, "default track deviceId matches device");
assert_equals(typeof settings.groupId, "string", "default groupId is a string.");
assert_greater_than(settings.groupId.length, 0, "default groupId is not empty");
assert_equals(settings.groupId, device.groupId, "default track groupId matches device");
// then check explicitly requesting each input device
for (const {kind, deviceId, groupId} of inputDevices) {
const type = {videoinput: "video", audioinput: "audio"}[kind];
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
[type]: {deviceId: {exact: deviceId}}
const [track] = stream.getTracks();
const settings = track.getSettings();
assert_equals(`${track.kind}input`, kind, `track is of the right kind.`);
assert_equals(typeof settings.deviceId, "string", "deviceId is a string.");
assert_greater_than(settings.deviceId.length, 0, "deviceId is not empty");
assert_equals(settings.deviceId, deviceId, "track and device deviceIds match");
assert_equals(typeof settings.groupId, "string", "groupId is a string.");
assert_greater_than(settings.groupId.length, 0, "groupId is not empty");
assert_equals(settings.groupId, groupId, "track and device groupId match");
}, 'deviceId and groupId are correctly reported by getSettings() for all input devices');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "audio");
assert_equals(typeof(settings.sampleRate), "number",
"sampleRate should exist and it should be a number.");
assert_greater_than(settings.sampleRate, 0);
}, 'sampleRate is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() audio tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "audio");
assert_equals(typeof(settings.sampleSize), "number",
"sampleSize should exist and it should be a number.");
assert_greater_than(settings.sampleSize, 0);
}, 'sampleSize is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() audio tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "audio");
assert_equals(typeof(settings.echoCancellation), "boolean",
"echoCancellation should exist and it should be a boolean.");
}, 'echoCancellation is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() audio tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "audio");
assert_equals(typeof(settings.autoGainControl), "boolean",
"autoGainControl should exist and it should be a boolean.");
}, 'autoGainControl is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() audio tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "audio");
assert_equals(typeof(settings.noiseSuppression), "boolean",
"noiseSuppression should exist and it should be a boolean.");
}, 'noiseSuppression is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() audio tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "audio");
assert_equals(typeof(settings.voiceIsolation), "boolean",
"voiceIsolation should exist and it should be a boolean.");
}, 'voiceIsolation is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() audio tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "audio");
assert_equals(typeof(settings.latency), "number",
"latency should exist and it should be a number.");
}, 'latency is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() audio tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "audio");
assert_equals(typeof(settings.channelCount), "number",
"channelCount should exist and it should be a number.");
assert_greater_than(settings.channelCount, 0);
}, 'channelCount is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() audio tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "video");
assert_equals(typeof(settings.width), "number",
"width should exist and it should be a number.");
assert_true(Number.isInteger(settings.width), "width should be an integer.");
assert_greater_than_equal(settings.width, 0);;
}, 'width is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() video tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "video");
assert_equals(typeof(settings.height), "number",
"height should exist and it should be a number.");
assert_true(Number.isInteger(settings.height), "height should be an integer.");
assert_greater_than_equal(settings.height, 0);
}, 'height is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() video tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "video");
assert_equals(typeof(settings.aspectRatio), "number",
"aspectRatio should exist and it should be a number.");
assert_greater_than_equal(settings.aspectRatio, 0);
}, 'aspectRatio is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() video tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "video");
assert_equals(typeof(settings.frameRate), "number",
"frameRate should exist and it should be a number.");
assert_greater_than_equal(settings.frameRate, 0);
}, 'frameRate is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() video tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "video");
// facingMode not treated as mandatory because not all platforms provide
// this information.
if (settings.facingMode) {
assert_equals(typeof(settings.facingMode), "string",
"If facingMode is provided it should be a string.");
['user', 'environment', 'left', 'right']);
}, 'facingMode is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() video tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const settings = await createTrackAndGetSettings(t, "video");
assert_equals(typeof(settings.resizeMode), "string",
"resizeMode should exist and it should be a string.");
assert_in_array(settings.resizeMode, ['none', 'crop-and-scale']);
}, 'resizeMode is reported by getSettings() for getUserMedia() video tracks');
promise_test(async t => {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video : true});
const audioTrack = stream.getAudioTracks()[0];
const videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
const audioDeviceId = audioTrack.getSettings().deviceId;
const videoDeviceId = videoTrack.getSettings().deviceId;
const audioGroupId = audioTrack.getSettings().groupId;
const videoGroupId = videoTrack.getSettings().groupId;
assert_equals(audioTrack.getSettings().deviceId, audioDeviceId, "audio track deviceId");
assert_equals(videoTrack.getSettings().deviceId, videoDeviceId, "video track deviceId");
assert_equals(audioTrack.getSettings().groupId, audioGroupId, "audio track groupId");
assert_equals(videoTrack.getSettings().groupId, videoGroupId, "video track groupId");
}, 'Stopped tracks should expose deviceId/groupId');