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<!doctype html>
<title>BrowserCaptureMediaStreamTrack restrictTo()</title>
<p class="instructions">
When prompted, accept to give permission to use your audio, video devices.
<h1 class="instructions">Description</h1>
<p class="instructions">
This test checks that restricting BrowserCaptureMediaStreamTrack works as
div {
height: 100px;
.stacking {
opacity: 0.9;
#container {
.fragmentize {
height: 50px;
#target {
background: linear-gradient(red, blue);
<div id='container'>
<div id='target'></div>
<video id="video"
style="border: 2px blue dotted; width: 250px; height: 250px;"
autoplay playsinline muted></video>
<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testdriver.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testdriver-vendor.js></script>
"use strict";
// For more information, see:
const EligibilityRequirement = {
StackingContext: "StackingContext",
OnlyOneBoxFragment: "OnlyOneBoxFragment",
FlattenedIn3D: "FlattenedIn3D",
// The target div.
const div = document.getElementById('target');
// Returns a promise that, if successful, will resolve to a media stream.
async function getDisplayMedia() {
return test_driver.bless('getDisplayMedia', () =>
video: { displaySurface: "browser" },
selfBrowserSurface: "include",
// Returns a promise that will resolve successfully if at least one frame is
// read before the timeout.
function assertFrameRead(t, state, message) {
const last_frame_count = state.frame_count;
return t.step_wait(() => state.frame_count > last_frame_count,
message, 5000, 10);
// Returns a promise that will resolve successfully if there are no frames
// produced for an entire second after being called.
function assertStopsProducingFrames(t, state, message) {
let last_frame_count = state.frame_count;
return t.step_timeout(() => {
assert_equals(state.frame_count, last_frame_count);
}, 1000);
function makeDivEligible() {
// Must always have a stacking context to be eligible.
div.parentElement.classList.remove("fragmented"); = "";
function makeDivIneligible(state) {
switch(state.eligibilityParam) {
case EligibilityRequirement.StackingContext:
case EligibilityRequirement.OnlyOneBoxFragment:
case EligibilityRequirement.FlattenedIn3D: = "rotateY(90deg)";
// Restore element state after each test.
function cleanupDiv() {
div.parentElement.classList.remove("fragmented"); = "";
function startAnimation(t, state) {
let count = 0;
function animate() {
if (!state.running) {
count += 1;
div.innerText = count;
// Stop animation as part of cleanup.
t.add_cleanup(() => { state.running = false; });
// Updates the state.frame_count value whenever a new frame is received on
// the passed in media stream track.
async function readFromTrack(state, track) {
while (state.running) {
const reader = new MediaStreamTrackProcessor(track).readable.getReader();
while (true) {
const frameOrDone = await;
if (frameOrDone.done) {
state.frame_count += 1;
// Parameterized test method. Note that this returns a Promise that will be
// resolved to represent success of the entire promise test.
async function runTest(t, eligibilityParam) {
let state = {
eligibilityParam: eligibilityParam,
frame_count: 0,
running: true,
reading: false,
startAnimation(t, state);
let videoTrack = undefined;
return getDisplayMedia().then(stream => {
t.add_cleanup(() => {
stream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop());
assert_true(!!stream, "should have resolved to a stream.");
assert_true(, "stream should be active.");
assert_equals(stream.getVideoTracks().length, 1);
[videoTrack] = stream.getVideoTracks();
assert_true(videoTrack instanceof MediaStreamTrack,
"track should be either MediaStreamTrack or a subclass thereof.");
assert_equals(videoTrack.readyState, "live", "track should be live.");
// Consume the stream in a video element.
const video = document.querySelector('video');
video.srcObject = stream;
// Remove the video source, so that the stream object can be released.
t.add_cleanup(() => {video.srcObject = null});
// Keep track of the number of frames used.
const readPromise = readFromTrack(state, videoTrack);
t.add_cleanup(() => readPromise);
return assertFrameRead(t, state, "Track should produce frames.");
}).then(() => {
assert_true(!!RestrictionTarget, "RestrictionTarget exposed.");
"RestrictionTarget.fromElement exposed.");
return RestrictionTarget.fromElement(div);
}).then(restrictionTarget => {
assert_true(!!videoTrack.restrictTo, "restrictTo exposed.");
assert_true(typeof videoTrack.restrictTo === 'function',
"restrictTo is a function.");
return videoTrack.restrictTo(restrictionTarget);
}).then(() => {
// By default, elements are not eligible for restriction due to not being
// placed in their own stacking context.
return assertStopsProducingFrames(t, state,
"No new frames after restriction.");
// TODO( once the issue with the
// --disable-threaded-compositing flag is resolved on Chrome's check in bots
// the rest of this test should be enabled.
// ).then(() => {
// // Should be unpaused now that the element is eligible.
// makeDivEligible();
// // Make sure the element state is restored to default between tests.
// t.add_cleanup(() => { cleanupDiv(); });
// // Restart the reader now that the stream is producing frames again.
// return assertFrameRead(t, state,
// "Received at least one frame after becoming eligible.");
// }).then(() => {
// // Should pause if it becomes ineligible again.
// makeDivIneligible(state);
// return assertStopsProducingFrames(t, state,
// "No new frames after becoming ineligible again.");
// });
// Test parameterizations.
].forEach(param =>
promise_test(t => runTest(t, param),
`Tests that restricting MediaStreamTrack objects works as expected (${param}).`