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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Test playback after waiting for audio</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="mediasource-util.js"></script>
// This test was designed to reproduce a bug in Gecko that occurred when a
// queue of decoded buffered video data was drained quickly and buffered audio
// was considered insufficient after playback was resumed. The frame
// durations are set very short to support this.
'use strict';
// Overwrite the timescales of a single segment resource to adjust frame
// durations.
function adjust_resource_for_timescale(resource) {
async function append_resource_to_source_buffer(resource) {
const source_buffer = resource.buffer;
// Adjust so that the first video frame aligns with the end of the previous
// append, or with zero if there has been no previous append.
source_buffer.timestampOffset -= resource.initial_offset;
await source_buffer.watcher.wait_for('updateend');
source_buffer.timestampOffset + resource.initial_offset + resource.duration,
`${resource.type} source_buffer.buffered.end()`);
source_buffer.timestampOffset = source_buffer.buffered.end(0);
promise_test(async t => {
const frames_per_keyframe = 8;
const video = await new Promise(
r => MediaSourceUtil.fetchManifestAndData(
(type, data) => r({type, data})));
// Truncate at the end of the first segment, which is also the end of 8
// frames. At least 11 frames need to be available for decoding to
// reproduce the Gecko bug.
const first_segment_end = 0x1b1a; =, first_segment_end);
// Video frame duration is 100 microseconds, short so that buffered frames
// are drained quickly. The audio and video timescales are easily
// representable with unsigned 32-bit integers.
const video_fps = 10e3;
const default_sample_duration = 512;
video.timescale = default_sample_duration * video_fps;
video.duration = frames_per_keyframe / video_fps;
const earliest_presentation_time = 1024;
video.initial_offset =
earliest_presentation_time / video.timescale;
// Overwrite timescale to adjust frame durations.
video.media_timescale_start = 0x182;
video.segment_index_timescale_start = 0x353;
const audio = await new Promise(
r => MediaSourceUtil.fetchManifestAndData(
(type, data) => r({type, data})));
// Truncate at end of first segment, which is also the end of 10240 samples.
const first_segment_end = 0x0830; =, first_segment_end);
// The audio sample rate is increased so that Gecko considers a single
// audio segment to be not enough, which is necessary to trigger the bug.
audio.duration = video.duration;
const subsegment_duration = 10240;
audio.timescale = subsegment_duration / audio.duration;
assert_equals(audio.timescale, Math.round(audio.timescale),
'integer timescale');
audio.initial_offset = 0;
// Overwrite timescale to adjust segment duration.
audio.media_timescale_start = 0x17e;
audio.segment_index_timescale_start = 0x30b;
const v = document.createElement('video');
// Muting the audio output allows Gecko's playback position to advance a
// little beyond the decoded audio, making the bug more likely to reproduce.
v.volume = 0;
v.watcher = new EventWatcher(t, v, ['waiting', 'error', 'ended']);
const media_source = new MediaSource();
media_source.watcher = new EventWatcher(t, media_source, ['sourceopen']);
v.src = URL.createObjectURL(media_source);
await media_source.watcher.wait_for('sourceopen');
function add_source_buffer(resource) {
`${resource.type} supported`);
resource.buffer = media_source.addSourceBuffer(resource.type);
assert_equals(resource.buffer.mode, 'segments',
`${resource.type} buffer.mode`);
resource.buffer.watcher =
new EventWatcher(t, resource.buffer, ['updateend']);
async function append_until_canplay() {
// Ensure 2 video segments to make available at least the 11 frames to
// reproduce the Gecko bug.
while (video.buffer.buffered.length == 0 ||
video.buffer.buffered.end(0) <
v.currentTime + 2 * video.duration) {
await append_resource_to_source_buffer(video);
while (true) {
if (audio.buffer.buffered.length == 0 ||
audio.buffer.buffered.end(0) <
video.buffer.buffered.end(0)) {
await append_resource_to_source_buffer(audio);
} else {
await append_resource_to_source_buffer(video);
if (v.readyState >= v.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA) {
// A single append might not be sufficient because either
// 1. the playback position had already advanced beyond the end of the
// newly appended data, or
// 2. Chrome (as of version 131.0.6778.24) does not transition to
// >= HAVE_FUTURE_DATA / canplay on the first frame beyond
// currentTime, but on some additional number of extra frames.
// Or the v.readyState change might still be pending while the browser
// is processing the newly appended data. Instead of waiting an
// arbitrary length of time to find out, append more data and try again.
// Three iterations checks that playback resumes after the Gecko bug would
// have occurred.
for (const i of Array(3).keys()) {
await append_until_canplay();
audio.buffer.remove(0, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
await audio.buffer.watcher.wait_for('updateend');
audio.buffer.timestampOffset = 0; => {});
await v.watcher.wait_for('waiting');
assert_less_than(v.readyState, v.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA,
`waiting ${i} at ${v.currentTime}`);
}, 'playback after waiting for audio');