Name Description Size
direction-006-ref.html RTL mtable and mtable with frame 1434
direction-006.html RTL mtable and mtable with frame 2013
direction-007-ref.html mo and embellished mrow/munderover (lspace=1em rspace=2em) 844
direction-007.html mo and embellished mrow/munderover (lspace=1em rspace=2em) 1808
direction-008-ref.html embellished mfrac (lspace=1em rspace=2em) 514
direction-008.html embellished mfrac (lspace=1em rspace=2em) 1196
direction-010-ref.html dir="rtl" VS direction: rtl on math/mrow/mstyle 836
direction-010.html dir="rtl" VS direction: rtl on math/mrow/mstyle 1602
direction-mpadded-ref.html Verify dir attribute on mpadded (reference) 653
direction-mpadded.html Verify dir attribute on mpadded 1212
direction-overall-002-ref.html Test dir=rtl 266
direction-overall-002.html Verify dir attribute on various containers 4120
direction-overall-003-ref.html Test dir=rtl 1689
direction-overall-003.html Verify dir attribute on various containers 4000
direction-overall-ref.html Verify dir attribute on various containers 1013
direction-overall.html Verify dir attribute on various containers 1945
direction-token-ref.html Verify dir attribute on token elements 703
direction-token.html Verify dir attribute on token elements 1356
direction.html Verify computed direction 2165