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// CSSOMString is an implementation-defined type of either DOMString or
// For web-platform-tests, use DOMString because USVString has additional
// requirements in type conversion and could result in spurious failures for
// implementations that use DOMString.
typedef DOMString CSSOMString;
// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref
// Source: CSS Object Model (CSSOM) (
interface MediaList {
stringifier attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString mediaText;
readonly attribute unsigned long length;
getter CSSOMString? item(unsigned long index);
undefined appendMedium(CSSOMString medium);
undefined deleteMedium(CSSOMString medium);
interface StyleSheet {
readonly attribute CSSOMString type;
readonly attribute USVString? href;
readonly attribute (Element or ProcessingInstruction)? ownerNode;
readonly attribute CSSStyleSheet? parentStyleSheet;
readonly attribute DOMString? title;
[SameObject, PutForwards=mediaText] readonly attribute MediaList media;
attribute boolean disabled;
interface CSSStyleSheet : StyleSheet {
constructor(optional CSSStyleSheetInit options = {});
readonly attribute CSSRule? ownerRule;
[SameObject] readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules;
unsigned long insertRule(CSSOMString rule, optional unsigned long index = 0);
undefined deleteRule(unsigned long index);
Promise<CSSStyleSheet> replace(USVString text);
undefined replaceSync(USVString text);
dictionary CSSStyleSheetInit {
DOMString baseURL = null;
(MediaList or DOMString) media = "";
boolean disabled = false;
partial interface CSSStyleSheet {
[SameObject] readonly attribute CSSRuleList rules;
long addRule(optional DOMString selector = "undefined", optional DOMString style = "undefined", optional unsigned long index);
undefined removeRule(optional unsigned long index = 0);
interface StyleSheetList {
getter CSSStyleSheet? item(unsigned long index);
readonly attribute unsigned long length;
partial interface mixin DocumentOrShadowRoot {
[SameObject] readonly attribute StyleSheetList styleSheets;
attribute ObservableArray<CSSStyleSheet> adoptedStyleSheets;
interface mixin LinkStyle {
readonly attribute CSSStyleSheet? sheet;
ProcessingInstruction includes LinkStyle;
interface CSSRuleList {
getter CSSRule? item(unsigned long index);
readonly attribute unsigned long length;
interface CSSRule {
attribute CSSOMString cssText;
readonly attribute CSSRule? parentRule;
readonly attribute CSSStyleSheet? parentStyleSheet;
// the following attribute and constants are historical
readonly attribute unsigned short type;
const unsigned short STYLE_RULE = 1;
const unsigned short CHARSET_RULE = 2;
const unsigned short IMPORT_RULE = 3;
const unsigned short MEDIA_RULE = 4;
const unsigned short FONT_FACE_RULE = 5;
const unsigned short PAGE_RULE = 6;
const unsigned short MARGIN_RULE = 9;
const unsigned short NAMESPACE_RULE = 10;
interface CSSStyleRule : CSSGroupingRule {
attribute CSSOMString selectorText;
[SameObject, PutForwards=cssText] readonly attribute CSSStyleProperties style;
interface CSSImportRule : CSSRule {
readonly attribute USVString href;
[SameObject, PutForwards=mediaText] readonly attribute MediaList media;
[SameObject] readonly attribute CSSStyleSheet? styleSheet;
readonly attribute CSSOMString? layerName;
readonly attribute CSSOMString? supportsText;
interface CSSGroupingRule : CSSRule {
[SameObject] readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules;
unsigned long insertRule(CSSOMString rule, optional unsigned long index = 0);
undefined deleteRule(unsigned long index);
interface CSSPageDescriptors : CSSStyleDeclaration {
attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString margin;
attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString marginTop;
attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString marginRight;
attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString marginBottom;
attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString marginLeft;
attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString margin-top;
attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString margin-right;
attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString margin-bottom;
attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString margin-left;
attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString size;
attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString orientation;
attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString marks;
attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString bleed;
interface CSSPageRule : CSSGroupingRule {
attribute CSSOMString selectorText;
[SameObject, PutForwards=cssText] readonly attribute CSSPageDescriptors style;
interface CSSMarginRule : CSSRule {
readonly attribute CSSOMString name;
[SameObject, PutForwards=cssText] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style;
interface CSSNamespaceRule : CSSRule {
readonly attribute CSSOMString namespaceURI;
readonly attribute CSSOMString prefix;
interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
[CEReactions] attribute CSSOMString cssText;
readonly attribute unsigned long length;
getter CSSOMString item(unsigned long index);
CSSOMString getPropertyValue(CSSOMString property);
CSSOMString getPropertyPriority(CSSOMString property);
[CEReactions] undefined setProperty(CSSOMString property, [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString value, optional [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString priority = "");
[CEReactions] CSSOMString removeProperty(CSSOMString property);
readonly attribute CSSRule? parentRule;
interface CSSStyleProperties : CSSStyleDeclaration {
[CEReactions] attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] CSSOMString cssFloat;
interface mixin ElementCSSInlineStyle {
[SameObject, PutForwards=cssText] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style;
HTMLElement includes ElementCSSInlineStyle;
SVGElement includes ElementCSSInlineStyle;
MathMLElement includes ElementCSSInlineStyle;
partial interface Window {
[NewObject] CSSStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle(Element elt, optional CSSOMString? pseudoElt);
namespace CSS {
CSSOMString escape(CSSOMString ident);