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Test Info: Warnings
- This test has a WPT meta file that expects 5 subtest issues.
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /html/semantics/scripting-1/the-template-element/template-element/node-document-changes.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Templates: When node's document changes its owner document should be changed</title>
<meta name="author" title="Sergey G. Grekhov" href="">
<meta name="author" title="Aleksei Yu. Semenov" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="When a template element's node document changes, the template element's content DocumentFragment must be adopted into the new node document's template contents owner document">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src='/html/resources/common.js'></script>
<div id="log"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
test(function() {
var doc1 = newHTMLDocument();
var template = doc1.createElement('template');
assert_equals(template.ownerDocument, doc1, 'Wrong template node owner document');
assert_not_equals(template.content.ownerDocument, doc1,
'Wrong template content owner document');
var doc2 = newHTMLDocument();
var template2 = doc2.createElement('template');
assert_equals(template.ownerDocument, template2.ownerDocument,
'Template node owner document should be changed');
assert_equals(template.content.ownerDocument, template2.content.ownerDocument,
'Template content owner document should be changed');
}, 'Changing of template element\'s node document. ' +
'Test that ownerDocument of an empty template and its content changes');
test(function() {
var doc1 = newHTMLDocument();
doc1.body.innerHTML = '<template id="tmpl"><div>Div content</div> And some more text</template>';
var template = doc1.querySelector('#tmpl');
assert_equals(template.ownerDocument, doc1,
'Wrong template node owner document');
assert_not_equals(template.content.ownerDocument, doc1,
'Wrong template content owner document');
var doc2 = newHTMLDocument();
var template2 = doc2.createElement('template');
assert_equals(template.ownerDocument, template2.ownerDocument,
'Template node owner document should be changed');
assert_equals(template.content.ownerDocument, template2.content.ownerDocument,
'Template content owner document should be changed');
'Template content descendants owner document should be changed');
}, 'Changing of template element\'s node document. ' +
'Test that ownerDocument of a not empty template and its content changes');
test(function() {
var doc1 = newHTMLDocument();
doc1.body.innerHTML = ''
+ '<template id="tmpl"><div>Div content</div> And some more text'
+ '<template id="tmpl2"><div>Template content</div></template>'
+ '</template>';
var template = doc1.querySelector('#tmpl');
assert_equals(template.ownerDocument, doc1, 'Wrong template node owner document');
assert_not_equals(template.content.ownerDocument, doc1,
'Wrong template content owner document');
var nestedTemplate = template.content.querySelector('#tmpl2');
assert_equals(nestedTemplate.ownerDocument, template.content.ownerDocument,
'Wrong nested template node owner document');
assert_equals(nestedTemplate.content.ownerDocument, template.content.ownerDocument,
'Wrong nested template content owner document');
var doc2 = newHTMLDocument();
var template2 = doc2.createElement('template');
assert_equals(template.ownerDocument, template2.ownerDocument,
'Template node owner document should be changed');
assert_equals(template.content.ownerDocument, template2.content.ownerDocument,
'Template content owner document should be changed');
'Template content descendants owner document should be changed');
'Nested template node owner document should be changed');
'Nested template content owner document should be changed');
'Owner document of the nested template content descendants should be changed');
}, 'Changing of template element\'s node document. ' +
'Test that ownerDocument of nested template and its content changes');
testInIFrame('../resources/template-contents.html', function(context) {
var doc1 = context.iframes[0].contentDocument;
var template = doc1.body.querySelector('template');
var doc2 = newHTMLDocument();
var template2 = doc2.createElement('template');
assert_equals(template.ownerDocument, template2.ownerDocument,
'Template node owner document should be changed');
'Template content owner document should be changed');
'Template content descendants owner document should be changed');
}, 'Changing of template element\'s node document. ' +
'Test document loaded from a file');
testInIFrame('../resources/template-contents.html', function(context) {
var doc1 = context.iframes[0].contentDocument;
var doc2 = newHTMLDocument();
var template = doc2.createElement('template');
var div = doc2.createElement('div');
assert_not_equals(template.ownerDocument, doc2,
'Template node owner document should be changed');
assert_not_equals(template.content.ownerDocument, doc2,
'Template content owner document should be changed');
assert_not_equals(div.ownerDocument, doc2,
'Template content descendants owner document should be changed');
assert_equals(template.ownerDocument, doc1,
'Template node owner document should be changed');
// doc1 has browsing context so it cannot be template.content.ownerDocument
assert_not_equals(template.content.ownerDocument, doc1,
'Template content owner document should be a new document');
assert_equals(div.ownerDocument, template.content.ownerDocument,
'Template content descendants owner document should be ' +
'template content document owner');
}, 'Changing of template element\'s node document. ' +
'Adobt template element into a document that has a browsing context');
testInIFrame('../resources/template-contents.html', function(context) {
var doc1 = context.iframes[0].contentDocument;
var template = doc1.querySelector('template');
var div = template.content.querySelector('div');
var templateContentOwner = template.content.ownerDocument;
var doc2 = document;
assert_not_equals(template.ownerDocument, doc1,
'Template node owner document should be changed');
assert_not_equals(template.content.ownerDocument, templateContentOwner,
'Template content owner document should be changed');
assert_not_equals(div.ownerDocument, templateContentOwner,
'Template content descendants owner document should be changed');
assert_equals(template.ownerDocument, doc2,
'Template node owner document should be changed');
// doc2 has browsing context, so it cannot be template.content.ownerDocument
assert_not_equals(template.content.ownerDocument, doc2,
'Template content owner document should be a new document');
assert_equals(div.ownerDocument, template.content.ownerDocument,
'Template content descendants owner document should be ' +
'template content document owner');
}, 'Changing of template element\'s node document. ' +
'Test the case when both old and new owner documents of template element ' +
'have browsing context');