abspos-dialog-layout.html |
Tests layout of absolutely positioned modal dialogs. |
4887 |
backdrop-descendant-selector-ref.html |
401 |
backdrop-descendant-selector.html |
1185 |
backdrop-dynamic-display-none-ref.html |
Reference: Test that adding display: none; dynamically on ::backdrop makes it disappear |
266 |
backdrop-dynamic-display-none.html |
Test that adding display: none; dynamically on ::backdrop makes it disappear |
715 |
backdrop-dynamic-style-change-ref.html |
333 |
backdrop-dynamic-style-change.html |
691 |
backdrop-in-flow-ref.html |
334 |
backdrop-in-flow.html |
802 |
backdrop-inherits-ref.html |
305 |
backdrop-inherits.html |
582 |
backdrop-receives-element-events.html |
Test that ::backdrop receives events for the associated element |
1251 |
backdrop-stacking-order-ref.html |
1141 |
backdrop-stacking-order.html |
1798 |
centering-iframe.sub.html |
dialog element centered frame |
574 |
centering.html |
dialog element: centered alignment |
3268 |
child-sequential-focus.html |
2332 |
closed-dialog-does-not-block-mouse-events.html |
1650 |
default-color.html |
Test for dialog element colors |
1308 |
dialog-active-document.html |
619 |
dialog-audio-video-crash.html |
197 |
dialog-autofocus-just-once.html |
888 |
dialog-autofocus-multiple-times.html |
1365 |
dialog-autofocus.html |
2232 |
dialog-cancel-events.html |
Test cancel event is fired when the dialog is closed by user close requests |
1535 |
dialog-cancel-preventDefault.html |
Test cancel event with preventDefault on cancel event for dialog element |
1378 |
dialog-cancel-with-input.html |
Test dialog modal is closed by escape key with input focused |
1677 |
dialog-cancel-with-select.html |
Test dialog modal is closed by escape key with select focused |
1176 |
dialog-canceling.html |
3487 |
dialog-close-event-async.html |
dialog element: close() |
959 |
dialog-close-event.html |
1487 |
dialog-close-via-attribute.tentative.html |
3080 |
dialog-close.html |
dialog element: close() |
2635 |
dialog-closedby.html |
4362 |
dialog-closewatcher-crash.html |
458 |
dialog-enabled.html |
365 |
dialog-focus-previous-outside.html |
2576 |
dialog-focus-shadow-double-nested.html |
dialog focusing delegation: with two nested shadow trees |
1938 |
dialog-focus-shadow.html |
dialog focus delegation |
9866 |
dialog-focusability.html |
dialog element: focusability |
1848 |
dialog-focusing-steps-disconnected.html |
Test focusing steps when dialog is disconnected |
1274 |
dialog-focusing-steps-inert.html |
Test focusing steps when dialog is inert |
1539 |
dialog-focusing-steps-prevent-autofocus.html |
773 |
dialog-form-submission-unusual.html |
Test dialog form submission, unusual cases |
971 |
dialog-form-submission.html |
Test dialog form submission |
4787 |
dialog-inert.html |
1062 |
dialog-keydown-preventDefault.html |
Test cancel event with preventDefault on keydown event for dialog element |
1353 |
dialog-no-throw-requested-state.html |
1006 |
dialog-not-in-tree-crash.html |
103 |
dialog-open-2.html |
1071 |
dialog-open.html |
dialog element: open |
1517 |
dialog-overlay-re-add-during-transition.html |
dialog: close and re-add modal dialog during overlay transition |
1072 |
dialog-overlay.html |
dialog: overlay |
1547 |
dialog-popover-closedby-complex.html |
6585 |
dialog-popover-closedby-simple.html |
5791 |
dialog-popover-overlay-ref.html |
140 |
dialog-popover-overlay.html |
590 |
dialog-remove-open-attr-crash.html |
225 |
dialog-requestclose.html |
5699 |
dialog-return-value.html |
1677 |
dialog-showModal-inert-crash.html |
491 |
dialog-showModal-remove.html |
dialog element: removing from document after showModal() |
979 |
dialog-showModal.html |
dialog element: showModal() |
6207 |
dialogs-with-no-backdrop-ref.html |
142 |
dialogs-with-no-backdrop.html |
1345 |
dont-share-style-to-top-layer-ref.html |
355 |
dont-share-style-to-top-layer.html |
479 |
element-removed-from-top-layer-has-original-position-ref.html |
489 |
element-removed-from-top-layer-has-original-position.html |
933 |
fixed-position-child-with-contain-ancestor.html |
Test that a fixed positioned child of a dialog is aligned to the viewport |
668 |
fixed-position-child-with-fixed-position-cb-ref.html |
Test that a fixed positioned child of a dialog is aligned to the viewport |
430 |
fixed-position-child-with-fo-ancestor.html |
Test that a fixed positioned child of a dialog is aligned to the viewport |
681 |
fixed-position-child-with-transformed-ancestor.tentative.html |
Test that a fixed positioned child of a dialog is aligned to the viewport |
661 |
fixed-position-child-with-will-change-ancestor.tentative.html |
Test that a fixed positioned child of a dialog is aligned to the viewport |
675 |
focus-after-close.html |
Test focus is moved to the previously focused element when dialog is closed |
7438 |
focus-previous-iframe.tentative.html |
Test focus is moved to the previously focused element when dialog is closed |
1682 |
green-dialog-and-backdrop.html |
409 |
inert-does-not-match-disabled-selector.html |
853 |
inert-focus-in-frames.html |
2812 |
inert-inlines.html |
2804 |
inert-label-focus.html |
1938 |
inert-node-is-not-highlighted-ref.html |
836 |
inert-node-is-not-highlighted.html |
884 |
inert-node-is-uneditable.html |
2071 |
inert-node-is-unfocusable.html |
2659 |
inert-node-is-unselectable.html |
846 |
inert-svg-hittest.html |
Hit-testing with SVG made inert by modal dialog |
2351 |
inertness-with-modal-dialogs-and-iframes.html |
Inertness with modal dialogs and iframes |
5489 |
modal-dialog-ancestor-is-inert.html |
3062 |
modal-dialog-backdrop-opacity-ref.html |
413 |
modal-dialog-backdrop-opacity.html |
532 |
modal-dialog-backdrop-ref.html |
785 |
modal-dialog-backdrop.html |
558 |
modal-dialog-blocks-mouse-events.html |
3175 |
modal-dialog-display-contents-ref.html |
Reference: Test that display: contents; on modal dialog & ::backdrop acts like display: block |
506 |
modal-dialog-display-contents.html |
Test that display: contents; on modal dialog & ::backdrop acts like display: block |
1101 |
modal-dialog-generated-content-ref.html |
802 |
modal-dialog-generated-content.html |
1213 |
modal-dialog-in-iframe-ref.html |
34 |
modal-dialog-in-iframe.html |
Modal dialog inside iframe should not generate box |
546 |
modal-dialog-in-object-ref.html |
114 |
modal-dialog-in-object.html |
Modal dialog inside object should not generate box |
556 |
modal-dialog-in-replaced-renderer-ref.html |
386 |
modal-dialog-in-replaced-renderer.html |
Modal dialog inside replaced renderer should not generate box |
709 |
modal-dialog-in-table-column-ref.html |
187 |
modal-dialog-in-table-column.html |
Modal dialog inside display: table-column should not generate box |
556 |
modal-dialog-in-visibility-hidden.html |
Test that modal dialogs have visibility: visible set from the UA sheet |
1290 |
modal-dialog-scroll-height.html |
901 |
modal-dialog-selection.html |
Content selection in modal dialog |
1954 |
modal-dialog-sibling-ref.html |
443 |
modal-dialog-sibling.html |
760 |
multiple-centered-dialogs.html |
1812 |
non-modal-canceling.html |
1004 |
non-modal-dialog-does-not-block-mouse-events.html |
1441 |
non-modal-dialog-layout.html |
2620 |
pass-dialog-ref.html |
CSS Test Reference |
190 |
popover-dialog-does-not-block-mouse-events.html |
Popover dialogs should not block mouse events |
1689 |
remove-dialog-should-unblock-document.html |
845 |
removed-element-is-removed-from-top-layer-ref.html |
647 |
removed-element-is-removed-from-top-layer.html |
1056 |
resources |
show-modal-focusing-steps.html |
2181 |
showmodal-in-shadow-crash.html |
576 |
showmodal-shadow-sibling-frame-crash.html |
926 |
simulated-click-inert.html |
1325 |
submit-dialog-close-event.html |
1194 |
synthetic-click-inert.html |
1191 |
toggle-events.tentative.html |
11038 |
top-layer-backdrop-remove-add-ordering-ref.html |
364 |
top-layer-backdrop-remove-add-ordering.html |
596 |
top-layer-containing-block-ref.html |
1071 |
top-layer-containing-block.html |
1723 |
top-layer-display-none-ref.html |
546 |
top-layer-display-none.html |
1553 |
top-layer-nesting-ref.html |
781 |
top-layer-nesting.html |
1500 |
top-layer-parent-clip.html |
Test that parent clip-path does not affect top layer elements |
644 |
top-layer-parent-filter.html |
Test that parent filter does not affect top layer elements |
676 |
top-layer-parent-mask.html |
Test that parent mask does not affect top layer elements |
687 |
top-layer-parent-opacity.html |
Test that parent opacity does not affect top layer elements |
703 |
top-layer-parent-overflow-clip.html |
Test that parent overflow: clip; does not affect top layer elements |
757 |
top-layer-parent-overflow-hidden.html |
Test that parent overflow: hidden; does not affect top layer elements |
737 |
top-layer-parent-overflow-scroll.html |
Test that parent overflow: scroll; does not affect top layer elements |
761 |
top-layer-parent-transform.html |
Test that parent transform does not affect top layer elements |
642 |
top-layer-position-ref.html |
283 |
top-layer-position-relative.html |
722 |
top-layer-position-static.html |
718 |
top-layer-position.html |
1206 |
top-layer-remove-popover-attribute-ref.html |
Shown modal dialog where the popover attribute is removed |
298 |
top-layer-remove-popover-attribute.html |
Shown modal dialog where the popover attribute is removed |
624 |
top-layer-stacking-correct-order-remove-readd-ref.html |
576 |
top-layer-stacking-correct-order-remove-readd.html |
1124 |
top-layer-stacking-dynamic-ref.html |
570 |
top-layer-stacking-dynamic.html |
1415 |
top-layer-stacking-ref.html |
1606 |
top-layer-stacking.tentative.html |
2246 |
129 |