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select, select::picker(select) {
appearance: base-select;
<option class=one value=one>
<span class=one>span</span> one
<option class=two value=two>
<span class=two>span</span> two
promise_test(async () => {
const optionOne = document.querySelector('');
const optionTwo = document.querySelector('option.two');
const selectedcontent = document.querySelector('selectedcontent');
const select = document.querySelector('select');
const spanTwo = document.querySelector('span.two');
const form = document.querySelector('form');
const button = document.querySelector('button');
assert_equals(selectedcontent.innerHTML, optionOne.innerHTML,
'The innerHTML of <selectedcontent> should initially match the innerHTML of the selected <option>.');
select.value = 'two';
assert_equals(selectedcontent.innerHTML, optionTwo.innerHTML,
'The innerHTML of <selectedcontent> should change after the selected option is changed.');
let oldInnerHTML = optionTwo.innerHTML;
spanTwo.textContent = 'new span';
assert_equals(selectedcontent.innerHTML, oldInnerHTML,
'<selectedcontent> should not respond to <option> text content changes.');
assert_equals(selectedcontent.innerHTML, oldInnerHTML,
'<selectedcontent> should not respond to new elements being added to descendants of <option>.');
spanTwo.setAttribute('data-foo', 'bar');
assert_equals(selectedcontent.innerHTML, oldInnerHTML,
'<selectedcontent> should not respond to attributes being added to descendants of <option>.');
select.value = select.value;
assert_equals(selectedcontent.innerHTML, optionTwo.innerHTML,
'<selectedcontent> should be updated in response to re-assigning select.value.');
select.selectedIndex = select.selectedIndex;
assert_equals(selectedcontent.innerHTML, optionTwo.innerHTML,
'<selectedcontent> should be updated in response to re-assigning select.selectedIndex.');
assert_equals(select.value, 'one',
'form.reset() should change the selects value to one.');
assert_equals(selectedcontent.innerHTML, optionOne.innerHTML,
'The innerHTML of <selectedcontent> should be updated in response to a form reset.');
await test_driver.bless();
assert_equals(select.value, 'two',
'Clicking on another option should change select.value.');
assert_equals(selectedcontent.innerHTML, optionTwo.innerHTML,
'Clicking on an option element should update the <selectedcontent>.');
assert_equals(selectedcontent.innerHTML, optionTwo.innerHTML,
'Removing the <selectedcontent> from the <select> should not make it clear its contents.');
assert_equals(selectedcontent.innerHTML, optionTwo.innerHTML,
'Re-inserting the <selectedcontent> should make it update its contents.');
assert_equals(selectedcontent.innerHTML, optionOne.innerHTML,
'The innerHTML of <selectedcontent> should be updated in response to selected <option> removal.');
assert_equals(selectedcontent.innerHTML, '',
'The content of <selectedcontent> should be cleared if there is no selected <option>.');
// TODO( Add tests for mutation records during parsing
}, 'The <selectedcontent> element should reflect the HTML contents of the selected <option>.');
<select id=select2>
<option class=one>one</option>
<option class=two>two</option>
<option class=three>three</option>
promise_test(async () => {
const select = document.getElementById('select2');
const button = select.querySelector('button');
const selectedcontent = select.querySelector('selectedcontent');
assert_equals(selectedcontent.textContent, 'one',
'selectedcontent should initially be one.');
const selectedcontent2 = document.createElement('selectedcontent');
select.value = 'two';
assert_equals(selectedcontent.textContent, 'two',
'First selectedcontent should be kept up to date.');
assert_equals(selectedcontent2.textContent, '',
'Second selectedcontent should not be kept up to date.');
button.insertBefore(selectedcontent2, selectedcontent);
select.value = 'one';
assert_equals(selectedcontent.textContent, '',
'Second selectedcontent in tree order should be cleared after another is inserted.');
assert_equals(selectedcontent2.textContent, 'one',
'First selectedcontent in tree order should be kept up to date.');
selectedcontent.textContent = 'two';
assert_equals(selectedcontent.textContent, 'two',
'selectedcontent should not have its children modified after removal.');
select.value = 'three';
assert_equals(selectedcontent2.textContent, 'three',
'Remaining selectedcontent should be kept up to date.');
assert_equals(selectedcontent.textContent, 'two',
'Removed selectedcontent should not be kept up to date.');
button.insertBefore(selectedcontent, selectedcontent2);
assert_equals(selectedcontent.textContent, 'three',
'Inserted selectedcontent should be updated if it is the first in tree order.');
assert_equals(selectedcontent2.textContent, '',
'Second selectedcontent in tree order should be cleared when another is inserted.');
assert_equals(selectedcontent2.textContent, 'three',
'Remaining selectedcontent should be updated when first in tree order is removed.');
}, 'When there are multiple <selectedcontent> elements, only the one in tree order should be kept up to date.');
promise_test(async () => {
const select = document.createElement('select');
select.innerHTML = '<option>one</option><option>two</option>';
const button = document.createElement('button');
const selectedcontent = document.createElement('selectedcontent');
assert_equals(selectedcontent.textContent, '',
'<selectedcontent> should not be updated when appending to a disconnected select.');
select.value = 'two';
assert_equals(selectedcontent.textContent, '',
'<selectedcontent> should not be updated when changing value of a disconnected select.');
assert_equals(selectedcontent.textContent, 'two',
'<selectedcontent> should be updated when <select> is connected to the document.');
}, '<seletedcontent> behavior in disconnected <select>.');