Name Description Size
col-flow-only.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that col-flow allows only vertical flowing. 2237
col-wrap-and-row-flow.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that we can col-wrap AND row-flow. 2371
col-wrap-only.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that col-wrap allows only vertical wrapping. 2247
colspan.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that we deal correctly with colspans. 3513
css-table-not-focusgroup.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that Focusgroup doesn't work on CSS table when the focusgroup attribute is not present. 1386
css-table.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that Focusgroup works with CSS tables too. 1910
does-not-wrap-or-flow.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Simple case that validated we don't wrap or flow when these values aren't provided. 2165
empty-spaces.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that empty spaces are not troubling our expectations. 5554
flows-in-both-axes.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that flow allows both horizontal and vertical flowing. 2418
moves-across-table-sections.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Table with one or less row per section (head, 2 bodies and foot). 3136
non-table.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that Focusgroup doesn't work when not set on a table element 1104
relayout-before-navigation.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Relayout before navigating in a grid 1373
row-flow-only.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that row-flow allows only horizontal flowing. 2241
row-wrap-and-col-flow.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that we can row-wrap AND col-flow. 2379
row-wrap-only.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that row-wrap allows only horizontal wrapping. 2263
rowspan.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that we deal correctly with rowspans. 5321
simple-case-with-non-focusable-cell-in-the-center.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Simple case with grid focusgroup, but with the cell R2C2 not focusable. 2370
simple-case.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Simple case with grid focusgroup 2082
wraps-in-both-axes.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Validate that wrap allows both horizontal and vertical wrapping. 2349