Name Description Size
000.html drag & drop - no microdata for no itemscope 2543
001.html drag & drop - microdata for non looping simple drop 5383
002.html drag & drop - microdata with itemref 3780
003.html drag & drop - microdata changes after dragstart 5615
004.html drag & drop - microdata with nested item as property 4875
005.html drag & drop - microdata with nested item as non-property 4357
006.html drag & drop - microdata with type and id 4155
007.html drag & drop - microdata with multiply named item as property 5084
008.html drag & drop - no microdata for selection with no items 2635
009.html drag & drop - microdata for selection surrounding one item 3197
010.html drag & drop - microdata for selection surrounding multiple items 3944
011.html drag & drop - microdata for selection partially intersecting multiple items 4381
012.html drag & drop - microdata for selection surrounding nested property items 4046
013.html drag & drop - microdata for selection surrounding nested non-property items 3514
014.html drag & drop - microdata with sibling itemref loop 2848
015.html drag & drop - microdata with parent itemref loop 2875
016.html drag & drop - microdata with nested sibling itemref loop 7304
017.html drag & drop - microdata with nested parent itemref loop 5240
018.html drag & drop - microdata for selection partially intersecting a single item 3052
019.html drag & drop - microdata for selection partially intersecting nested items 3203
020.html drag & drop - microdata for selection partially intersecting multiple items but not siblings 4042
021.html drag & drop - microdata when addElement is used 3409
test 87