Name Description Size
blocking-idl-attr.html Tests the 'blocking' IDL attribute on link, script and style elements 1682
element-render-blocking-001.html `link rel=expect` defers frames until href element is parsed 712
element-render-blocking-002.html Frames starts after href element is parsed before the end 946
element-render-blocking-003.html Adding link in the head has an effect 780
element-render-blocking-004.html Removing link in the head has an effect 728
element-render-blocking-005.html Removing blocking attr in the head has an effect 735
element-render-blocking-006.html Adding blocking attr in the head has an effect 727
element-render-blocking-007.html Media attribute that doesn't match makes the link not apply 739
element-render-blocking-008.html Media attribute changes in the head to apply 780
element-render-blocking-009.html Media attribute changes in the head to not apply 781
element-render-blocking-010.html Rel attribute changes in the head to not apply 740
element-render-blocking-011.html Rel attribute changes in the head to apply 746
element-render-blocking-012.html Href attribute changes in the head to apply 720
element-render-blocking-013.html Href attribute changes in the head to not apply 725
element-render-blocking-014.html Blocking link added in the body has no effect 848
element-render-blocking-015.html Blocking link removed in the body has an effect 746
element-render-blocking-016.html Removing blocking attr in the body has an effect 761
element-render-blocking-017.html Adding blocking attr in the body has no effect 742
element-render-blocking-018.html Media attribute changes in the body to apply, but has no effect 815
element-render-blocking-019.html Media attribute changes in the body to not apply 812
element-render-blocking-020.html Rel attribute changes in the body to not apply 770
element-render-blocking-021.html Rel attribute changes in the body to apply, but has no effect 854
element-render-blocking-022.html Href attribute changes in the body to apply, but has no effect 755
element-render-blocking-023.html Href attribute changes in the body to not apply 749
element-render-blocking-024.html Unknown href causes the whole document to be blocked 881
element-render-blocking-025.html Adding an id to parsed element satisfies render block 979
element-render-blocking-026.html Removing id keeps render block satisfied 975
element-render-blocking-027.html Unknown href causes the whole document to be blocked 943
element-render-blocking-028.html Multiple links and all but one removed 1264
element-render-blocking-029.html `link rel=expect` supports <a name> 812
element-render-blocking-030.html <a name> should only unblock when finished parsing children 927
element-render-blocking-031.html `link rel=expect` supports dynamically changed <a name> 933
element-render-blocking-032.html <a name> should only unblock when finished parsing children 927
element-render-blocking-033.html link rel=expect should support percent encoding 867
element-render-blocking-034.html link rel=expect should allow relative URLs 878
element-render-blocking-035.html link rel=expect: base URL should be OK with relative URLs 939
element-render-blocking-036.html link rel=expect: base URL mismatch causes link to not block 879
element-render-blocking-037.html link rel=expect: base URL should be OK with relative URLs 939
element-render-blocking-038.html link rel=expect: only connected elements are eligible 995
non-render-blocking-scripts.optional.html Tests when script is not implicitly potentially render-blocking 2588
parser-blocking-script.html Parser-blocking script elements are implicitly render-blocking 658
parser-inserted-async-inline-module-with-import.html Parser-inserted async inline module script elements with "blocking=render" are render-blocking 762
parser-inserted-async-script.html Parser-inserted async script elements with "blocking=render" are render-blocking 636
parser-inserted-defer-script.html Parser-inserted defer script elements with "blocking=render" are render-blocking 636
parser-inserted-inline-module-with-import.html Parser-inserted module script elements with "blocking=render" are render-blocking 737
parser-inserted-module-script.html Parser-inserted module script elements with "blocking=render" are render-blocking 696
parser-inserted-style-element.html Parser-inserted style elements are implicitly render-blocking 749
parser-inserted-stylesheet-link.html Parser-inserted stylesheet links are implicitly render-blocking 749
remove-attr-script-keeps-blocking.html Synchronous script element still blocks rendering after removing `blocking=render` 934
remove-attr-style-keeps-blocking.html Parser-inserted style element still blocks rendering after removing `blocking=render` 877
remove-attr-stylesheet-link-keeps-blocking.html Parser-inserted stylesheet link still blocks rendering after removing `blocking=render` 887
remove-attr-unblocks-rendering.optional.html Removing `blocking=render` should unblock rendering 3362
remove-element-unblocks-rendering.optional.html Removing render-blocking element should unblock rendering 3282
remove-pending-async-render-blocking-script.html Removed render-blocking script should not indefinitely block rendering 761
script-inserted-inline-module-with-import.html Script-inserted module script elements with "blocking=render" are render-blocking 859
script-inserted-module-script.html Script-inserted module script elements with "blocking=render" are render-blocking 750
script-inserted-script.html Script-inserted script elements with "blocking=render" are render-blocking 630
script-inserted-style-element.html Script-inserted style elements with "blocking=render" are render-blocking 765
script-inserted-stylesheet-link.html Script-inserted stylesheet links with "blocking=render" are render-blocking 799