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Test Info: Warnings
- This test has a WPT meta file that expects 5 subtest issues.
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /html/dom/documents/dom-tree-accessors/nameditem-names.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Named items: supported property names</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<div id="log"></div>
<embed name="exposed_embed">
<embed name="not_exposed_embed">
<form name="form">
<iframe name="iframe">
<img name="img">
<object name="exposed_object_with_name">
<object name="not_exposed_object_with_name">
<object id="exposed_object_with_id">
<object id="not_exposed_object_with_id">
<img name="img_with_id" id="img_id">
<img id="img_with_just_id">
<template id="template">
<img name="img_in_template">
<img name="42">
var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(document);
test(function() {
}, "An embed name appears in a document's property names if the embed is exposed.");
test(function() {
}, "An embed name does not appears in a document's property names if the embed is inside another embed.");
test(function() {
}, "A form name appears in a document's property names.");
test(function() {
}, "An iframe name appears in a document's property names.");
test(function() {
}, "An img name appears in a document's property names when the img has no id.");
test(function() {
}, "An object name appears in a document's property names if the object is exposed.");
test(function() {
}, "An object id appears in a document's property names if the object is exposed.");
test(function() {
}, "An object name does not appear in a document's property names if the object is inside another object.");
test(function() {
}, "An object id does not appear in a document's property names if the object is inside another object.");
test(function() {
}, "An img name appears in a document's property names when the img has an id.");
test(function() {
}, "An img id appears in a document's property names when the img has a name.");
test(function() {
}, "An img id does not appear in a document's property names when the img has no name.");
test(function() {
}, "A document's property names can include integer strings.");
test(function() {
}, "A template name does not appear in a document's property names.");
test(function() {
}, "An img name does not appear in a document's property names when the img is in a template's document fragment.");
test(function() {
var form_index = names.indexOf("form");
assert_equals(names.indexOf("iframe"), form_index + 1);
assert_equals(names.indexOf("img"), form_index + 2);
assert_greater_than(names.indexOf("img_id"), names.indexOf("img"));
assert_greater_than(names.indexOf("42"), names.indexOf("img_id"));
}, "A document's property names appear in tree order.");