Name Description Size
common.js catch 4778
fetch-and-create-url.html Fetch and create Blob 2295
nothing-cross-origin-corp.js Just an empty JS file 28
nothing-cross-origin-corp.js.headers 43
nothing-no-corp.js Just an empty JS file 28 Causes a redirection that the initial response doesn't have credentialless and the redirected response has credentialless. 409
reporting-empty-frame-multiple-headers.html.asis 615
reporting-empty-frame.html 46
reporting-worker.js 460 'use strict'; onconnect = (event) => { const port = event.ports[0]; port.onmessage = (event) => { fetch(, { mode: 'no-cors' }) .then( () => port.postMessage('success'), () => port.postMessage('failure') ); }; port.postMessage('ready'); }; 536
shared-worker.js 147
sw-store-to-cache-storage.js 711
sw.js 259
worker-support.js 2365