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Test Info: Warnings

<!doctype html>
<title>Check COEP reports are sent to iframe for 'new Worker()' failure</title>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/service-workers/service-worker/resources/test-helpers.sub.js"></script>
const {ORIGIN} = get_host_info();
const RESOURCES_PATH= new URL("resources", location).pathname;
const iframe_path = "worker-owner-frame.html?pipe=";
const worker_path = "universal-worker.js?pipe=";
const coep_header= {
"coep-none" : "",
"coep-report-only" :
"coep-require-corp" : "|header(Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy,require-corp)",
function checkReport(report, url, blocked_url, disposition) {
assert_equals(report.type, "coep");
assert_equals(report.url, url);
assert_equals(report.body.type, "worker initialization");
assert_equals(report.body.blockedURL, blocked_url);
assert_equals(report.body.disposition, disposition);
// Test parameters:
// - `owner_coep` the COEP header of the iframe document's response.
// - `worker_coep` the COEP header of the DedicatedWorker's script response.
// Test expectations:
// - `length` the length of reports.
// - `disposition` the disposition in a report's body. Empty string if the
// length of reports is expected to be 0.
function check(
// Test parameters:
// Test expectations:
disposition) {
promise_test(async (t) => {
const worker_url = worker_path + coep_header[worker_coep];
const iframe_url = iframe_path + coep_header[owner_coep];
const iframe = await with_iframe("./resources/" + iframe_url);
t.add_cleanup(() => iframe.remove());
const iframe_response = new Promise(resolve => window.onmessage = resolve);
iframe.contentWindow.startWorkerAndObserveReports(worker_url, length > 0);
const {data} = await iframe_response;
assert_equals(data.length, length);
if (data.length > 0) {
const blocked_url = `${ORIGIN}${RESOURCES_PATH}/${worker_url}`;
const url = `${ORIGIN}${RESOURCES_PATH}/${iframe_url}`;
}, `Reporting to ${owner_coep} frame with ${worker_coep} worker`);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// owner_coep , worker_coep , length , disposition
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check("coep-none" , "coep-none" , 0 , "");
check("coep-none" , "coep-report-only" , 0 , "");
check("coep-none" , "coep-require-corp" , 0 , "");
check("coep-report-only" , "coep-none" , 1 , "reporting");
check("coep-report-only" , "coep-report-only" , 1 , "reporting");
check("coep-report-only" , "coep-require-corp" , 0 , "");
check("coep-require-corp" , "coep-none" , 1 , "enforce");
check("coep-require-corp" , "coep-report-only" , 1 , "enforce");
check("coep-require-corp" , "coep-require-corp" , 0 , "");