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Test Info:
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /html/canvas/offscreen/filters/2d.filter.canvasFilterObject.dropShadow.tentative.w.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<link rel="match" href="2d.filter.canvasFilterObject.dropShadow.tentative-expected.html">
<title>Canvas test: 2d.filter.canvasFilterObject.dropShadow.tentative</title>
<p class="desc">Test CanvasFilter() dropShadow object.</p>
<canvas id="canvas" width="520" height="420">
<p class="fallback">FAIL (fallback content)</p>
<script id='myWorker' type='text/worker'>
self.onmessage = function(e) {
const canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(520, 420);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = 'teal';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 520, 50);
ctx.fillRect(0, 100, 520, 50);
ctx.fillRect(0, 200, 520, 50);
ctx.fillRect(0, 300, 520, 50);
ctx.fillStyle = 'crimson';
// Parameter defaults.
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow'});
ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 80, 80);
// All parameters specified.
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: 9, dy: 12, stdDeviation: 5,
floodColor: 'purple', floodOpacity: 0.7});
ctx.fillRect(110, 10, 80, 80);
// Named color.
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: 9, dy: 12, stdDeviation: 3,
floodColor: 'purple'});
ctx.fillRect(10, 110, 80, 80);
// System color.
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: 9, dy: 12, stdDeviation: 3,
floodColor: 'LinkText'});
ctx.fillRect(110, 110, 80, 80);
// Numerical color.
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: 9, dy: 12, stdDeviation: 3,
floodColor: 'rgba(20, 50, 130, 1)'});
ctx.fillRect(210, 110, 80, 80);
// Transparent floodColor.
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: 9, dy: 12, stdDeviation: 3,
floodColor: 'rgba(20, 50, 130, 0.7)'});
ctx.fillRect(310, 110, 80, 80);
// Transparent floodColor and floodOpacity.
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: 9, dy: 12, stdDeviation: 3,
floodColor: 'rgba(20, 50, 130, 0.7)', floodOpacity: 0.7});
ctx.fillRect(410, 110, 80, 80);
// No blur.
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: 9, dy: 12, stdDeviation: 0,
floodColor: 'purple'});
ctx.fillRect(10, 210, 80, 80);
// Single float blur.
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: 9, dy: 12, stdDeviation: 5,
floodColor: 'purple'});
ctx.fillRect(110, 210, 80, 80);
// Single negative float blur.
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: 9, dy: 12, stdDeviation: -5,
floodColor: 'purple'});
ctx.fillRect(210, 210, 80, 80);
// Two floats (X&Y) blur.
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: 9, dy: 12, stdDeviation: [3, 5],
floodColor: 'purple'});
ctx.fillRect(310, 210, 80, 80);
// Two negative floats (X&Y) blur.
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: 9, dy: 12, stdDeviation: [-3, -5],
floodColor: 'purple'});
ctx.fillRect(410, 210, 80, 80);
// Degenerate parameter values.
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: [-5], dy: [], stdDeviation: null,
floodColor: 'purple', floodOpacity: [2]});
ctx.fillRect(10, 310, 80, 80);
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: null, dy: '5', stdDeviation: [[-5], ['3']],
floodColor: 'purple', floodOpacity: '0.8'});
ctx.fillRect(110, 310, 80, 80);
ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter({name: 'dropShadow', dx: true, dy: ['10'], stdDeviation: false,
floodColor: 'purple', floodOpacity: ['0.4']});
ctx.fillRect(210, 310, 80, 80);
const bitmap = canvas.transferToImageBitmap();
self.postMessage(bitmap, bitmap);
const blob = new Blob([document.getElementById('myWorker').textContent]);
const worker = new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(blob));
worker.addEventListener('message', msg => {
const outputCtx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext('2d');
outputCtx.drawImage(, 0, 0);