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<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Canvas test: 2d.text.measure.caret-position-edge-cases.tentative</title>
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@font-face {
font-family: CanvasTest;
src: url("/fonts/CanvasTest.ttf");
<body class="show_output">
<p class="desc">Test the edge cases for caretPositionFromPoint, where the point is at the edge of glyph and at the midpoint.</p>
<span style="font-family: CanvasTest; position: absolute; visibility: hidden">A</span>
<p class="output">Actual output:</p>
<canvas id="c" class="output" width="100" height="50"><p class="fallback">FAIL (fallback content)</p></canvas>
<ul id="d"></ul>
promise_test(async t => {
var canvas = document.getElementById('c');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
await document.fonts.ready;
ctx.font = '50px CanvasTest';
ctx.direction = 'ltr';
ctx.align = 'left'
ctx.baseline = 'alphabetic'
tm = ctx.measureText('A');
const a_width = tm.width;
tm = ctx.measureText('B');
const b_width = tm.width;
tm = ctx.measureText('C');
const c_width = tm.width;
const epsilon = 1.0e-4;
tm = ctx.measureText('ABC');
_assert(tm.caretPositionFromPoint(0) == 0, "tm.caretPositionFromPoint(0) == 0");
_assert(tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width / 2) == 0, "tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width / 2) == 0");
_assert(tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width / 2 + 1) == 1, "tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width / 2 + 1) == 1");
_assert(tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width) == 1, "tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width) == 1");
_assert(tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width + b_width / 2) == 1, "tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width + b_width / 2) == 1");
_assert(tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width + b_width / 2 + 1) == 2, "tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width + b_width / 2 + 1) == 2");
_assert(tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width + b_width) == 2, "tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width + b_width) == 2");
_assert(tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width + b_width + c_width / 2) == 2, "tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width + b_width + c_width / 2) == 2");
_assert(tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width + b_width + c_width / 2 + 1) == 3, "tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width + b_width + c_width / 2 + 1) == 3");
_assert(tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width + b_width + c_width) == 3, "tm.caretPositionFromPoint(a_width + b_width + c_width) == 3");
}, "Test the edge cases for caretPositionFromPoint, where the point is at the edge of glyph and at the midpoint.");