Name Description Size
executor-common.js 285
executor-window.js Suspends the executor and executes the function in `fnString` when it has suspended. Installs a pageshow handler to resume the executor if the document is BFCached. Installs a hashchange handler to detect when the navigation did not change documents. This returns nothing because fn is invoke after waiting for the document to be suspended. If we were to return a promise, the executor could not suspend until that promise resolved but the promise cannot resolve until the executor is suspended. This could be avoided by adding support directly in the dispatcher for tasks suspend immediately after execution. @param {string} fnString A stringified function to be executed. @param {any[]} args The arguments to pass to the function. 2227 <!DOCTYPE HTML> <script src="/common/dispatcher/dispatcher.js"></script> <script src="./executor-common.js"></script> <script src="./executor-window.js"></script> {scripts_s} <body> <script> window.__requestHeaders = new Headers(); {initRequestHeaders} requestExecutor("{uuid}", {start_on_s}); </script> 1251
executor-worker.js 268
remote-context-helper.js This provides a more friendly interface to remote contexts in dispatches.js. The goal is to make it easy to write multi-window/-frame/-worker tests where the logic is entirely in 1 test file and there is no need to check in any other file (although it is often helpful to check in files of JS helper functions that are shared across remote context). So for example, to test that history traversal works, we create a new window, navigate it to a new document, go back and then go forward. @example promise_test(async t => { const rcHelper = new RemoteContextHelper(); const rc1 = await rcHelper.addWindow(); const rc2 = await rc1.navigateToNew(); assert_equals(await rc2.executeScript(() => 'here'), 'here', 'rc2 is live'); rc2.historyBack(); assert_equals(await rc1.executeScript(() => 'here'), 'here', 'rc1 is live'); rc1.historyForward(); assert_equals(await rc2.executeScript(() => 'here'), 'here', 'rc2 is live'); }); Note on the correspondence between remote contexts and `RemoteContextWrapper`s. A remote context is entirely determined by its URL. So navigating away from one and then back again will result in a remote context that can be controlled by the same `RemoteContextWrapper` instance before and after navigation. Messages sent to a remote context while it is destroyed or in BFCache will be queued and processed if that that URL is navigated back to. Navigation: This framework does not keep track of the history of the frame tree and so it is up to the test script to keep track of what remote contexts are currently active and to keep references to the corresponding `RemoteContextWrapper`s. Any action that leads to navigation in the remote context must be executed using @see RemoteContextWrapper.navigate. 21001