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Test Info: Warnings
- This test has a WPT meta file that expects 1 subtest issues.
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/initial-empty-document/iframe-src-aboutblank-navigate-immediately.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Navigations immediately after appending iframe with src='about:blank'</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/helpers.js"></script>
When an iframe is created with src="about:blank", it will stay on the initial
empty document. These tests verify the behavior of navigations that happen
immediately after the iframe is created, which should result in replacement.
"use strict";
const url1 = "/common/blank.html?1";
promise_test(async t => {
const startingHistoryLength = history.length;
// Create an iframe with src set to about:blank. This would trigger a
// navigation to a non-initial about:blank document.
const iframe = insertIframeWithAboutBlankSrc(t);
assert_equals(history.length, startingHistoryLength,
"Inserting iframe with src='about:blank' must not change history.length");
// Trigger a navigation to url1 through the iframe's src attribute.
// The iframe should still be on the initial empty document, and the
// navigation should do replacement.
iframe.src = url1;
// Wait for the latest navigation to finish.
await waitForLoad(t, iframe, url1);
assert_equals(history.length, startingHistoryLength,
"history.length must not change after normal navigation on initial empty document");
}, "Navigating to a different document with src");
promise_test(async t => {
const startingHistoryLength = history.length;
// Create an iframe with src set to about:blank but navigate away from it immediately below.
const iframe = insertIframeWithAboutBlankSrc(t);
assert_equals(history.length, startingHistoryLength,
"Inserting iframe with src='about:blank' must not change history.length");
// Navigate away from the initial empty document through setting
// location.href. The iframe should still be on the initial empty document,
// and the navigation should do replacement.
iframe.contentWindow.location.href = url1;
await waitForLoad(t, iframe, url1);
assert_equals(history.length, startingHistoryLength,
"history.length must not change after normal navigation on initial empty document");
}, "Navigating to a different document with location.href");
promise_test(async t => {
const startingHistoryLength = history.length;
// Create an iframe with src set to about:blank but navigate away from it immediately below.
const iframe = insertIframeWithAboutBlankSrc(t);
assert_equals(history.length, startingHistoryLength,
"Inserting iframe with src='about:blank' must not change history.length");
// Navigate away from the initial empty document through location.assign().
// The iframe should still be on the initial empty document, and the
// navigation should do replacement.
await waitForLoad(t, iframe, url1);
assert_equals(history.length, startingHistoryLength,
"history.length must not change after normal navigation on initial empty document");
}, "Navigating to a different document with location.assign");
promise_test(async t => {
const startingHistoryLength = history.length;
// Create an iframe with src set to about:blank but navigate away from it immediately below.
const iframe = insertIframeWithAboutBlankSrc(t);
assert_equals(history.length, startingHistoryLength,
"Inserting iframe with src='about:blank' must not change history.length");
// Navigate away from the initial empty document through
// The iframe should still be on the initial empty document, and the
// navigation should do replacement., "_self");
await waitForLoad(t, iframe, url1);
assert_equals(history.length, startingHistoryLength,
"history.length must not change after normal navigation on initial empty document");
}, "Navigating to a different document with");
promise_test(async t => {
const startingHistoryLength = history.length;
// Create an iframe with src set to about:blank but navigate away from it immediately below.
const iframe = insertIframeWithAboutBlankSrc(t);
assert_equals(history.length, startingHistoryLength,
"Inserting iframe with src='about:blank' must not change history.length");
// Navigate away from the initial empty document through clicking an <a>
// element. The iframe should still be on the initial empty document, and the
// navigation should do replacement.
const a = iframe.contentDocument.createElement("a");
a.href = url1;
await waitForLoad(t, iframe, url1);
assert_equals(history.length, startingHistoryLength,
"history.length must not change after normal navigation on initial empty document");
}, "Navigating to a different document with link click");
promise_test(async t => {
const startingHistoryLength = history.length;
// Create an iframe with src set to about:blank but navigate away from it immediately below.
const iframe = insertIframeWithAboutBlankSrc(t);
assert_equals(history.length, startingHistoryLength,
"Inserting iframe with src='about:blank' must not change history.length");
// Navigate away from the initial empty document through form submission.
// The iframe should still be on the initial empty document, and the
// navigation should do replacement.
const form = iframe.contentDocument.createElement("form");
form.action = "/common/blank.html";
const input = iframe.contentDocument.createElement("input");
input.type = "hidden"; = "1";
await waitForLoad(t, iframe, url1 + "=");
assert_equals(history.length, startingHistoryLength,
"history.length must not change after normal navigation on initial empty document");
}, "Navigating to a different document with form submission");