Name Description Size
fetch-metadata.conf.yml 34270 Create a test name based on a template and the WPT file name flags [1] required for a given subtest. This name is used to determine how subtests may be grouped together. In order to promote grouping, the combination uses a few aspects of how file name flags are interpreted: - repeated flags have no effect, so duplicates are removed - flag sequence does not matter, so flags are consistently sorted directory | template_name | subtest_flags | result ----------|------------------|-----------------|------- cors | image.html | [] | cors/image.html cors | image.https.html | [] | cors/image.https.html cors | image.html | [https] | cors/image.https.html cors | image.https.html | [https] | cors/image.https.html cors | image.https.html | [https] | cors/image.https.html cors | image.sub.html | [https] | cors/image.https.sub.html cors | image.https.html | [sub] | cors/image.https.sub.html [1] docs/writing-tests/ 6329 # Fetch Metadata test generation framework 5742