Name Description Size
appcache-iframe.sub.html 377
dedicatedWorker.js 28 1110 549
es-json-module.sub.js 50
es-module.sub.js 28
fetch-via-serviceworker--fallback--sw.js 112
fetch-via-serviceworker--respondWith--sw.js 98
fetch-via-serviceworker-frame.html Page Title 65 Respond with a blank HTML document and a `Link` header which describes a link relation specified by the requests `location` and `rel` query string parameters 438
helper.js @param {object} value @param {object} expected @param {string} tag 1853
helper.sub.js Construct a URL which, when followed, will trigger redirection through zero or more specified origins and ultimately resolve in the Python handler ``. @param {string} key - the WPT server "stash" name where the request's headers should be stored @param {string[]} [origins] - zero or more origin names through which the request should pass; see the function implementation for a completel list of names and corresponding origins; If specified, the final origin will be used to access the `` hander. @param {object} [params] - a collection of key-value pairs to include as URL "search" parameters in the final request to `` @returns {string} an absolute URL 2592
message-opener.html 636 <!DOCTYPE html> <script> var data = %s; if (window.opener) window.opener.postMessage(data, "*"); if ( != window), "*"); </script> 880 5344 2168
redirectTestHelper.sub.js 6796
serviceworker-accessors-frame.html Page Title 65
serviceworker-accessors.sw.js 468
sharedWorker.js 157
unload-with-beacon.html 389
xslt-test.sub.xml 589