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Test Info: Warnings

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="timeout" content="long"/>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="/common/utils.js"></script>
<script src="./resources/compression-dictionary-util.js"></script>
function addLinkRelCompressionDictionaryElement(url, crossOrigin) {
const link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'compression-dictionary';
link.href = url;
if (crossOrigin) {
link.crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
test(t => {
const link_element = document.createElement('link');
}, "Browser supports link element with compression-dictionary rel.");
compression_dictionary_promise_test(async (t) => {
const dict_token = token();
const url = `${kRegisterDictionaryPath}?save_header=${dict_token}`;
// Wait for a while to ensure that the dictionary is fetched.
await new Promise(resolve => window.requestIdleCallback(resolve));
const headers = await waitUntilPreviousRequestHeaders(t, dict_token);
assert_true(headers !== undefined, 'Headers should be available');
assert_equals(headers['sec-fetch-mode'], 'cors');
// Wait until `available-dictionary` header is available.
await waitUntilAvailableDictionaryHeader(t, {}),
// Check if the data compressed using Brotli with the dictionary can be
// decompressed.
const data_url = `${kCompressedDataPath}?content_encoding=dcb`;
assert_equals(await (await fetch(data_url)).text(), kExpectedCompressedData);
}, 'Fetch same origin dictionary using link element');
compression_dictionary_promise_test(async (t) => {
const dict_token = token();
const url =
addLinkRelCompressionDictionaryElement(url, 'anonymous');
// Wait for a while to ensure that the dictionary is fetched.
await new Promise(resolve => window.requestIdleCallback(resolve));
const headers = await waitUntilPreviousRequestHeaders(
t, dict_token, /*check_remote=*/ true);
assert_true(headers !== undefined, 'Headers should be available');
assert_equals(headers['sec-fetch-mode'], 'cors');
// Wait until `available-dictionary` header is available.
await waitUntilAvailableDictionaryHeader(t, {check_remote: true}),
// Check if the data compressed using Brotli with the dictionary can be
// decompressed.
const data_url =
assert_equals(await (await fetch(data_url)).text(), kExpectedCompressedData);
}, 'Fetch cross origin dictionary using link element');