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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Federated Credential Management API / Storage Access API autogrants tests.</title>
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<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>
<script src="/storage-access-api/helpers.js"></script>
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import {request_options_with_mediation_optional,
fedcm_get_and_select_first_account} from './support/fedcm-helper.sub.js';
const responder_html_load_ack = "/storage-access-api/resources/";
fedcm_test(async t => {
await MaybeSetStorageAccess("*", "*", "blocked");
let test_options = request_options_with_mediation_optional("manifest_with_auto_selected_flag.json");
await select_manifest(t, test_options);
await fedcm_get_and_select_first_account(t, test_options);
const frame_loaded = new Promise(r => {
onmessage = e => {
if ( == "loaded") {
const frame = await CreateFrame(www_alt + responder_html_load_ack, false,
undefined, `identity-credentials-get ${www_alt};`);
assert_equals(await frame_loaded, "loaded");
assert_true(await RequestStorageAccessInFrame(frame),
"requestStorageAccess doesn't require a gesture since the FedCM account is already connected.");
assert_true(await FrameHasStorageAccess(frame), "frame should have storage access now.");
assert_equals(await GetPermissionInFrame(frame), "prompt");
}, "Test that FedCM accounts autogrant storage access.");
fedcm_test(async t => {
await MaybeSetStorageAccess("*", "*", "blocked");
let test_options = request_options_with_mediation_optional("manifest_with_auto_selected_flag.json");
await select_manifest(t, test_options);
await fedcm_get_and_select_first_account(t, test_options);
const frame_loaded = new Promise(r => {
onmessage = e => {
if ( == "loaded") {
const frame = await CreateFrame(www_alt + responder_html_load_ack, false);
assert_equals(await frame_loaded, "loaded");
assert_false(await RequestStorageAccessInFrame(frame),
"requestStorageAccess requires a gesture since the 'identity-credentials-get' policy is absent.");
assert_false(await FrameHasStorageAccess(frame), "frame should not have storage access.");
assert_equals(await GetPermissionInFrame(frame), "prompt");
}, "Test that FedCM accounts do not autogrant storage access without permissions policy.");
fedcm_test(async t => {
await MaybeSetStorageAccess("*", "*", "blocked");
let test_options = request_options_with_mediation_optional("manifest_with_auto_selected_flag.json");
await select_manifest(t, test_options);
await fedcm_get_and_select_first_account(t, test_options);
try {
await navigator.credentials.preventSilentAccess();
} catch (ex) {
// In Chrome's content_shell, the promise will be rejected
// even though the part we care about succeeds.
const frame_loaded = new Promise(r => {
onmessage = e => {
if ( == "loaded") {
const frame = await CreateFrame(www_alt + responder_html_load_ack, false,
undefined, `identity-credentials-get ${www_alt};`);
assert_equals(await frame_loaded, "loaded");
assert_false(await RequestStorageAccessInFrame(frame),
"requestStorageAccess requires a gesture since the preventSilentAccess flag is true.");
assert_false(await FrameHasStorageAccess(frame), "frame should not have storage access.");
assert_equals(await GetPermissionInFrame(frame), "prompt");
}, "Test that FedCM accounts do not autogrant storage access if preventSilentAccess is set.");