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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Federated Credential Management API network request tests.</title>
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import {alt_request_options_with_mediation_required,
set_alt_fedcm_cookie} from './support/fedcm-helper.sub.js';
// We do not use fedcm_test, because that tries to set document.cookie
// via set_fedcm_cookie, which is not allowed in a sandboxed document.
promise_test(async t => {
// This test uses a `Content-Security-Policy: sandbox allow-scripts` header
// to trigger an opaque origin.
assert_equals(window.origin, 'null');
await set_alt_fedcm_cookie();
const cred = navigator.credentials.get(alt_request_options_with_mediation_required());
return promise_rejects_dom(t, 'NetworkError', cred);
}, "Opaque RP origin should trigger a NetworkError.");