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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>FedCM IDP login status API tests</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
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import {fedcm_test,
mark_signed_out} from '../support/fedcm-helper.sub.js';
const path = '/fedcm/support/'
const url_prefix = alt_manifest_origin + path;
const same_site_url_prefix = same_site_manifest_origin + path;
fedcm_test(async t => {
await set_fedcm_cookie(same_site_manifest_origin);
await mark_signed_out(same_site_manifest_origin);
// The header should be processed successfully because it is same-site.
const fetch_result = await fetch(same_site_url_prefix + "mark_signedin");
const config = request_options_with_mediation_required(undefined, same_site_manifest_origin);
await select_manifest(t, config);
const cred = await fedcm_get_and_select_first_account(t, config);
assert_equals(cred.token, "token");
}, 'Cross-origin same-site status header should work from fetch()');
fedcm_test(async t => {
await mark_signed_out(alt_manifest_origin);
// The header should be ignored because it's a cross-site fetch.
const fetch_result = await fetch(url_prefix + "mark_signedin");
const config = alt_request_options_with_mediation_required();
const result = navigator.credentials.get(config);
return promise_rejects_dom(t, 'NetworkError', result);
}, 'Cross-origin status header should be ignored from fetch()');
fedcm_test(async t => {
await mark_signed_out(alt_manifest_origin);
// The header should be ignored because it's a cross-site iframe.
let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
let iframe_load = new Promise(resolve => {iframe.onload = resolve;});
iframe.src = url_prefix + "mark_signedin";
await iframe_load;
const config = alt_request_options_with_mediation_required();
const result = navigator.credentials.get(config);
return promise_rejects_dom(t, 'NetworkError', result);
}, 'Status header should be ignored from cross-site iframe');
fedcm_test(async t => {
await mark_signed_out(alt_manifest_origin);
// The header in the subresource should be ignored because the iframe is cross-site.
let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
let iframe_load = new Promise(resolve => {iframe.onload = resolve;});
iframe.src = url_prefix + "iframe-mark-signedin.html";
await iframe_load;
const config = alt_request_options_with_mediation_required();
const result = navigator.credentials.get(config);
return promise_rejects_dom(t, 'NetworkError', result);
}, 'Status header should be ignored from cross-site iframe that contains a subresource with the header');
fedcm_test(async t => {
await mark_signed_out(alt_manifest_origin);
await open_and_wait_for_popup(alt_manifest_origin, "/fedcm/support/fencedframe-mark-signedin.html");
const config = alt_request_options_with_mediation_required();
const result = navigator.credentials.get(config);
return promise_rejects_dom(t, 'NetworkError', result);
}, 'Status header should be ignored from a fenced frame, even if it is same-origin');