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<title>Federated Credential Management API Use Another Account API tests.</title>
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import {request_options_with_mediation_required,
select_manifest} from '../support/fedcm-helper.sub.js';
const url_path = '/fedcm/support/'
const url_prefix = manifest_origin + url_path;
async function set_accounts_cookie(value) {
await open_and_wait_for_popup(manifest_origin, url_path + '' + value);
fedcm_test(async t => {
await set_accounts_cookie("1");
let test_options =
await select_manifest(t, test_options);
// Trigger FedCM and wait for the initial dialog.
const cred_promise = navigator.credentials.get(test_options);
let type = await fedcm_get_dialog_type_promise(t);
assert_equals(type, "AccountChooser");
// Tell the account endpoint to now return 2 accounts and click use other account.
await set_accounts_cookie("2");
await window.test_driver.click_fedcm_dialog_button("ConfirmIdpLoginContinue");
// Wait for the account chooser to appear again.
type = await fedcm_get_dialog_type_promise(t);
assert_equals(type, "AccountChooser");
// Select the first account, which is the most recently signed in account.
await window.test_driver.select_fedcm_account(0);
const cred = await cred_promise;
assert_equals(cred.token, "account_id=jane_doe");
}, 'Test that the "Use Other Account" button works correctly.');