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Test Info:
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /editing/run/delete-chars-following-collapsible-white-space.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
<title>Test Backspace to delete following character(s) of collapsible white-space</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-actions.js"></script>
<script src="../include/editor-test-utils.js"></script>
"use strict";
addEventListener("load", () => {
const editingHost = document.querySelector("div[contenteditable]");
const utils = new EditorTestUtils(editingHost);
for (const data of [
init: "<p> a[]</p>",
// The white-space before "a" is invisible due to immediately after the
// block boundary. Therefore, it may be deleted.
expected: [
"<p> <br></p>",
init: "<p><b> a[]</b></p>",
// The white-space before "a" is invisible due to immediately after the
// block boundary. Therefore, it may be deleted.
expected: [
"<p><b> <br></b></p>",
init: "<p>abc d[]</p>",
expected: [
"<p>abc <br></p>",
"<p>abc </p>",
init: "<p><b>abc d[]</b></p>",
expected: [
"<p><b>abc <br></b></p>",
"<p><b>abc </b></p>",
init: "<p>abc d[]<br></p>",
expected: [
"<p>abc <br></p>",
"<p>abc </p>",
init: " a[]<p>bc</p>",
// The white-space before "a" is invisible due to immediately after the
// block boundary. Therefore, it may be deleted.
expected: [
" <br><p>bc</p>",
init: "abc d[]<p>ef</p>",
expected: [
"abc <br><p>ef</p>",
"abc <p>ef</p>",
init: "<b>abc d[]</b><p>ef</p>",
expected: [
"<b>abc <br></b><p>ef</p>",
"<b>abc </b><p>ef</p>",
init: "<p>abc</p> d[]",
// The white-space before "d" is invisible due to immediately after the
// block boundary. Therefore, it may be deleted.
expected: [
"<p>abc</p> <br>",
init: "<p>abc</p>def g[]",
expected: [
"<p>abc</p>def <br>",
"<p>abc</p>def ",
init: "<p>abc</p><b> d[]</b>",
// The white-space before "d" is invisible due to immediately after the
// block boundary. Therefore, it may be deleted.
expected: [
"<p>abc</p><b> <br></b>",
init: "<p>abc</p>def g[]<p>hij</p>",
expected: [
"<p>abc</p>def <br><p>hij</p>",
"<p>abc</p>def <br><p>hij</p>",
init: "<p>abc</p> d[]<p>efg</p>",
// The white-space before "d" is invisible due to immediately after the
// block boundary. Therefore, it may be deleted.
expected: [
"<p>abc</p> <br><p>efg</p>",
init: "<p>abc</p><b> d[]</b><p>efg</p>",
// The white-space before "d" is invisible due to immediately after the
// block boundary. Therefore, it may be deleted.
expected: [
"<p>abc</p><b> <br></b><p>efg</p>",
]) {
promise_test(async () => {
await utils.sendBackspaceKey();
if (Array.isArray(data.expected)) {
assert_in_array(editingHost.innerHTML, data.expected);
} else {
assert_equals(editingHost.innerHTML, data.expected);
}, `Backspace when ${data.init}`);
promise_test(async () => {
getSelection().modify("extend", "left", "character");
await utils.sendBackspaceKey();
if (Array.isArray(data.expected)) {
assert_in_array(editingHost.innerHTML, data.expected);
} else {
assert_equals(editingHost.innerHTML, data.expected);
}, `Backspace when ${data.init} after extending selection backward`);
for (const data of [
init: "<p> abc[]</p>",
// The white-space before "abc" is invisible due to immediately after the
// block boundary. Therefore, it may be deleted.
expected: [
"<p> <br></p>",
init: "<p>abc def[]</p>",
expected: [
"<p>abc <br></p>",
"<p>abc </p>",
init: "<p><b>abc def[]</b></p>",
expected: [
"<p><b>abc <br></b></p>",
"<p><b>abc </b></p>",
init: "<p>abc def[]<br></p>",
expected: [
"<p>abc <br></p>",
"<p>abc </p>",
init: " abc[]<p>def</p>",
// The white-space before "abc" is invisible due to immediately after the
// block boundary. Therefore, it may be deleted.
expected: [
" <br><p>def</p>",
init: "abc def[]<p>ghi</p>",
expected: [
"abc <br><p>ghi</p>",
"abc <p>ghi</p>",
init: "<b>abc def[]</b><p>ghi</p>",
expected: [
"<b>abc <br></b><p>ghi</p>",
"<b>abc </b><p>ghi</p>",
init: "<p>abc</p> def[]",
// The white-space before "def" is invisible due to immediately after the
// block boundary. Therefore, it may be deleted.
expected: [
"<p>abc</p> <br>",
init: "<p>abc</p>def ghi[]",
expected: [
"<p>abc</p>def <br>",
"<p>abc</p>def ",
init: "<p>abc</p><b> def[]</b>",
// The white-space before "def" is invisible due to immediately after the
// block boundary. Therefore, it may be deleted.
expected: [
"<p>abc</p><b> <br></b>",
init: "<p>abc</p>def ghi[]<p>jkl</p>",
expected: [
"<p>abc</p>def <br><p>jkl</p>",
"<p>abc</p>def <br><p>jkl</p>",
init: "<p>abc</p> def[]<p>ghi</p>",
// The white-space before "def" is invisible due to immediately after the
// block boundary. Therefore, it may be deleted.
expected: [
"<p>abc</p> <br><p>ghi</p>",
init: "<p>abc</p><b> def[]</b><p>ghi</p>",
// The white-space before "def" is invisible due to immediately after the
// block boundary. Therefore, it may be deleted.
expected: [
"<p>abc</p><b> <br></b><p>ghi</p>",
]) {
promise_test(async () => {
await utils.sendBackspaceKey(utils.deleteWordModifier);
if (Array.isArray(data.expected)) {
assert_in_array(editingHost.innerHTML, data.expected);
} else {
assert_equals(editingHost.innerHTML, data.expected);
}, `${
utils.deleteWordModifier == utils.kControl ? "Ctrl" : "Alt"
}+Backspace when "${data.init}"`);
}, {once: true});
<div contenteditable></div>