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<!doctype html>
<title>Event propagation tests</title>
<link rel=author title="Aryeh Gregor">
<div id=log></div>
<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
"use strict";
function testPropagationFlag(ev, expected, desc) {
test(function() {
var called = false;
var callback = function() { called = true };
this.add_cleanup(function() {
document.head.removeEventListener("foo", callback)
document.head.addEventListener("foo", callback);
assert_equals(called, expected, "Propagation flag");
// dispatchEvent resets the propagation flags so it will happily dispatch
// the event the second time around.
assert_equals(called, true, "Propagation flag after first dispatch");
}, desc);
var ev = document.createEvent("Event");
ev.initEvent("foo", true, false);
testPropagationFlag(ev, true, "Newly-created Event");
testPropagationFlag(ev, false, "After stopPropagation()");
ev.initEvent("foo", true, false);
testPropagationFlag(ev, true, "Reinitialized after stopPropagation()");
var ev = document.createEvent("Event");
ev.initEvent("foo", true, false);
testPropagationFlag(ev, false, "After stopImmediatePropagation()");
ev.initEvent("foo", true, false);
testPropagationFlag(ev, true, "Reinitialized after stopImmediatePropagation()");
var ev = document.createEvent("Event");
ev.initEvent("foo", true, false);
ev.cancelBubble = true;
testPropagationFlag(ev, false, "After cancelBubble=true");
ev.initEvent("foo", true, false);
testPropagationFlag(ev, true, "Reinitialized after cancelBubble=true");