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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Custom Elements: CustomElementRegistry interface</title>
<meta name="author" title="Ryosuke Niwa" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="CustomElementRegistry interface must exist">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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<div id="log"></div>
const moveBefore_supported = ("moveBefore" in Node.prototype);
test(function () {
assert_true('define' in CustomElementRegistry.prototype, '"define" exists on CustomElementRegistry.prototype');
assert_true('define' in customElements, '"define" exists on window.customElements');
}, 'CustomElementRegistry interface must have define as a method');
test(function () {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () { customElements.define('badname', 1); },
'customElements.define must throw a TypeError when the element interface is a number');
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () { customElements.define('badname', '123'); },
'customElements.define must throw a TypeError when the element interface is a string');
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () { customElements.define('badname', {}); },
'customElements.define must throw a TypeError when the element interface is an object');
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () { customElements.define('badname', []); },
'customElements.define must throw a TypeError when the element interface is an array');
}, 'customElements.define must throw when the element interface is not a constructor');
test(function () {
customElements.define('custom-html-element', HTMLElement);
}, 'customElements.define must not throw the constructor is HTMLElement');
test(function () {
class MyCustomElement extends HTMLElement {};
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', function () { customElements.define(null, MyCustomElement); },
'customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name is null');
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', function () { customElements.define('', MyCustomElement); },
'customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name is empty');
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', function () { customElements.define('abc', MyCustomElement); },
'customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name does not contain "-"');
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', function () { customElements.define('a-Bc', MyCustomElement); },
'customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name contains an upper case letter');
var builtinTagNames = [
for (var tagName of builtinTagNames) {
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', function () { customElements.define(tagName, MyCustomElement); },
'customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the tag name is "' + tagName + '"');
}, 'customElements.define must throw with an invalid name');
test(function () {
class SomeCustomElement extends HTMLElement {};
var calls = [];
var OtherCustomElement = new Proxy(class extends HTMLElement {}, {
get: function (target, name) {
return target[name];
customElements.define('some-custom-element', SomeCustomElement);
assert_throws_dom('NotSupportedError', function () { customElements.define('some-custom-element', OtherCustomElement); },
'customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError if the specified tag name is already used');
assert_array_equals(calls, [], 'customElements.define must validate the custom element name before getting the prototype of the constructor');
}, 'customElements.define must throw when there is already a custom element of the same name');
test(function () {
class AnotherCustomElement extends HTMLElement {};
customElements.define('another-custom-element', AnotherCustomElement);
assert_throws_dom('NotSupportedError', function () { customElements.define('some-other-element', AnotherCustomElement); },
'customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError if the specified class already defines an element');
}, 'customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError when there is already a custom element with the same class');
test(function () {
var outerCalls = [];
var OuterCustomElement = new Proxy(class extends HTMLElement { }, {
get: function (target, name) {
customElements.define('inner-custom-element', InnerCustomElement);
return target[name];
var innerCalls = [];
var InnerCustomElement = new Proxy(class extends HTMLElement { }, {
get: function (target, name) {
return target[name];
assert_throws_dom('NotSupportedError', function () { customElements.define('outer-custom-element', OuterCustomElement); },
'customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError if the specified class already defines an element');
assert_array_equals(outerCalls, ['prototype'], 'customElements.define must get "prototype"');
assert_array_equals(innerCalls, [],
'customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError when element definition is running flag is set'
+ ' before getting the prototype of the constructor');
}, 'customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError when element definition is running flag is set');
test(function () {
var calls = [];
var ElementWithBadInnerConstructor = new Proxy(class extends HTMLElement { }, {
get: function (target, name) {
customElements.define('inner-custom-element', 1);
return target[name];
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () {
customElements.define('element-with-bad-inner-constructor', ElementWithBadInnerConstructor);
}, 'customElements.define must throw a NotSupportedError if IsConstructor(constructor) is false');
assert_array_equals(calls, ['prototype'], 'customElements.define must get "prototype"');
}, 'customElements.define must check IsConstructor on the constructor before checking the element definition is running flag');
test(function () {
var calls = [];
var ElementWithBadInnerName = new Proxy(class extends HTMLElement { }, {
get: function (target, name) {
customElements.define('badname', class extends HTMLElement {});
return target[name];
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', function () {
customElements.define('element-with-bad-inner-name', ElementWithBadInnerName);
}, 'customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the specified name is not a valid custom element name');
assert_array_equals(calls, ['prototype'], 'customElements.define must get "prototype"');
}, 'customElements.define must validate the custom element name before checking the element definition is running flag');
test(function () {
var unresolvedElement = document.createElement('constructor-calls-define');
var elementUpgradedDuringUpgrade = document.createElement('defined-during-upgrade');
var DefinedDuringUpgrade = class extends HTMLElement { };
class ConstructorCallsDefine extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
customElements.define('defined-during-upgrade', DefinedDuringUpgrade);
assert_false(unresolvedElement instanceof ConstructorCallsDefine);
assert_true(elementUpgradedDuringUpgrade instanceof DefinedDuringUpgrade);
assert_true(unresolvedElement instanceof ConstructorCallsDefine);
assert_true(elementUpgradedDuringUpgrade instanceof DefinedDuringUpgrade);
assert_false(unresolvedElement instanceof ConstructorCallsDefine);
assert_false(elementUpgradedDuringUpgrade instanceof DefinedDuringUpgrade);
customElements.define('constructor-calls-define', ConstructorCallsDefine);
}, 'customElements.define unset the element definition is running flag before upgrading custom elements');
(function () {
var testCase = async_test('customElements.define must not throw'
+' when defining another custom element in a different global object during Get(constructor, "prototype")');
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function () {
testCase.step(function () {
var InnerCustomElement = class extends iframe.contentWindow.HTMLElement {};
var calls = [];
var proxy = new Proxy(class extends HTMLElement { }, {
get: function (target, name) {
if (name === "prototype") {
iframe.contentWindow.customElements.define('another-custom-element', InnerCustomElement);
return target[name];
customElements.define('element-with-inner-element-define', proxy);
assert_array_equals(calls, ['prototype', 'disabledFeatures', 'formAssociated'],
'customElements.define must get "prototype", "disabledFeatures", and "formAssociated" on the constructor');
assert_true(iframe.contentDocument.createElement('another-custom-element') instanceof InnerCustomElement);
test(function () {
var calls = [];
var ElementWithBadInnerName = new Proxy(class extends HTMLElement { }, {
get: function (target, name) {
customElements.define('badname', class extends HTMLElement {});
return target[name];
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', function () {
customElements.define('element-with-bad-inner-name', ElementWithBadInnerName);
}, 'customElements.define must throw a SyntaxError if the specified name is not a valid custom element name');
assert_array_equals(calls, ['prototype'], 'customElements.define must get "prototype"');
}, '');
test(function () {
var calls = [];
var proxy = new Proxy(class extends HTMLElement { }, {
get: function (target, name) {
return target[name];
customElements.define('proxy-element', proxy);
assert_array_equals(calls, ['prototype', 'disabledFeatures', 'formAssociated']);
}, 'customElements.define must get "prototype", "disabledFeatures", and "formAssociated" property of the constructor');
test(function () {
var err = {name: 'expectedError'}
var proxy = new Proxy(class extends HTMLElement { }, {
get: function (target, name) {
throw err;
assert_throws_exactly(err, function () { customElements.define('element-with-string-prototype', proxy); });
}, 'customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while getting "prototype" property of the constructor');
test(function () {
var returnedValue;
var proxy = new Proxy(class extends HTMLElement { }, {
get: function (target, name) { return returnedValue; }
returnedValue = null;
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () { customElements.define('element-with-string-prototype', proxy); },
'customElements.define must throw when "prototype" property of the constructor is null');
returnedValue = undefined;
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () { customElements.define('element-with-string-prototype', proxy); },
'customElements.define must throw when "prototype" property of the constructor is undefined');
returnedValue = 'hello';
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () { customElements.define('element-with-string-prototype', proxy); },
'customElements.define must throw when "prototype" property of the constructor is a string');
returnedValue = 1;
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () { customElements.define('element-with-string-prototype', proxy); },
'customElements.define must throw when "prototype" property of the constructor is a number');
}, 'customElements.define must throw when "prototype" property of the constructor is not an object');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
var calls = [];
constructor.prototype = new Proxy(constructor.prototype, {
get: function (target, name) {
return target[name];
customElements.define('element-with-proxy-prototype', constructor);
moveBefore_supported ? ['connectedCallback', 'disconnectedCallback', 'connectedMoveCallback', 'adoptedCallback', 'attributeChangedCallback'] :
['connectedCallback', 'disconnectedCallback', 'adoptedCallback', 'attributeChangedCallback']);
}, 'customElements.define must get callbacks of the constructor prototype');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
var calls = [];
var err = {name: 'expectedError'}
constructor.prototype = new Proxy(constructor.prototype, {
get: function (target, name) {
if (name == 'disconnectedCallback')
throw err;
return target[name];
assert_throws_exactly(err, function () { customElements.define('element-with-throwing-callback', constructor); });
assert_array_equals(calls, ['connectedCallback', 'disconnectedCallback'],
'customElements.define must not get callbacks after one of the get throws');
}, 'customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while getting callbacks on the constructor prototype');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
var calls = [];
constructor.prototype = new Proxy(constructor.prototype, {
get: function (target, name) {
if (name == 'adoptedCallback')
return 1;
return target[name];
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () { customElements.define('element-with-throwing-callback', constructor); });
moveBefore_supported ?
['connectedCallback', 'disconnectedCallback', 'connectedMoveCallback', 'adoptedCallback'] :
['connectedCallback', 'disconnectedCallback', 'adoptedCallback'],
'customElements.define must not get callbacks after one of the conversion throws');
}, 'customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while converting a callback value to Function callback type');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
constructor.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function () { };
var prototypeCalls = [];
var callOrder = 0;
constructor.prototype = new Proxy(constructor.prototype, {
get: function (target, name) {
if (name == 'prototype' || name == 'observedAttributes')
throw 'Unexpected access to observedAttributes';
return target[name];
var constructorCalls = [];
var proxy = new Proxy(constructor, {
get: function (target, name) {
return target[name];
customElements.define('element-with-attribute-changed-callback', proxy);
moveBefore_supported ?
[1, 'connectedCallback', 2, 'disconnectedCallback', 3, 'connectedMoveCallback', 4, 'adoptedCallback', 5, 'attributeChangedCallback'] :
[1, 'connectedCallback', 2, 'disconnectedCallback', 3, 'adoptedCallback', 4, 'attributeChangedCallback']);
assert_array_equals(constructorCalls, [0, 'prototype',
6, 'observedAttributes',
7, 'disabledFeatures',
8, 'formAssociated']);
}, 'customElements.define must get "observedAttributes" property on the constructor prototype when "attributeChangedCallback" is present');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
constructor.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function () { };
var calls = [];
var err = {name: 'expectedError'};
var proxy = new Proxy(constructor, {
get: function (target, name) {
if (name == 'observedAttributes')
throw err;
return target[name];
assert_throws_exactly(err, function () { customElements.define('element-with-throwing-observed-attributes', proxy); });
assert_array_equals(calls, ['prototype', 'observedAttributes'],
'customElements.define must get "prototype" and "observedAttributes" on the constructor');
}, 'customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while getting observedAttributes on the constructor prototype');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
constructor.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function () { };
var calls = [];
var proxy = new Proxy(constructor, {
get: function (target, name) {
if (name == 'observedAttributes')
return 1;
return target[name];
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () { customElements.define('element-with-invalid-observed-attributes', proxy); });
assert_array_equals(calls, ['prototype', 'observedAttributes'],
'customElements.define must get "prototype" and "observedAttributes" on the constructor');
}, 'customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while converting the value of observedAttributes to sequence<DOMString>');
test(function () {
var err = {name: 'SomeError'};
var constructor = function () {}
constructor.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function () { };
constructor.observedAttributes = {[Symbol.iterator]: function *() {
yield 'foo';
throw err;
assert_throws_exactly(err, function () { customElements.define('element-with-generator-observed-attributes', constructor); });
}, 'customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while iterating over observedAttributes to sequence<DOMString>');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
constructor.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function () { };
constructor.observedAttributes = {[Symbol.iterator]: 1};
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () { customElements.define('element-with-observed-attributes-with-uncallable-iterator', constructor); });
}, 'customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while retrieving Symbol.iterator on observedAttributes');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
constructor.observedAttributes = 1;
customElements.define('element-without-callback-with-invalid-observed-attributes', constructor);
}, 'customElements.define must not throw even if "observedAttributes" fails to convert if "attributeChangedCallback" is not defined');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
var calls = [];
var err = {name: 'expectedError'}
var proxy = new Proxy(constructor, {
get: function (target, name) {
if (name == 'disabledFeatures')
throw err;
return target[name];
assert_throws_exactly(err, () => customElements.define('element-with-throwing-disabled-features', proxy));
assert_array_equals(calls, ['prototype', 'disabledFeatures'],
'customElements.define must get "prototype" and "disabledFeatures" on the constructor');
}, 'customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while getting disabledFeatures on the constructor prototype');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
var calls = [];
var proxy = new Proxy(constructor, {
get: function (target, name) {
if (name == 'disabledFeatures')
return 1;
return target[name];
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => customElements.define('element-with-invalid-disabled-features', proxy));
assert_array_equals(calls, ['prototype', 'disabledFeatures'],
'customElements.define must get "prototype" and "disabledFeatures" on the constructor');
}, 'customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while converting the value of disabledFeatures to sequence<DOMString>');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
var err = {name: 'SomeError'};
constructor.disabledFeatures = {[Symbol.iterator]: function *() {
yield 'foo';
throw err;
assert_throws_exactly(err, () => customElements.define('element-with-generator-disabled-features', constructor));
}, 'customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while iterating over disabledFeatures to sequence<DOMString>');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
constructor.disabledFeatures = {[Symbol.iterator]: 1};
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => customElements.define('element-with-disabled-features-with-uncallable-iterator', constructor));
}, 'customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while retrieving Symbol.iterator on disabledFeatures');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
var calls = [];
var err = {name: 'expectedError'};
var proxy = new Proxy(constructor, {
get: function (target, name) {
if (name == 'formAssociated')
throw err;
return target[name];
() => customElements.define('element-with-throwing-form-associated', proxy));
assert_array_equals(calls, ['prototype', 'disabledFeatures', 'formAssociated'],
'customElements.define must get "prototype", "disabledFeatures", and ' +
'"formAssociated" on the constructor');
}, 'customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while getting ' +
'formAssociated on the constructor prototype');
test(function () {
var constructor = function () {}
var prototypeCalls = [];
constructor.prototype = new Proxy(constructor.prototype, {
get: function(target, name) {
return target[name];
var constructorCalls = [];
var proxy = new Proxy(constructor, {
get: function (target, name) {
if (name == 'formAssociated')
return 1;
return target[name];
customElements.define('element-with-form-associated-true', proxy);
['prototype', 'disabledFeatures', 'formAssociated'],
'customElements.define must get "prototype", "disabledFeatures", and ' +
'"formAssociated" on the constructor');
moveBefore_supported ? ['connectedCallback', 'disconnectedCallback', 'connectedMoveCallback', 'adoptedCallback',
'attributeChangedCallback', 'formAssociatedCallback',
'formResetCallback', 'formDisabledCallback',
'formStateRestoreCallback'] :
['connectedCallback', 'disconnectedCallback', 'adoptedCallback',
'attributeChangedCallback', 'formAssociatedCallback',
'formResetCallback', 'formDisabledCallback',
'customElements.define must get 8 callbacks on the prototype');
}, 'customElements.define must get four additional callbacks on the prototype' +
' if formAssociated is converted to true');
test(function () {
var constructor = function() {};
var proxy = new Proxy(constructor, {
get: function(target, name) {
if (name == 'formAssociated')
return {}; // Any object is converted to 'true'.
return target[name];
var calls = [];
var err = {name: 'expectedError'};
constructor.prototype = new Proxy(constructor.prototype, {
get: function (target, name) {
if (name == 'formDisabledCallback')
throw err;
return target[name];
() => customElements.define('element-with-throwing-callback-2', proxy));
assert_array_equals(calls, moveBefore_supported ? ['connectedCallback', 'disconnectedCallback', 'connectedMoveCallback',
'adoptedCallback', 'attributeChangedCallback',
'formAssociatedCallback', 'formResetCallback',
'formDisabledCallback'] : ['connectedCallback', 'disconnectedCallback',
'adoptedCallback', 'attributeChangedCallback',
'formAssociatedCallback', 'formResetCallback',
'customElements.define must not get callbacks after one of the get throws');
var calls2 = [];
constructor.prototype = new Proxy(constructor.prototype, {
get: function (target, name) {
if (name == 'formResetCallback')
return 43; // Can't convert to a Function.
return target[name];
() => customElements.define('element-with-throwing-callback-3', proxy));
assert_array_equals(calls2, moveBefore_supported ? ['connectedCallback', 'disconnectedCallback', 'connectedMoveCallback',
'adoptedCallback', 'attributeChangedCallback',
'formAssociatedCallback', 'formResetCallback'] : ['connectedCallback', 'disconnectedCallback',
'adoptedCallback', 'attributeChangedCallback',
'formAssociatedCallback', 'formResetCallback'],
'customElements.define must not get callbacks after one of the get throws');
}, 'customElements.define must rethrow an exception thrown while getting ' +
'additional formAssociated callbacks on the constructor prototype');
test(function () {
class MyCustomElement extends HTMLElement {};
customElements.define('my-custom-element', MyCustomElement);
var instance = new MyCustomElement;
assert_true(instance instanceof MyCustomElement,
'An instance of a custom HTML element be an instance of the associated interface');
assert_true(instance instanceof HTMLElement,
'An instance of a custom HTML element must inherit from HTMLElement');
assert_equals(instance.localName, 'my-custom-element',
'An instance of a custom element must use the associated tag name');
assert_equals(instance.namespaceURI, '',
'A custom element HTML must use HTML namespace');
}, 'customElements.define must define an instantiatable custom element');
test(function () {
var disconnectedElement = document.createElement('some-custom');
var connectedElementBeforeShadowHost = document.createElement('some-custom');
var connectedElementAfterShadowHost = document.createElement('some-custom');
var elementInShadowTree = document.createElement('some-custom');
var childElementOfShadowHost = document.createElement('some-custom');
var customShadowHost = document.createElement('some-custom');
var elementInNestedShadowTree = document.createElement('some-custom');
var container = document.createElement('div');
var shadowHost = document.createElement('div');
var shadowRoot = shadowHost.attachShadow({mode: 'closed'});
var innerShadowRoot = customShadowHost.attachShadow({mode: 'closed'});
var calls = [];
class SomeCustomElement extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
customElements.define('some-custom', SomeCustomElement);
assert_array_equals(calls, [connectedElementBeforeShadowHost, elementInShadowTree, customShadowHost, elementInNestedShadowTree, childElementOfShadowHost, connectedElementAfterShadowHost]);
}, 'customElements.define must upgrade elements in the shadow-including tree order');
test(function () {
assert_true('get' in CustomElementRegistry.prototype, '"get" exists on CustomElementRegistry.prototype');
assert_true('get' in customElements, '"get" exists on window.customElements');
}, 'CustomElementRegistry interface must have get as a method');
test(function () {
assert_equals(customElements.get('a-b'), undefined);
}, 'customElements.get must return undefined when the registry does not contain an entry with the given name');
test(function () {
assert_equals(customElements.get('html'), undefined);
assert_equals(customElements.get('span'), undefined);
assert_equals(customElements.get('div'), undefined);
assert_equals(customElements.get('g'), undefined);
assert_equals(customElements.get('ab'), undefined);
}, 'customElements.get must return undefined when the registry does not contain an entry with the given name even if the name was not a valid custom element name');
test(function () {
assert_equals(customElements.get('existing-custom-element'), undefined);
class ExistingCustomElement extends HTMLElement {};
customElements.define('existing-custom-element', ExistingCustomElement);
assert_equals(customElements.get('existing-custom-element'), ExistingCustomElement);
}, 'customElements.get return the constructor of the entry with the given name when there is a matching entry.');
test(function () {
assert_true(customElements.whenDefined('some-name') instanceof Promise);
}, 'customElements.whenDefined must return a promise for a valid custom element name');
test(function () {
assert_equals(customElements.whenDefined('some-name'), customElements.whenDefined('some-name'));
}, 'customElements.whenDefined must return the same promise each time invoked for a valid custom element name which has not been defined');
promise_test(function () {
var resolved = false;
var rejected = false;
customElements.whenDefined('a-b').then(function () { resolved = true; }, function () { rejected = true; });
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
assert_false(resolved, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be resolved until a custom element is defined');
assert_false(rejected, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected until a custom element is defined');
}, 'customElements.whenDefined must return an unresolved promise when the registry does not contain the entry with the given name')
promise_test(function () {
var promise = customElements.whenDefined('badname');
promise.then(function (value) { promise.resolved = value; }, function (value) { promise.rejected = value; });
assert_false('resolved' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask');
assert_false('rejected' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask');
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
assert_false('resolved' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must be resolved when a custom element is defined');
assert_true('rejected' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected when a custom element is defined');
}, 'customElements.whenDefined must return a rejected promise when the given name is not a valid custom element name');
promise_test(function () {
class PreexistingCustomElement extends HTMLElement { };
customElements.define('preexisting-custom-element', PreexistingCustomElement);
var promise = customElements.whenDefined('preexisting-custom-element');
promise.then(function (value) { promise.resolved = value; }, function (value) { promise.rejected = value; });
assert_false('resolved' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask');
assert_false('rejected' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask');
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
assert_true('resolved' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must be resolved when a custom element is defined');
assert_equals(promise.resolved, PreexistingCustomElement,
'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must be resolved with the constructor of the element when a custom element is defined');
assert_false('rejected' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected when a custom element is defined');
}, 'customElements.whenDefined must return a resolved promise when the registry contains the entry with the given name');
promise_test(function () {
class AnotherExistingCustomElement extends HTMLElement {};
customElements.define('another-existing-custom-element', AnotherExistingCustomElement);
var promise1 = customElements.whenDefined('another-existing-custom-element');
var promise2 = customElements.whenDefined('another-existing-custom-element');
promise1.then(function (value) { promise1.resolved = value; }, function (value) { promise1.rejected = value; });
promise2.then(function (value) { promise2.resolved = value; }, function (value) { promise2.rejected = value; });
assert_not_equals(promise1, promise2);
assert_false('resolved' in promise1, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask');
assert_false('resolved' in promise2, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask');
assert_false('rejected' in promise1, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask');
assert_false('rejected' in promise2, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask');
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
assert_true('resolved' in promise1, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must be resolved when a custom element is defined');
assert_equals(promise1.resolved, AnotherExistingCustomElement, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must be resolved with the constructor of the element when a custom element is defined');
assert_false('rejected' in promise1, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected when a custom element is defined');
assert_true('resolved' in promise2, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must be resolved when a custom element is defined');
assert_equals(promise2.resolved, AnotherExistingCustomElement, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must be resolved with the constructor of the element when a custom element is defined');
assert_false('rejected' in promise2, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected when a custom element is defined');
}, 'customElements.whenDefined must return a new resolved promise each time invoked when the registry contains the entry with the given name');
promise_test(function () {
class ElementDefinedAfterWhenDefined extends HTMLElement { };
var promise = customElements.whenDefined('element-defined-after-whendefined');
promise.then(function (value) { promise.resolved = value; }, function (value) { promise.rejected = value; });
assert_false('resolved' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask');
assert_false('rejected' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask');
var promiseAfterDefine;
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
assert_false('resolved' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be resolved until the element is defined');
assert_false('rejected' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected until the element is defined');
assert_equals(customElements.whenDefined('element-defined-after-whendefined'), promise,
'"whenDefined" must return the same unresolved promise before the custom element is defined');
customElements.define('element-defined-after-whendefined', ElementDefinedAfterWhenDefined);
assert_false('resolved' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask');
assert_false('rejected' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask');
promiseAfterDefine = customElements.whenDefined('element-defined-after-whendefined');
promiseAfterDefine.then(function (value) { promiseAfterDefine.resolved = value; }, function (value) { promiseAfterDefine.rejected = value; });
assert_not_equals(promiseAfterDefine, promise, '"whenDefined" must return a resolved promise once the custom element is defined');
assert_false('resolved' in promiseAfterDefine, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be resolved until the end of the next microtask');
assert_false('rejected' in promiseAfterDefine, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected until the end of the next microtask');
}).then(function () {
assert_true('resolved' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must be resolved when a custom element is defined');
assert_equals(promise.resolved, ElementDefinedAfterWhenDefined,
'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must be resolved with the constructor of the element when a custom element is defined');
assert_false('rejected' in promise, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected when a custom element is defined');
assert_true('resolved' in promiseAfterDefine, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must be resolved when a custom element is defined');
assert_equals(promiseAfterDefine.resolved, ElementDefinedAfterWhenDefined,
'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must be resolved with the constructor of the element when a custom element is defined');
assert_false('rejected' in promiseAfterDefine, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must not be rejected when a custom element is defined');
}, 'A promise returned by customElements.whenDefined must be resolved by "define"');
promise_test(function () {
class ResolvedCustomElement extends HTMLElement {};
customElements.define('resolved-custom-element', ResolvedCustomElement);
return customElements.whenDefined('resolved-custom-element').then(function (value) {
assert_equals(value, ResolvedCustomElement, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must resolve with the defined class');
}, 'A promise returned by customElements.whenDefined must be resolved with the defined class');
promise_test(function () {
var promise = customElements.whenDefined('not-resolved-yet-custom-element').then(function (value) {
assert_equals(value, NotResolvedYetCustomElement, 'The promise returned by "whenDefined" must resolve with the defined class once such class is defined');
class NotResolvedYetCustomElement extends HTMLElement {};
customElements.define('not-resolved-yet-custom-element', NotResolvedYetCustomElement);
return promise;
}, 'A promise returned by customElements.whenDefined must be resolved with the defined class once such class is defined');