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<title>scroll{Width,Height} shouldn't account for collapsed margins, in order not to report unnecessary overflow</title>
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#target {
width: 20px;
flex-direction: column;
#target > div {
background-color: green;
margin: -5px -7px;
#target > div > div {
height: 20px;
width: 20px;
<div id="target">
let target = document.getElementById("target");
// "clip" is not really scrollable, but should match as well.
for (let overflow of ["visible", "hidden", "auto", "scroll", "clip"]) {
// First one creates no overflow, last one does create overflow.
// TODO(emilio): Figure out why the overflow padding and some of the grid cases
// are not interoperable across platforms / engines. Maybe scrollbar-width dependent?
for (let padding of ["10px 20px" /* , "2px" */]) {
for (let border of ["0", "3px solid"]) {
for (let display of ["flex", "block", "flow-root", "inline-block", "inline-flex", /* "grid", "inline-grid" */]) {
test(function() {
let [expectedOverflowY, expectedOverflowX] = padding == "10px 20px" ? [0, 0] : [3, 5]; = overflow; = display; = border; = padding;
let sh = target.scrollHeight;
let sw = target.scrollWidth;
let ch = target.clientHeight;
let cw = target.clientWidth;
assert_equals(sh, ch + expectedOverflowY, `scrollHeight expecting ${expectedOverflowY}px of overflow`);
assert_equals(sw, cw + expectedOverflowX, `scrollWidth expecting ${expectedOverflowX}px of overflow`);
}, `scroll{Width,Height} with negative margins with overflow: ${overflow}, padding: ${padding}, border: ${border}, display: ${display}`);