Name Description Size
adoptedstylesheets-adopt-link.tentative.html adoptedStyleSheets adopt link tag 867
adoptedstylesheets-adopt-style-subresource.tentative.html adoptedStyleSheets adopt link tag 874
adoptedstylesheets-adopt-style.tentative.html adoptedStyleSheets adopt link tag 862
adoptedstylesheets-modify-array-and-sheet.html adoptedStyleSheet - Add and remove the same sheet with modifications 1145
adoptedstylesheets-observablearray.html Adoptedstylesheets as ObservableArray 3451
at-namespace.html CSS Test: @namespace in CSSOM is not severely broken 1070
base-uri.html CSSOM base URI is the document's base URI 1870
border-shorthand-serialization.html serialization of border shorthand 1891
caretPositionFromPoint-with-transformation.html getCaretPositionFromPoint should return the correct offset even in iframes with transformation 1664
caretPositionFromPoint.html document.caretPositionFromPoint() 3504
change-rule-with-layers-crash.html CSSOM Test: Chrome crash when modifying rules with @layer 482
computed-style-001.html CSS Test: getComputedStyle 2595
computed-style-002.html CSS Test: getComputedStyle - resolved width in iframe 785
computed-style-003.html CSS Test: getComputedStyle - resolved width in iframe dynamic display 916
computed-style-004.html CSS Test: getComputedStyle - resolved width in nested iframes dynamic width 1384
computed-style-005.html CSS Test: getComputedStyle on blocks with auto margins 1817
computed-style-set-property.html NoModificationAllowedError when mutating read only properties 1711
CSS-namespace-object-class-string.html CSSOM - Symbol.toStringTag value of CSS namespace object 2002
css-style-attr-decl-block.html 6863
css-style-attribute-modifications.html 630
css-style-declaration-modifications.html CSS Test: CSSStyleDeclaration Interface 3066
css-style-reparse.html CSS Test: DOM modification re-parsing test 1971
CSSConditionRule-conditionText.html CSSConditionRule.conditionText 825
CSSContainerRule.tentative.html CSSContainerRule 1193
CSSCounterStyleRule.html CSSOM - CSSCounterStyleRule interface 698
CSSFontFaceRule.html CSSOM - CSSFontFaceRule interface 721
CSSFontFeatureValuesRule.html CSSOM - CSSFontFeatureValuesRule interface 6129
CSSGroupingRule-cssRules.html CSSOM - CSSGroupingRule - cssRules 1887
CSSGroupingRule-insertRule.html CSSOM - CSSGroupingRule - insertRule 4087
cssimportrule-parent.html CSSImportRule correctly unlinks its child stylesheet from its parent 979
cssimportrule-sheet-identity.html CSSImportRule has different sheets even if referencing the same URL 1072
cssimportrule.html CSSOM CSSRule CSSImportRule interface 5678
CSSKeyframeRule.html 1648
CSSKeyframesRule.html CSSOM - CSSKeyframesRule interface 5635
CSSNamespaceRule.html CSSOM - CSSNamespaceRule interface 1523
cssom-cssstyledeclaration-set.html CSSOM: CSSStyleDeclaration on HTMLElement represents inline style changes 1195
cssom-cssText-serialize.html CSSOM Parsing Test: getting cssText must return the result of serializing the CSS declaration blocks. 1119
cssom-fontfacerule-constructors.html CSSOM Parsing Test: @font-face rules toString() as valid interfaces 2098
cssom-fontfacerule.html CSSOM Parsing Test: @font-face rules parsed into CSSOM CSSFontFaceRules 1806
cssom-getPropertyValue-common-checks.html Common serialization checks for all properties 7018
cssom-pagerule.html CSSOM: CSSPageRule tests 4360
cssom-ruleTypeAndOrder.html CSS OM: CSS Rule Types and Order 2214
cssom-setProperty-shorthand.html CSSOM: CSSStyleDeclaration (set|remove)PropertyValue sets/removes shorthand properties 3002
CSSRuleList.html CSSOM - CSSRuleList interface 1159
cssstyledeclaration-all-shorthand.html CSSOM Test: Passing "all" shorthand to property methods 2272
cssstyledeclaration-cssfontrule.tentative.html CSSStyleDeclaration for a CSSFontRule 1000
cssstyledeclaration-csstext-all-shorthand.html CSSOM test: serialization of the 'all' shorthand in cssText 1775
cssstyledeclaration-csstext-final-delimiter.html CSSOM - CSSStyleDeclaration - Text - Serialization - Delimiters 1130
cssstyledeclaration-csstext-important.html CSSOM test: setting a property with cssText and !important 589
cssstyledeclaration-csstext-setter.window.js 2641
cssstyledeclaration-csstext.html CSSOM Test: CSSStyleDeclaration.cssText Test 4507
cssstyledeclaration-custom-properties.html CSS Test: computed style declaration includes custom properties. 1105
cssstyledeclaration-mutability.html CSSOM: CSSStyleDeclaration is mutable and immutable in various settings 2264
cssstyledeclaration-mutationrecord-001.html CSSOM: CSSStyleDeclaration.setPropertyValue queues a mutation record when changed 896
cssstyledeclaration-mutationrecord-002.html CSSOM: CSSStyleDeclaration.setPropertyValue doesn't queue a mutation record for invalid values 817
cssstyledeclaration-mutationrecord-003.html CSSOM: CSSStyleDeclaration.removeProperty doesn't queue a mutation record when not actually removed, invoked from setPropertyValue 923
cssstyledeclaration-mutationrecord-004.html CSSOM: CSSStyleDeclaration.removeProperty doesn't queue a mutation record when not actually removed 874
cssstyledeclaration-mutationrecord-005.html CSSOM: CSSStyleDeclaration.setPropertyValue doesn't queue a mutation record for invalid values 847
cssstyledeclaration-properties.html CSS Test: CSSStyleDeclaration properties are defined as WebIDL attributes, not using getOwnPropertyNames() 875
cssstyledeclaration-registered-custom-properties.html Computed CSSStyleDeclaration includes registered custom properties 2098
cssstyledeclaration-removeProperty-all.html CSSStyleDeclaration.removeProperty("all") 778
cssstyledeclaration-setter-attr.html CSSOM test: declaration block after setting via CSSOM 882
cssstyledeclaration-setter-declarations.html CSSOM test: declaration block after setting via CSSOM 6192
cssstyledeclaration-setter-form-controls.html CSSOM test: no side effects from setting "height" 2875
cssstyledeclaration-setter-logical.html CSSOM test: declaration block after setting via CSSOM 2805
CSSStyleRule-set-selectorText-namespace.html CSSOM StyleRule selectorText property setter with namespaces 2155
CSSStyleRule-set-selectorText.html CSSOM StyleRule selectorText property setter 5902
CSSStyleRule.html CSSOM CSSRule CSSStyleRule interface 4409
CSSStyleSheet-constructable-baseURL.html CSSStyleSheet baseURL 2401
CSSStyleSheet-constructable-concat-ref.html Adoptedstylesheets.concat should work when starting empty 337
CSSStyleSheet-constructable-concat.html Adoptedstylesheets.concat should work when starting empty 1341
CSSStyleSheet-constructable-cssRules.html CSSStyleSheet.replace/replaceSync() doesn't change cssRules object 1174
CSSStyleSheet-constructable-disabled-regular-sheet-insertion.html Shouldn't crash / assert when inserting a stylesheet after there are disabled constructable sheets 959
CSSStyleSheet-constructable-disallow-import.tentative.html CSSStyleSheet Disallow Import Rules 3486
CSSStyleSheet-constructable-duplicate.html Cascade order of a stylesheet for duplicate sheets. 3704
CSSStyleSheet-constructable-insertRule-base-uri-ref.html CSS Test Reference 100
CSSStyleSheet-constructable-insertRule-base-uri.html CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() on a constructable stylesheet uses the right base uri, even if replace/Sync() hasn't been called yet 743
CSSStyleSheet-constructable-invalidation.html CSSStyleSheet rule mutation invalidation 2499
CSSStyleSheet-constructable-replace-cssRules.html CSSStyleSheet.replace reflects the right cssRules. 1801
CSSStyleSheet-constructable-replace-on-regular-sheet.html replace / replaceSync on non-constructed stylesheet 3024
CSSStyleSheet-constructable.html CSSStyleSheet constructor and adoptedStyleSheets 37727
CSSStyleSheet-modify-after-removal.html CSS Test: CSSStyleSheet modifications after removal 1232
CSSStyleSheet-template-adoption.html adoptedStyleSheets should stay when adopting to/from template document 2320
CSSStyleSheet.html CSSOM - CSSStyleSheet interface 7237
declaration-block-all-crash.html 322
delete-namespace-rule-when-child-rule-exists.html Deleting a @namespace rule when list contains anything other than @import or @namespace rules should throw InvalidStateError. 742
escape.html CSS#escape 4097
flex-serialization.html CSSOM - Flex serialization 1708
font-family-serialization-001.html Serialization of font-family 1679
font-shorthand-serialization.html Serialization of font shorthand 723
font-variant-shorthand-serialization.html Serialization of font-variant shorthand 5013
getComputedStyle-animations-replaced-into-ib-split.html getComputedStyle() returns the right style for animating nodes that have been just inserted into the document, and that have an ancestor whose layout tree was recreated (like an IB-split) 1444
getComputedStyle-detached-subtree.html CSSOM: getComputedStyle returns no style for elements not in the tree 2061
getComputedStyle-display-none-001.html CSSOM: getComputedStyle gets invalidated for display: none elements (inheritance) 1783
getComputedStyle-display-none-002.html CSSOM: getComputedStyle gets invalidated for display: none elements (rules) 1260
getComputedStyle-display-none-003.html style is invalidated properly as a result of attribute changes in display: none subtrees 935
getComputedStyle-dynamic-subdoc.html CSSOM: getComputedStyle cross-doc properly reflects media query changes 1166
getComputedStyle-getter-v-properties.tentative.html CSSStyleDeclaration index getter v. attributes 1335
getComputedStyle-insets-absolute-crash.html Chromium bug: getComputedStyle() crashes with subtree layout of out-of-flow node 848
getComputedStyle-insets-absolute-logical-crash.html Chromium bug: getComputedStyle() crashes with logical inset properties 922
getComputedStyle-insets-absolute-roundtrip.html Chromium bug: getComputedStyle() fixed-length inset values don't roundtrip 1327
getComputedStyle-insets-absolute.html CSSOM: resolved values of the inset properties for absolute positioning 840
getComputedStyle-insets-fixed.html CSSOM: resolved values of the inset properties for fixed positioning 863
getComputedStyle-insets-grid.html Position absolute getComputedStyle left (for display: grid) 931
getComputedStyle-insets-multicol-absolute-crash.html Chromium bug: getComputedStyle() crashes with inset properties on abspos in multicol 569
getComputedStyle-insets-nobox.html CSSOM: resolved values of the inset properties when the element generates no box 706
getComputedStyle-insets-relative.html CSSOM: resolved values of the inset properties for relative positioning 772
getComputedStyle-insets-relpos-inline.html getComputedStyle OOF inset resolved against relpos inline container 2037
getComputedStyle-insets-static.html CSSOM: resolved values of the inset properties for static positioning 766
getComputedStyle-insets-sticky-container-for-abspos.html CSSOM: resolved values of the inset properties for sticky positioning 893
getComputedStyle-insets-sticky.html CSSOM: resolved values of the inset properties for sticky positioning 833
getComputedStyle-layout-dependent-removed-ib-sibling.html getComputedStyle() returns the right style for layout-dependent properties for nodes that have had an IB sibling removed 1177
getComputedStyle-layout-dependent-replaced-into-ib-split.html getComputedStyle() returns the right style for layout-dependent properties for nodes that have been just inserted into the document, and that have an ancestor whose layout tree was recreated (like an IB-split) 1356
getComputedStyle-line-height.html CSS Test: line-height resolved value 953
getComputedStyle-logical-enumeration.html CSSOM: getComputedStyle enumeration 1230
getComputedStyle-margins-roundtrip.html Chromium bug: getComputedStyle() fixed-length inset values don't roundtrip 1293
getComputedStyle-property-order.html CSSOM: getComputedStyle property order 1088
getComputedStyle-pseudo-checkmark.html CSSOM: Correct resolution of resolved value for the checkmark pseudo-element 1449
getComputedStyle-pseudo-picker-icon.html CSSOM: Correct resolution of resolved value for the picker-icon pseudo-element 1468
getComputedStyle-pseudo-with-argument.html CSSOM: Handling pseudo-elements with arguments 1906
getComputedStyle-pseudo.html CSSOM: Correct resolution of resolved value for display-affected pseudo-elements 10458
getComputedStyle-resolved-colors.html CSSOM: resolved values of certain color properties are used values 1209
getComputedStyle-resolved-min-max-clamping.html CSSOM: resolved values of the width and height when the element generates no box or are a non-replaced inline aren't clamped by min-width / max-width 1773
getComputedStyle-special-chars-crash.html 186
getComputedStyle-sticky-pos-percent.html CSS Test: resolve top percentage value against proper box 1010
getComputedStyle-width-scroll.tentative.html getComputedStyle() round-trips in presence of scrollbars. 1094
historical.html Historical features 1407
HTMLLinkElement-disabled-001.html <link disabled>, HTMLLinkElement.disabled and CSSStyleSheet.disabled interactions 1691
HTMLLinkElement-disabled-002.html <link disabled>, HTMLLinkElement.disabled and CSSStyleSheet.disabled interactions (alternate) 1528
HTMLLinkElement-disabled-003.html <link disabled>'s "explicitly enabled" state persists after getting disconnected from the tree 1328
HTMLLinkElement-disabled-004.html <link disabled>'s "explicitly enabled" state doesn't persist for clones 1572
HTMLLinkElement-disabled-005.html <link disabled>'s "explicitly enabled" persists across rel changes 1128
HTMLLinkElement-disabled-006.html <link disabled>'s "explicitly enabled" state isn't magically set from the setter 1238
HTMLLinkElement-disabled-007.html <link disabled>'s "explicitly enabled" state works when set explicitly back and forth 1238
HTMLLinkElement-disabled-alternate-ref.html CSS Test Reference 240
HTMLLinkElement-disabled-alternate.html CSS Test: alternate stylesheets can be disabled by HTMLLinkElement.disabled if they have the disabled attribute already 770
HTMLLinkElement-load-event-002.html Link element load event doesn't block the parser. 2005
HTMLLinkElement-load-event.html Link element load event doesn't block the parser. 1563
HTMLStyleElement-load-event.html style elements fire load events properly 1028
idlharness.html CSSOM automated IDL tests 2583
inline-style-001.html CSS Test: Inline CSSStyleDeclaration 3663
insert-dir-rule-crash.html CSSOM Test: Chrome crash inserting :dir rule 449
insert-dir-rule-in-iframe-crash.html CSSOM Test: Chrome crash inserting :dir rule in iframe 687
insert-invalid-where-rule-crash.html CSSOM Test: Chrome crash keeping rule with empty selector list 413
insertRule-across-context.html CSS Test: CSSOM StyleSheet insertRule across context 1303
insertRule-charset-no-index.html CSS Test: CSSOM StyleSheet insertRule with charset and omitted second argument 1449
insertRule-from-script-ref.html insertrule @import test reference 157
insertRule-from-script.html insertrule @import test 421
insertRule-import-no-index.html CSS Test: CSSOM StyleSheet insertRule with import and omitted second argument 1497
insertRule-import-trailing-garbage-crash.html 265
insertRule-namespace-no-index.html CSS Test: CSSOM StyleSheet insertRule with namespace and omitted second argument 1765
insertRule-no-index.html CSS Test: CSSOM StyleSheet insertRule omitted second argument 1490
insertRule-syntax-error-01.html 625
invalid-pseudo-elements.html CSSOM: Test that rules with invalid pseudo elements are not found 630
link-element-stylesheet-title.html Link Element StyleSheet's title attribute 1769
medialist-dynamic-001-ref.html CSS Test Reference 173
medialist-dynamic-001.html CSS Test: Dynamic changes to the stylesheet media attributes via CSSOM get reflected 522
medialist-interfaces-001.html CSS Test: CSSOM Media Query List Serialization 2803
medialist-interfaces-002.html CSS Test: CSSOM MediaList Interfaces 2457
medialist-interfaces-004.html CSS Test: CSSOM MediaList Interfaces 2323
MediaList.html CSSOM - MediaList interface 3491
MediaList2.xhtml CSS Test: the MediaList interface 1766
mediaquery-sort-dedup.html CSSOM test: Media query serialization quirks 788
META.yml 92
MutationObserver-style.html Observer notifications when updating styles 1471
overflow-serialization.html CSSOM - Overflow shorthand serialization 2890
page-descriptors.html CSSPageDescriptors properties tests 5697
preferred-stylesheet-order.html 950
preferred-stylesheet-reversed-order.html 995
property-accessors.html Accessing properties via CSSStyleDeclaration 1678
removerule-invalidation-crash.html CSSOM - removeRule doesn't assert when removing a particular set of rules 468
rule-restrictions.html CSSOM Should correctly honor property restrictions 2561
selectorSerialize.html CSSOM Test: test serialized selector which is only one simple selector in the sequence of simple selectors 7888
selectorText-modification-restyle-001-ref.html (Ref #1) CSSOM - CSSStyleRule.selectorText Modification Restyle - Reference #1 221
selectorText-modification-restyle-001.html (Test #1) CSSOM - CSSStyleRule.selectorText Modification Restyle - Test #1 630
selectorText-modification-restyle-002.html CSSOM: Modify selectorText in a shadow tree stylesheet 1364
serialization-CSSDeclaration-with-important.html cssom - Serialization of CSS declaration with "important" flag 1757
serialize-all-longhands.html Serialize all longhands 1242
serialize-custom-props.html Serializing Integers Never Uses Scinot 2267
serialize-media-rule.html CSSOM - Serialization of CSSMediaRule 5834
serialize-namespaced-type-selectors.html CSSOM Test: test serialization of type selectors and namespace prefixes 16503
serialize-values.html CSSOM serialize values 19827
serialize-variable-reference.html CSSOM - Serialization with variable preserves original serialization. 1643
set-selector-text-attachment.html Setting selectorText does not detach rule 839
setproperty-null-undefined.html 1430
shorthand-serialization.html Shorthand serialization should be done correctly. 4291
shorthand-values.html CSS OM: CSS Values 3114
style-attr-update-across-documents.html CSSStyleDeclaration setter works when a node changes document 2265
style-sheet-interfaces-001.html CSS Test: CSSOM StyleSheet Initial Values 5856
style-sheet-interfaces-002.html CSS Test: CSSOM StyleSheet Modify Rule List 1655
stylesheet-dom-mutation-event-crash.html 253
stylesheet-replacedata-dynamic-ref.html (Ref #1) CSS Test Reference 380
stylesheet-replacedata-dynamic.html (Test #1) CSS Test: Dynamic changes to the stylesheet contents using replaceData are reflected 631
stylesheet-same-origin.css 28
stylesheet-same-origin.sub.html CSSOM - CSSStylesheet should support origins 3893
stylesheet-title.html CSS Test: StyleSheet's title attribute 1401
StyleSheetList.html CSSOM - StyleSheetList interface 1522
ttwf-cssom-doc-ext-load-count.html CSSOM - Extensions to the Document Interface: StyleSheetList length reflects dynamically loaded and unloaded sheets 2760
ttwf-cssom-doc-ext-load-tree-order.html CSSOM - Extensions to the Document Interface: Stylesheet header load order 2869
ttwf-cssom-document-extension.html CSSOM - Extensions to the Document Interface: StyleSheetList length is 0 when no sheets loaded 1195
variable-names.html Tests for handling of CSS Custom Property names 1563
xml-stylesheet-pi-in-doctype.xhtml xml-stylesheet processing instruction in doctype internal subset 647