Name Description Size
css-variable-change-style-001.html CSS Variables Test: Style changes on properties using variables 4873
css-variable-change-style-002.html CSS Variables Test: Style changes on properties using variables 2406
css-vars-custom-property-case-sensitive-001.html CSS Variables Test: custom property names are case-sensitive 1137
css-vars-custom-property-inheritance.html CSS Variables Test: custom properties use normal inheritance and cascade rules 1121
long-variable-reference-crash.html Very long properties with variable references should not crash 340
META.yml 105
revert-in-fallback.html CSS Custom Properties: Using revert in fallbacks 1423
revert-layer-in-fallback.html CSS Custom Properties: Using revert-layer in fallbacks 1305
test_variable_legal_values.html CSS Variables Allowed Syntax 4157
url-syntax-crash.html 428
var-parsing.html CSS Custom Properties: var() parsing 686
variable-animation-from-to.html CSS Variables - Animation - From and To Values 2668
variable-animation-over-transition.html CSS Variables - Animation - Overriding Transition 2965
variable-animation-substitute-into-keyframe-shorthand.html CSS Variables - Animation - Substitute Into Keyframe with Shorthand 2484
variable-animation-substitute-into-keyframe-transform.html CSS Variables - Animation - Substitute Into Keyframe - transform property 2256
variable-animation-substitute-into-keyframe.html CSS Variables - Animation - Substitute Into Keyframe 2342
variable-animation-substitute-within-keyframe-fallback.html CSS Variables - Animation - Substitute Within Keyframe - Fallback 2576
variable-animation-substitute-within-keyframe-multiple.html CSS Variables - Animation - Substitute Within Keyframe - Multiple Substitution 2440
variable-animation-substitute-within-keyframe.html CSS Variables - Animation - Substitute Within Keyframe 2360
variable-animation-to-only.html CSS Variables - Animation - From and To Values 2157
variable-created-document.html Variable added to created document 1564
variable-created-element.html Variable on created element 1872
variable-css-wide-keywords.html CSS Custom Properties: Using CSS-wide keywords 9466
variable-cssText.html Parse, store, and serialize CSS variable (thorugh css Text) 2626
variable-cycles.html Test that custom property cycles behave correctly 10149
variable-declaration-01.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable consisting of a single token preceded by white space. 540
variable-declaration-02.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable consisting of a single token with no preceding white space. 545
variable-declaration-03.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that references another variable. 537
variable-declaration-04.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable consisting of a variable reference followed by white space. 564
variable-declaration-05.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable consisting of a variable reference that includes white space around the variable name. 593
variable-declaration-06.html CSS Test: Test overriding an existing variable declaration. 537
variable-declaration-07.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable with valid syntax due to a variable reference having no tokens in its fallback. 600
variable-declaration-08.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of a variable reference whose fallback is white space. 589
variable-declaration-09.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable with a variable reference having only a comment in its fallback. 589
variable-declaration-10.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of a variable reference with a fallback that includes a comment and an identifier. 621
variable-declaration-11.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable with invalid syntax due to a variable reference having a '!' token at the top level of its fallback. 622
variable-declaration-12.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable with invalid syntax due to a variable reference having a ';' token at the top level of its fallback. 622
variable-declaration-13.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable with invalid syntax due to a variable reference having "!important" the top level of its fallback. 629
variable-declaration-14.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of a variable reference and a following identifier with no intervening white space. 641
variable-declaration-15-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 433
variable-declaration-15.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of a comma-separated font family list. 703
variable-declaration-16-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 433
variable-declaration-16.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of a comma-separated font family list with the first item being a variable reference. 767
variable-declaration-17-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 438
variable-declaration-17.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of a comma-separated font family list with the last item being a variable reference. 771
variable-declaration-18-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 433
variable-declaration-18.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of a comma-separated font family list with the comma coming from a variable reference. 769
variable-declaration-19.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of a function where one of the arguments is a variable reference. 615
variable-declaration-20.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable with "!important". 556
variable-declaration-21.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of a function where all of the arguments and commas are made up of variable references. 669
variable-declaration-22.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of a variable reference with a number of levels of variable reference fallbacks. 634
variable-declaration-23.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable with invalid syntax due to having two "!important" priorities. 627
variable-declaration-24.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that contains a CDO token. 653
variable-declaration-25.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that contains a CDC token. 651
variable-declaration-26.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that contains only a white space token. 550
variable-declaration-29.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable with an invalid custom property name "--". 547
variable-declaration-30.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that contains a variable reference to itself. 580
variable-declaration-31.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable where the variable name begins with a digit. 568
variable-declaration-32.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable where the variable name begins with an escaped digit. 579
variable-declaration-33.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable where the variable name begins with an escaped letter. 578
variable-declaration-34.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable where the variable name begins with a lone surrogate. 583
variable-declaration-35.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable where the variable name begins with U+FFFD. 573
variable-declaration-36.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable where the variable name begins with an out-of-range Unicode character escape. 609
variable-declaration-37.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable consisting of a variable reference where white space surrounds the comma separating the variable name and fallback. 637
variable-declaration-38.html CSS Test: Test declaring two variables in the same declaration block that differ only in case, with lowercase first. 618
variable-declaration-39.html CSS Test: Test declaring two variables in the same declaration block that differ only in case, with uppercase first. 618
variable-declaration-40.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable with an invalid custom property name due to it beginning with "VAR-". 609
variable-declaration-41.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable where the second '-' in the "--" prefix of the custom property name is escaped. 604
variable-declaration-42.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable where the custom property name includes an unescaped Chinese character and an escape that is terminated by a space character. 782
variable-declaration-43.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable whose value is "initial". 555
variable-declaration-44.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable whose value is "inherit" where there is no variable to inherit from. 598
variable-declaration-45.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable whose value is "inherit" where there is a variable to inherit from. 632
variable-declaration-46.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable whose value is "initial" where there is a variable to inherit from. 622
variable-declaration-47.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable whose value consists of a reference to a variable whose value is "inherit". 657
variable-declaration-48.html CSS Test: Test declaring a number of variables in a cycle. 630
variable-declaration-49.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that is a dependent of a variable involved in a cycle but which itself is not involved in a cycle. 730
variable-declaration-50.html CSS Test: Test declaring a number of variables in a chain, where the final element of the chain uses its fallback. 686
variable-declaration-51.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of a reference to an invalid inherited variable. 635
variable-declaration-52.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of a reference to an inherited variable whose value was a variable reference that used its fallback. 693
variable-declaration-53.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of two variable references without fallback and with no intervening white space. 663
variable-declaration-54.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of two variable references with the first variable reference using fallback and with no intervening white space. 688
variable-declaration-55.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that consists of two variable references with the second variable reference using fallback and with no intervening white space. 689
variable-declaration-56.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable whose value is "unset" where there is no variable to inherit from. 594
variable-declaration-57.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable whose value is "unset" where there is a variable to inherit from. 628
variable-declaration-58.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable whose value consists of a reference to a variable whose value is "unset". 653
variable-declaration-59.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable with a trailing invalid token. 528
variable-declaration-60.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable with a value whose name is "initial" but using Turkish dotted/dotless 'i's. 671
variable-definition-border-shorthand-serialize.html Variables - border shorthand set, serialize border-color 933
variable-definition-cascading.html variable definition cascading tests 2661
variable-definition-keywords.html CSS Variable definitions and keywords 3032
variable-definition.html variable-definition: get variable value using getPropertyValue 6639
variable-empty-name-reserved.html -- is a reserved property name 585
variable-exponential-blowup.html CSS Variables Test: Exponential blowup doesn't crash 931
variable-external-declaration-01.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable in an external CSS file. 560
variable-external-font-face-01-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 472
variable-external-font-face-01.html CSS Test: Test the invalid declaration and use of a variable in an @font-face rule within an external CSS. 715
variable-external-reference-01.html CSS Test: Test the use of a variable in a non-custom property where the variable value is inherited within an external CSS. 630
variable-external-supports-01.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule where the property value contains a variable reference within an external stylesheet file. 674
variable-first-letter.html CSS Variables with ::first-letter pseudo-element. 3395
variable-first-line.html CSS Variables with ::first-line pseudo-element. 3504
variable-font-face-01-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 472
variable-font-face-01.html CSS Test: Test the invalid declaration and use of a variable in an @font-face rule. 843
variable-font-face-02-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 472
variable-font-face-02.html CSS Test: Test the invalid use of a variable in an @font-face rule where the variable is defined on the root element. 887
variable-generated-content-dynamic-001-ref.html CSS Test Reference 89
variable-generated-content-dynamic-001.html CSS Test: Dynamic attribute change handling in generated content 580
variable-invalid-recovery.html CSS Test: Error recovery after an invalid reference in an unparsed declaration. 428
variable-invalidation.html Tests css variable invalidation 5094
variable-presentation-attribute.html CSS Variables and SVG presentation attributes 8754
variable-pseudo-element.html Variables work in ::before/::after pseudos 1989
variable-recalc-with-initial.html Style recalculation picks up “initial” variable declaration 897
variable-reference-01.html CSS Test: Test the use of a variable in a non-custom property where the variable value is inherited. 556
variable-reference-02.html CSS Test: Test the use of a variable in a non-custom property where the value is invalid at computed-value time due to referencing a non-existent variable. 680
variable-reference-03.html CSS Test: Test the use of two variables in a non-custom property where the variable values are inherited and one of the variable values consists only of white space. 671
variable-reference-04.html CSS Test: Test the use of two variables in a non-custom property where one variable is inherited and the other references a non-existing variable with fallback that consists only of white space. 693
variable-reference-05.html CSS Test: Test the use of a variable in a non-custom property where the values contains no tokens other than the variable reference. 618
variable-reference-06.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property with a variable reference whose fallback contains no tokens. 595
variable-reference-07.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property with invalid syntax due to having a variable reference whose fallback contains a top level ';' token. 637
variable-reference-08.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property with invalid syntax due to having a variable reference whose fallback contains a top level '!' token. 637
variable-reference-09.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property with a variable reference that has a non-top level ';' token. 599
variable-reference-10.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property with a variable reference that has a non-top level '!' token. 599
variable-reference-11.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property with a variable reference whose fallback contains nothing but a comment. 611
variable-reference-12-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 314
variable-reference-12.html CSS Test: Test the use of variable references in the 'content' property. 602
variable-reference-13.html CSS Test: Test that important variable declarations are not overwritten by subsequent non-important variable declarations in the one declaration block. 641
variable-reference-14.html CSS Test: Test that important variable declarations cascade correctly. 572
variable-reference-15.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property with two variable references with no intervening white space. 618
variable-reference-16.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that consists of a variable reference with a number of levels of variable reference fallbacks. 641
variable-reference-17.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that consists of a variable reference whose fallback contains a CDO token. 614
variable-reference-18.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that contains a variable reference and balanced braces and square brackets. 601
variable-reference-19.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that contains a variable reference and a non-top level ';' token. 587
variable-reference-20.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that contains a variable reference whose function token is in uppercase. 579
variable-reference-21.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that contains a reference to a variable whose name must be escaped. 576
variable-reference-22.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that contains a reference to a variable whose name is U+FFFD but which was declared and referenced using a lone surrogate. 637
variable-reference-23.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that contains a reference to a variable whose name is U+FFFD but which was declared using a lone surrogate. 622
variable-reference-24.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that contains a reference to a variable whose name is U+FFFD but which was declared using an out-of-range Unicode character escape. 648
variable-reference-25.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that contains a variable reference with no fallback and which is implicitly closed due to EOF. 596
variable-reference-26.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that contains a variable reference with white space before its comma and fallback consisting only of white space and which is implicitly closed due to EOF. 660
variable-reference-27.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that contains a variable reference with fallback consisting only of white space and which is implicitly closed due to EOF. 626
variable-reference-28.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that contains a variable reference whose fallback is a variable reference, both of which are implicitly closed due to EOF. 633
variable-reference-29.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property that contains a variable reference with no fallback, and whose variable name is followed by a comment, and where the comment and the variable reference are implicitly closed due to EOF. 707
variable-reference-30.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property with invalid syntax due to containing two "!important" priorities. 595
variable-reference-31.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property with a variable reference that has a digit after the "--" prefix. 598
variable-reference-32.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property with invalid syntax due to containing a variable reference with fallback that contains a bad string. 632
variable-reference-33.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property containing a variable reference with fallback is an implicitly closed string due to EOF. 619
variable-reference-34.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property with invalid syntax due to containing a variable reference with fallback that contains a bad URL. 633
variable-reference-35.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom property containing a variable reference with fallback is an implicitly closed URL due to EOF. 620
variable-reference-36-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 364
variable-reference-36.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom shorthand property containing a variable reference. 625
variable-reference-37-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 364
variable-reference-37.html CSS Test: Test declaring a non-custom shorthand property containing a variable reference, with a subsequent property in the declaration block that overrides one of the shorthand's components. 727
variable-reference-38-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 441
variable-reference-38.html CSS Test: Test using variables in overlapping shorthands. 870
variable-reference-39.html CSS Test: Test declaring a variable that references itself but uses fallback. 543
variable-reference-40-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 426
variable-reference-40.html CSS Test: Test that a variable reference within a gradient value in a border-image shorthand parses correctly. 678
variable-reference-cssom.html CSS variable references - via CSSOM 2521
variable-reference-refresh.html Variable reference across document refresh 2228
variable-reference-shorthands-cssom.html CSS variable references - shorthand properties - via CSSOM 1301
variable-reference-shorthands.html Parse, store, and serialize CSS variable references - shorthand properties 2828
variable-reference-variable.html Parse, store, and serialize CSS variable referencing another CSS variable 1335
variable-reference-visited-ref.html Verify that colors with var() references apply in visited link context 1383
variable-reference-visited.html Verify that colors with var() references apply in visited link context 2985
variable-reference-without-whitespace.html Variable reference without whitespace 1602
variable-reference.html Parse, store, and serialize CSS variable references 3395
variable-substitution-background-properties.html test background property variable substitution 4820
variable-substitution-basic.html test basic variable substitution 4998
variable-substitution-filters.html test filter function variable substitution 2757
variable-substitution-replaced-size.html variable substitution into size properties on certain replaced elements 1432
variable-substitution-shadow-properties.html test shadow property variable substitution 2173
variable-substitution-shorthands.html Test shorthand variable substitution 7628
variable-substitution-variable-declaration.html Testing substituting variable references inside of variable declerations 6308
variable-supports-01.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule where the property value contains a variable reference and no white space tokens. 640
variable-supports-02.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule where the property value contains a white space token followed by a variable reference. 647
variable-supports-03.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule where the property value contains a variable reference surrounded by white space tokens. 649
variable-supports-04.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule where the property value contains a variable reference surrounded by white space tokens and with white space surrounding the variable name. 702
variable-supports-05.html CSS Test: Test a non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule where the property value contains a variable reference having no fallback tokens. 656
variable-supports-06.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule where the property value contains a variable reference with fallback that is only white space. 656
variable-supports-07.html CSS Test: Test a non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule where the property value contains a variable reference having no fallback tokens, just a comment. 676
variable-supports-08.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule where the property value contains a comment and an identifier. 628
variable-supports-09.html CSS Test: Test a failing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule where the property value contains a syntactically invalid variable reference due to having a '!' token at the top level of its fallback. 726
variable-supports-10.html CSS Test: Test a failing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule where the property value contains a syntactically invalid variable reference due to having "!important" at the top level of its fallback. 736
variable-supports-11.html CSS Test: Test a passing 'color' property declaration in an @supports rule with a variable reference that comes after a non-color value. 622
variable-supports-12.html CSS Test: Test a passing 'color' property declaration in an @supports rule with a variable reference that comes before a non-color value. 623
variable-supports-13.html CSS Test: Test a passing 'color' property declaration in an @supports rule with a range of different tokens and a variable reference not at the top level. 677
variable-supports-14.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule with a variable reference and an "!important" priority. 626
variable-supports-15.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule with two adjacent variable references with no intervening white space. 638
variable-supports-16.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule with a variable reference that has a number of levels of variable reference fallbacks. 673
variable-supports-17.html CSS Test: Test a failing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule with two "!important" priorities. 643
variable-supports-18.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference and a CDO token. 623
variable-supports-19.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference and a CDC token. 622
variable-supports-20.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference and balanced braces and square brackets. 650
variable-supports-21.html CSS Test: Test a failing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule where the property value contains a syntactically invalid variable reference due to having a ';' token at the top level of its fallback. 726
variable-supports-22.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference and a non-top level ';' token. 636
variable-supports-23.html CSS Test: Test a failing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with a top level ';' token. 658
variable-supports-24.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with a non-top level ';' token in its fallback. 653
variable-supports-25.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference whose function token is in uppercase. 639
variable-supports-26.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with a digit after the "--" variable name prefix. 651
variable-supports-27.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with a variable name beginning with an escaped digit. 657
variable-supports-28.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with a U+FFFD variable name specified by an escaped lone surrogate. 673
variable-supports-29.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with a U+FFFD variable name specified by an out-of-range Unicode character escape. 690
variable-supports-30.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with a dimension token as the variable name. 674
variable-supports-31.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with white space surrounding the fallback comma. 653
variable-supports-32.html CSS Test: Test a passing non-custom shorthand property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference. 617
variable-supports-33.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference. 586
variable-supports-34.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains white space and a variable reference. 603
variable-supports-35.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference surrounded by white space. 614
variable-supports-36.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference surrounded by white space with the variable name also surrounded by white space. 670
variable-supports-37.html CSS Test: Test a custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with no fallback tokens. 617
variable-supports-38.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with fallback consisting only of white space. 634
variable-supports-39.html CSS Test: Test a property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with no fallback tokens, just a comment. 630
variable-supports-40.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with fallback consisting of a comment and an identifier. 649
variable-supports-41.html CSS Test: Test a failing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with fallback containing a top level '!' token. 655
variable-supports-42.html CSS Test: Test a failing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with fallback containing a top level "!important". 667
variable-supports-43.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a dimension followed by a variable reference. 615
variable-supports-44.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference followed bya dimension. 614
variable-supports-45.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a selection of tokens and a non-top level variable reference. 668
variable-supports-46.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference and an "!important" priority. 627
variable-supports-47.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains two adjacent variable references with no intervening white space. 639
variable-supports-48.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with a number of levels of variable reference fallbacks. 670
variable-supports-49.html CSS Test: Test a failing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains two "!important" priorities. 635
variable-supports-50.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference and a CDO token. 608
variable-supports-51.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference and a CDC token. 607
variable-supports-52.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference and balanced braces and square brackets. 635
variable-supports-53.html CSS Test: Test a failing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference with a top level ';' token in its fallback. 651
variable-supports-54.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference and a non-top level ';' token. 621
variable-supports-55.html CSS Test: Test a failing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference and a top level ';' token in its fallback. 649
variable-supports-56.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains only a white space token. 583
variable-supports-57.html CSS Test: Test a failing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains no tokens. 580
variable-supports-58.html CSS Test: Test a property declaration in an @supports rule with property name "--". 558
variable-supports-59.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value contains a variable reference to itself. 596
variable-supports-60.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule for a variable whose name is a digit. 587
variable-supports-61.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule for a variable whose name is a digit which is specified with an escape. 623
variable-supports-62.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule for a variable whose name is U+FFFD which is specified with an escaped lone surrogate. 640
variable-supports-63.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule for a variable whose name is U+FFFD which is specified with an out-of-range Unicode character escape. 657
variable-supports-64.html CSS Test: Test a failing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value is a variable reference with a dimension token as the variable name. 653
variable-supports-65.html CSS Test: Test a passing custom property declaration in an @supports rule whose value is a variable reference with white space surrounding the fallback comma. 632
variable-supports-66.html CSS Test: Test a failing custom property declaration in an @supports rule where the property name begins with "VAR-". 614
variable-supports-67.html CSS Test: Test a declaration for a custom property has an invalid value does not cause the @supports rule to fail to parse. 611
variable-transitions-transition-property-all-before-value.html CSS Variables - Transitions - Variable value specified before transition; 'all' keyword used 2780
variable-transitions-value-before-transition-property-all.html CSS Variables - Transitions - Variable value specified before transition; 'all' keyword used 2779
variables-animation-math-functions.html angle custom properties interpolation with css math functions 1486
variables-substitute-guaranteed-invalid.html Testing substitution of guaranteed-invalid values 1438
vars-background-shorthand-001.html CSS Variables 1: Test variables in background shorthand. 996
vars-border-shorthand-serialize.html CSS Variables Test: Set border shorthand and serialize border-* 1371
vars-font-shorthand-001.html CSS Variables 1: Test variables in @font-face, font-family, font shorthand. 1296
whitespace-in-fallback-crash.html Fallback to a whitespace-only string should not crash 321
wide-keyword-fallback-001-ref.html CSS Test Reference 347
wide-keyword-fallback-001.html CSS Test: Wide keyword can be used as a fallback variable value 758
wide-keyword-fallback-002-ref.html CSS Test Reference 246
wide-keyword-fallback-002.html CSS Test: Wide keyword can be used as a fallback variable value for custom properties themselves 751