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Test Info: Warnings
- This test has a WPT meta file that expects 4 subtest issues.
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /css/css-values/attr-null-namespace.xhtml - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>CSS Values: attr() substitution with implicit null namespace</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<div id="target"
#target {
--x: attr(data-x type(*), fallback);
--y: attr(data-y type(*), fallback);
--z: attr(data-z type(*), fallback);
--w: attr(data-w type(*), fallback);
test(() => {
let e = document.getElementById("target");
assert_equals("value3", e.getAttributeNS(null, "data-x"));
assert_equals(null, e.getAttributeNS(null, "data-y"));
}, "Sanity check");
test(() => {
let e = document.getElementById("target");
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(e).getPropertyValue("--x"), "value3");
}, "Attribute in null-namespace is substituted");
test(() => {
let e = document.getElementById("target");
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(e).getPropertyValue("--y"), "fallback");
}, "Fallback is taken when attribute does not exist in null-namespace");
test((t) => {
let e = document.getElementById("target");
t.add_cleanup(() => {
e.removeAttributeNS(null, "data-z");
e.setAttributeNS(null, "data-z", "value8");
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(e).getPropertyValue("--z"), "value8");
}, "Attribute in null-namespace is substituted (JS)");
test((t) => {
let e = document.getElementById("target");
t.add_cleanup(() => {
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(e).getPropertyValue("--w"), "fallback");
}, "Fallback is taken when attribute does not does exist in null-namespace (JS)");