Name Description Size <!-- DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Edit the appearance-* file instead and then run: ./tools/ --> 956 <!-- DO NOT EDIT. This file has been generated. Source: ./tools/ --> <!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>CSS Basic User Interface Test: Compute kind of widget: {prop} disables native appearance for {el_id}</title> <link rel="help" href=""> <meta name="assert" content="appropriate widget is returned when authorProps includes {prop}."> <link rel="match" href="../compute-kind-widget-fallback-{el_id}-ref.html"> <style> #container {{ width: 500px; }} #container > #search-text-input {{ appearance: textfield; }} #container > #select-menulist-button {{ appearance: none; appearance: menulist-button; }} </style> <div id="container"> {el_markup} </div> <script> // Set author-level CSS that matches UA style, but don't use the 'revert' value. const elements = document.querySelectorAll('#container > *'); const prop = "{prop}"; for (const el of elements) {{, getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue(prop)); }} </script> 4461